Leelou Blogs

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jump Rope for Heart

I helped out at school yesterday for Jump Rope for Heart.... took a few pictures of the kids but look what else I spotted....
Another paparazzi!!!! Ha She was from the Tribune

Gap Cheer commercials

O.k. I am sure you have all seen the new Gap commercial when they are doing a cheer... check this out below.....


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dana left me

O.k. not like Left me left me... He went to Atlanta this week for a couple of days and why didn't I use that time to do some redecorating??? His mom even said that I should have done something while he was gone...cause what is he going to do from Atlanta? HA

Reality shows

As most of you know... I love reality shows. Why? I don't know. I secretly wish I could do one of my own.... it would be sooo boring I'm sure. Oh well.
Anyway... I love the Kardashians! I watched the 2 hrs special of Khloe getting married last night. I loved it. She had a Vera Wang dress and everyone looked gorgeous! I loved it when Khloe and her mom went to register and her mom was picking out everything. Khloe was like...don't I get to say what I like or pick something out?! Too funny! I know that is how I will be when Karmen gets married! Just a little background FYI about The Kardashians....their dad died in 2003 I think and Bruce Jenner said he has raised Khloe since she was 5. He had a very emotional speech at the rehearsal dinner about Khloe and also spoke of her dad. It was so sweet and very touching. Anyway.... good show. I'm sure it will be replayed several times for those of you who missed it.