Leelou Blogs

Friday, July 31, 2009

no housework

Tired of cleaning house everyday so today....I am headed out by the pool!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Talked to my sister yesterday and she said that school starts on Tuesday for her girls! OMG! Are you kidding???? That is nuts! I hate the start of school and especially this early. They just got out it seems like. So unfair. They spend soooo much time at school and then come home and have to do all of this homework. Give them a break!!!!!!!!

Which reminds me of something! That kinda sounded like the guy on Dateline when he says "Give us a break".... anyone know what I am talking about??? ha

Calvin and Cole

Cole turns 7!!!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pool Party

This is part of Karmen's volleyball team... They came over to swim, eat pizza and sleep over. Well...they didn't really sleep...

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Dana... Happy Birthday to you!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4th of July

It was a rainy 4th of July and I took this picture while it was raining and inside my house! Paparazzi is everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out!

Justin is the new spokesMAN for this cologne! Slow down all you justjill manfans! Won't be availiable until August 1st!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Cole!

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Dear Cole... Happy Birthday to you!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

LA Candy

Don't know if many of you know (or care) but Lauren Conrad is finished with The Hills. I know...I know....very sad.....BUT she is out and about promoting her first book....LA CANDY! Now come on.... when did she have time to actually sit down and write a book? And she said that she is almost finished with her second one. That is a bunch of bull! She just sat down with someone and gave them the idea and they wrote the book! Things are way too easy now-a-days. Don't ya think? I saw her on a late night talk show and she said she made up all the characters and gave them the idea behind the book. Crazy

Just be nice

I wish that I had a magic wand and everytime I saw someone being mean I could turn them into a frog or at least a nicer person. Why can't everyone just be nice and be nice to each other. Especially girls!!!!!!!!!! Girls can be sooo very wicked and they definitely have two sides/personalities.... Nice to your face but watch out when nobody is looking...


My boys drove me crazy yesterday! I wanted to ship them off somewhere for the afternoon but decided not too.

John Mayer

This was awesome! I loved the whole performance


Poor Brooke. She was a nervous wreck. I kept saying "Hold it together Brooke. You can do it." I don't think she heard me through the tv but I tried. I was really thinking..."Hold it together Jill. Hold it together!" :)


What a mighty fine looking family..... I loved the fact that the brothers wore a white glove

kinda a crazy one

The 5th of July

The 5th of July!

Watched from our side yard....got some really good shots

Friday, July 10, 2009

Boys boys boys

Calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hawaii Island Blog Photography

I have this one blog that I really like and it is a photography website from Hawaii... thought this was interesting and so different from my everyday life! :)

I am such a summer girl and luckily so is Jordyn. I love being warm all the time and being able to go get in the warm water everyday. I especially love the North Shore in summer... sure the weekends are crazy crowded, but the weekdays are great. The beaches are beautiful, the water so blue, I should be working but my daughter and I always seem to find a reason at least once a day to go for a swim or a paddle or just go exploring the beach.Look who we made friends with today... Over the last few days we have been lucky enough to go swimming with lots of turtles, dolphins and fish galore! Oh and we even saw a monk seal swimming around the other day! This place is so magical, so wonderful.... everyday I am reminded how lucky I am to live in Hawaii.... and I am so grateful to be here! Anyone want to join me for a swim?

just fyi

Spike Lee, who attended Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday, says watching the late pop star's 11-year-old daughter Paris take to the stage and talk about her father was brutal. "How can you even comprehend a young daughter bemoaning the loss of their dear father, their daddy," says the celebrated film director, 52, who knew Jackson for more than a decade. "We know Michael the entertainer, but to her, that's just Daddy." In 1996, Lee traveled to Brazil to direct Jackson in his music video, "They Don't Care About Us." Lee says he has never known another entertainer with Jackson's global appeal. "I'm not trying to disrespect anybody, Elvis or Frank Sinatra, but what Michael did globally – there wasn't anybody in the world who did not love Michael Jackson," says Lee. At the tribute, Jennifer Hudson might have sung and Smokey Robinson might have praised Jackson's talents, but it was Paris's tearful moment that held everyone riveted. "That was raw. Raw emotion," lauds Lee. "Nobody had a dry eye. That was a killer."


I do think that Blanket need a hair cut


I love this picture. Could Paris be any more beautiful??? Those blue eyes are something. If any of you watched the memorial...then you know there were no dry eyes when Paris spoke at the end. How sad.

Michael Jackson

Wow. what do I say? I wanted to blog the day of his memorial but I had soooo much to say and soooo little time. I will blog a little bit at a time though so I can really express my feelings on that day. So you may be bored and tired of hearing about it.... sorry!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy 4th! Nice rainy day! I have been cleaning and running errands. Anyone do something really exciting????

What did you do on the 4th of July??? This is what Katie did!

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam will be participating in spectacular parades and festivities in Southern California to mark our nation's 233rd birthday!

Katie will first serve as Grand Marshall of the Huntington Beach Centennial Parade and Celebration, where she will ride on a float through the 2.1. mile parade route. She will then be whisked off to Pacific Palisades where she will be a special guest in their annual Fourth of July parade.

On behalf of Katie and The Miss America Organization, we would like to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Fourth of July weekend!

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to our armed forces who continue to stand by America's side and for all those abroad who continue to fight for our freedom – we salute you!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry again...

that I haven't been blogging.... I have been mourning M.J. death too...


I havent' been blogging.... I have been working on that darn deck all week!

That is me

That is me with my size 0 jeans on building the deck though... lol

Not me

That is not me sitting at the Indy 500 with my flag and crown on. I know it looks like me but it's not.

The View

Does anyone watch The View? I like this show sometimes. But then I get really mad too. It's 4 b!#@&y women sitting at the table and not letting anyone get a word in. They just talk over each other and it makes me mad.

3rd time

Sorry if this is a repeat story for some of you...but it is something to blog about.
Recently I was up at Edinburgh and ran into the bathroom and there it is...... THE SCALES! I have a love/hate relationship anyway with these things...but what really bothers me is that they put them in the restrooms. I have also spotted them in the middle of the malls too! WHY? Then you have to pay to get on them! CRAZY!!! I will not get on them for free at home! So you are depressed cause you are at the mall and nothing fits....so then you go eat a greasy cheeseburger to make yourself feel better ...then go to the bathroom and see the scales! makes me want to throw up my cheeseburger.

Just another day in the life of Miss America

Internet working!

Finally I am back online!