Leelou Blogs

Monday, June 30, 2008


Gotta go check on flights... but remind me to tell you all about Stuart

One more thing...
I love the phone commercial with Brody and LC!!!!!!!!!


Is anyone else's head spinning? Don't read all of those blogs at once cause even I am getting a little dizzy and it is my brain that is coming up with all this s@#!

Don't lie!

You all act like you have no idea what I am talking about and you are laying in bed probably listening to it....

What is her name????

Someone! Please! If you are out there listening....

OMG! That is why I was thinking about it! WOW! As Oprah would say...that was a "wow" moment..


Are you asking yourself, "Why is JJ thinking about late night love songs?"
Well I am! No really... I only thought of it cause when I start my blog out sometimes I never really give it much thought...just whatever is going on inside this head.... scary isn't it?

O.k. that still did not explain the late night love song request...

Crap! What is her name? !!!!!


I used the word "though" too many times in my previous blog. Sorry

Thinkin about...

you know... those late night love songs? The lady who does the requests from the sad sad people? What is her name? I can't think of it!!!!!!! Someone help me!

She has that deep concerning voice...


what is her name???

I think I am going to have go wake up Dana and ask him. He would be really mad though if I did that. It's killing me though!

Made me laugh!

O.k. whoever is out there tonight reading Justjill... you actually made me LAUGH instead of CRY when I read the comment about the nurses outfit! Too funny! How about if I could get Dana and Rufen to model all the different ones that I have??? You know how bad I really want to finish that nursing degree don't ya?

Speaking of trunks...

mine is getting large


Who else out there hides purchases in their trunks and hopes that their significant other does not see?

Number One again...

Why is Dana always telling me that I am NUMBER ONE in all of the photos that I take of him??? HELLO!!!!! I know I am!!!!!!!!
Who else would have their own blog?!!!!

Hello? Are you there?

You know who I am talking too.... We are the only two people that stay up late. (Although you nap during the day and I don't...) Hmmm... who am I talking about???


No I have not been drinking! I meant to say... that the comment about the 25 cent wings will not know what Alice & Olivia is

Alice & Olivia

I will not post my blog until I see who knows what I am talking about!!!??

I am sure that the commenter 25 cent wings will not know!

Who wants the HOT nurse?

Steve? Is that you? Call me. You know my number...

So much to say...so little time

Depression. Not fun. I am SOOOOOO missing Karmen. I have kept it in but I can't anymore! Flight comes in tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. I wanted to be at Indy tonight at 6:00 p.m. just in case it comes in early!

Friday, June 27, 2008


25 cent wings

O.k. first time I have ever been to the Country Inn. Went last night and took my paparazzi camera! HA I bet nobody else has ever taken a camera in there before! HA I was curious to why everyone was staring at me! They must have thought I was a celebrity or something! HA
It was very good and thank you for inviting us!

Get Well Soon Hot Stuff!

O.k. won't mention any names but two of my hottest guys friends were in a bike accident yesterday. Makes me sad. I am soooo glad that they are "o.k.".... a little surgery...a little neosporin...some bandages...and a HOT nurse is all you need to feel better!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mood swings

O.k. I was fine and then today it has been a whole week since I have seen Karmen and now I am very sad. My heart is breaking. Today she gets to spend the night in the beautiful castle that I wanted to see her face when she saw the castle for the first time. :(

My world traveler

My little darling traveled across the English Channel last night and now is in England. Tonight she will spending the night at Warwick Castle. Oh me? You ask what I did last night? Hmm...cleaned some floors, made dinner (kinda), took pictures of my mailbox....pretty much the same thing Karmen has been doing. Tonight I will spending the night here at my castle....

Here are the choices

I must say what a great picture! Maybe I should start shooting catalog items instead of people???

Swimming Pool

Had a couple of "fans" over yesterday to swim and I have a question for you. Sun safety is nothing new. We all know we should stay out of the sun especially from the hours of like 10-2p.m. but sometimes you just have to let your hair down a get out there! One fan brought over her "sunscreen" which was basically nothing. Hawaiian Tropic Oil! Loved it! Smelled so good and went on your skin very silky. Another "fan" brought hers over and you had to like specially order it from a different planet or something. Sign a contract and it took some special tool to get it out of the bottle. It was this thick pasty white sunscreen that will never come off your skin let alone let any sunrays get to you! So my question is...if you have to put this SPF 100 on...should you even waste your time outside? Please write back and let me know! I have pictures to show you too


I can't believe how long it has been since I have been on Justjill! Busy busy busy! When I get ready to sit down to type something....I hear, "MOM!". So then I heard from a few "fans" that they had been sad not to read anything new. So here I am! I hope to blog something daily from now on.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

More pics again...

Justjilljunior blog

I posted some kids pics on justjilljunior too...

More pics...

The Men...

Friends? More than Friends? Hmmm....

Just teasing! Thanks for being such great sports and letting the paparazzi take your photo!

Trash Talk

Hmmm...what are these ladies doing? Trash talking? Do they want to be known as "trashy" ladies? What is Nicole Richie looking for? Why does she need "help" over there? Is it their way of trying to get "away" from the other party guests so they could gossip about someone? Hmmm....what do you Justjill fans think? I will say that they heard the camera go off and they immediately found their way back to the party!

Everyone is busy

I guess since school is out that everyone is just too busy to catch up on Justjill. It's o.k. though. This is my way to "vent" and release my thoughts, etc. Nobody has to read it. It's not a requirement. It's none of my business what everyone is up to. It's o.k. I am not upset. Life will go on.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bank Card

Did you know that you have to be 13 in order to get a debit card?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Speaking of hot guys....

I met one yesterday at Steak N Shake.... no pics though...


Well I tried at lunch time to make Dana jealous but it didn't work! I kept saying how hot Chad looked outside in our pool without a shirt on but nothing worked! I kept saying I wanted to get a picture of him but Dana kept looking at me and said maybe I should put a hat on or something cause i was looking very very bad! I said, "What if I put my bikini on and went outside and asked how the pool was coming along?". Nope nothing worked. Dana then said, "If he gets you...then he gets the boys...and your Visa statement." I said, "Well I bet he always wanted a couple of boys since he has two girls!" Then I said, "Oh! THe boys start with a "C" just like Cooper! It was meant to be!" HA

Hot Concrete Man


sorry I haven't been on Justjill but I have had a horrible headache since Friday! I am getting better but still not 100%. Anyway I looked outside yesterday and there was this HOT shirtless guy in our pool! I will post a picture here in a minute

More pics

Silly muddy girls

Two silly muddy girls! They were a mess!