Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Swimming Pool

Had a couple of "fans" over yesterday to swim and I have a question for you. Sun safety is nothing new. We all know we should stay out of the sun especially from the hours of like 10-2p.m. but sometimes you just have to let your hair down a get out there! One fan brought over her "sunscreen" which was basically nothing. Hawaiian Tropic Oil! Loved it! Smelled so good and went on your skin very silky. Another "fan" brought hers over and you had to like specially order it from a different planet or something. Sign a contract and it took some special tool to get it out of the bottle. It was this thick pasty white sunscreen that will never come off your skin let alone let any sunrays get to you! So my question is...if you have to put this SPF 100 on...should you even waste your time outside? Please write back and let me know! I have pictures to show you too


Anonymous said...

Wow you have a very smart friend that wears the 100 + sunscreen----she will be the hottest 80 year old at the retirement home one day with NO WRINKLES and all the old men will be after her!

Anonymous said...

Your very smart friend needs to take a walk on the wild side and live a little...wrinkles are the proof that you lived a little. When I am 80 I will be long over MEN!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good--I need help on my butt cheeks-I can never reach them