Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't forget...

to go to Times website and vote for Katie Stam as one of the most influential people! I didn't make it on the list this year for some reason....

Katie and some guy she met in Washington!

Miss America in Washington D.C.

Look! It's Katie and Renee!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Picture topic again

o.k. so I said "FORGET IT!" on the pictures....and then they started to swing on this rope that we have and I thought...might as well take a picture of what they like to do....so it may be a little weird but these are the ones I got and I really like them...

My children's pictures

I must fill you in on this topic. I am always trying to take pictures of my kids since I have tons of everyone elses! My boys especially freak out when I want to get a good picture of them! So the deal was.... 10 minutes at the most for a good photo. Well I believe we were in minute ONE and Calvin says, "Are we done yet? This is making me tired"..... So I am going to put a picture of someone elses kids on my walls.

I'm here!!!!!!!!!

I am soooo sorry that I have not been on the computer much! We had a virus (the computer did) and we were all sick too! Actually, I had to go away to celebrity rehab.... I had to get over this whole Miss America thing! HA I am doing much better now and trying not to "stalk" her anymore! Who put that anyway???

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One more thing.... I am starting my "new" life tomorrow. I still have today .

I must go on....

with my life! I have decided that I can no longer assume my days/nights with Miss America. I have to be over it. I can not think or worry about where she is...what she is doing...what she is wearing....who she is talking too. I'm done. I will only post the occasional information. I have to move past this.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Me and Miss America

Look closely and you will see me. We were all yelling and of course the camera got me!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


One more thing... I was dying to ask him "Work out much?" but Karmen was so thankful that I didn't...

Old vs New

O.k. I am not talking fashion here. I am referring to doctors. Now most of you out there know my facination with the medical field....if you don't ...... well now you do. HA

Just have a little story to share with you all...

When I took Karmen to the ER on Sat. we didn't have to wait long to get seen by a nurse. Got checked in and then a nice (but talkative) RN came in to do some paperwork on Karmen. Very nice lady but talked our heads off!!!! Seriously this lady would not be quiet! I believe she told us about everyone that she had seen in her previous 25 yrs of nursing!!!! No joke. She told us that a doctor would be in soon to examine Karmen. Well what seems like a lifetime after that, "Macho Man", came in to see us. We will call him Dr. M for privacy reasons. HA He comes in with his blue scrubs on and let me paint a picture of Dr. M. I believe it looked like he altered them in some fashion...like he woke up on Project Runway or something! The top part fit just a little tighter to show off his muscles. ...kinda in between a short sleeve and a tank top. Let me tell ya...he was wanting everyone to notice his arms. To save on time here....lets just say that Dr. M thought he was hot!
Karmen and I after he leaves both kinda look at each other and she said "I was expecting someone like Dr.Kilpatrick!" It was soooo funny! I am so thankful that she has my same sense of humor and not her dads! LOL

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Must give credit to Karmen

I actually took the picture below because Cole LOVES dogs and I wanted to show him the dog hanging out the window. So I was showing Karmen the pic and she laughed and said it looked like the dog was driving the car! So i had to do a caption on that

Do I need professional help?

O.k. I believe this picture shows how crazy I am! I was picking up Calvin and Cole from school and this car was 2 cars ahead of me. Thankfully the "paparazzi" was there! HA

Wedding dress post

I will be announcing my wedding dress pick this week! I know...I know! Settle down! I'm sure you all are losing sleep over it! HA

Just another day as Miss America!

Hanging out with all the celebrities...I am so jealous! This is Ken
aka Jessica Simpsons BFF
Katie is beautiful but can you believe that they didn't fix her red eye?!!!!!

IHOP pancake