Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look at that form!

Answer to comment

Yes that picture was taken in Kentucky!


Glad you like the new blog layout! So you really feel like painting something?! Ha
Have lots of rooms at home that need it!


She was sad that day cause she couldn't play with the boys...

Neighbors dogs...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Amazing justjill coincidences!

O.k. I think this is sooooo weird... when I typed in "justjill" on my web search.... I can't believe what came up and how many people have the name "justjill"!!!

One... was a justjill photography

Another was a justjill interiors

another was a justjill Wallwords site

then there was a justjill speciality boutique!

O.k. so I love all of these things! Just thought I would pass that along!



took this from our driveway...

Columbus photos

Went to Columbus and here are a few fun things that I saw...


As most of you know... I LOVE taking pictures and I am obsessed with photography. I really want to learn and improve my pictures. I think I am taking a class in May and I am very excited about it. Here is the thing... when I have my mind set on something... it is not good. I don't want to just improve... I want to be the best and take these amazing photos...like the ones above.


O.k. I am finished changing my blog for awhile at least... do you like it???

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here is another one...

Do you like this?

I am making these now if anyone is interested... So much fun but I am not getting anything else done around the house!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What has ticked me off today....

The grocery store...
Loud kids...
The American Idol singers tonight...
Unfriendly people...
and one more thing....!!!!!!!!!!!
PARENTS who make their kids do every activity or sport that is out there or they think just because THEY did it in high school that their kids should enjoy it also! Stop living through your kids and get a life of your own!
K.. Have a good night! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Haley Westfall

O.k. she is the cutest and the SWEETEST little thing! Love you Haley! If your Mom or Dad ever yell at you...just walk on up and you can stay here! :)

Also ...FYI... Haley is back on her website soo check it out!

same photo...

just wanted to see which one looked better... black n white or color...

Just a picture of the moon

Love this!

This is the greatest! Bought it at Sephora and you can buy a smaller one...kinda like a sample and then if you like it...go get the bigger one!

So...how do you like it????

Well it has come a long way and I am very proud of it...since I had to do it by myself! It's not what I had in mind last year but oh well...it was cheaper!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New blog

still isn't ready!!!!!! Sorry!

Another one..

Think I have shown this one before but couldn't resist...

more lazy rivers at HOMES!

Lazy rivers at HOME!

I mean...come on! How awesome would this be??? This could be Dana floating around! HA

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

White Castle

Has anyone noticed that the White Castle parking lot is horrible??? It's bumpy and not smooth at all! Who did it?

Viking Pools | Featured Pools

Viking Pools Featured Pools

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wish List

New body, new attitude (on certain things), cooking more, trying to relax, new body, new car, did I mention new body?

Nothing on tv tonight

What has ticked me off today!

When Miss America 2009 Katie Stam comes to town and to (what I thought were my friends school!!!) and nobody tells me! A cute little girl in the 'hood is the one that I hear it from! So thank you to her!!!!! Oh well. Have I learned my lesson yet??? Much easier having GUY friends than GIRL friends!


O.k. this whole changing the blog thing takes FOREVER!!!! It is sooo far from being finished but I will get to it slowly but surely! So hang in there with me!

I have only spent $4.00 on it DANA!!! But many many hours working on it. Time that could have been spent on cleaning, cooking, etc. HA

New blog...New day!!!!

Well not really...but it sounded good! HA Anyway...it is not finished but I will work on the rest of it today. Stayed up too late last night but I am soooo proud that I did this all myself! It's harder than it looks! Hope you like it!

Friday, March 5, 2010

What has ticked you off today?

O.k. people are weird. There are nice people...friendly people...stuck up people...shy people...etc. There are a few men in the 'hood that just won't talk to me. I haven't done anything to them and they will stop by and talk to Dana but won't say a word to me! Why??? I don't mean they have to have a long conversation with me...but please SPEAK!


We have a new one! Haven't seen them yet though but they are moving in!

New blog

Well for over a year now I have been talking about changing my blog. What I really want is really expensive (of course) so I have taken it upon myself to change it. Hopefully I can get it finished this weekend. Maybe a new look will make me blog more. We all need a little update every once in awhile...right?


Well it's Friday. .... again. Haven't slept well in forever!!!!!!!!!! Dana has NO trouble going to sleep and can sleep anywhere! Not fair.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Bachelor

I can't believe that Jake picked Vienna!!!

LA or New York?

You have a free ticket and you can go to LA or New York.... what would you pick???