Leelou Blogs

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What has ticked you off today?

O.k. justjill is back with all the crazy, silly, stupid, amazing, awesome, etc.. topics that run around in my head. So I will write about "what has ticked me off " each day and feel free to tell me what has ticked you off that day too! Sound like fun?! Well...even if it doesn't...I am still doing it. HA

So here is mine for the day. Well actually this makes me mad every time I am in the grocery store! I take my grocery items and place them up by the register in cattegories... all the deli items together, fruit, can items, frozen foods, etc. ... so all the bagger has to do is put them in the sacks that they belong in. I never just throw the stuff up there...mixing things! Why can't they just put them in the sack that way... cold stuff with cold stuff, etc!


Anonymous said...

i know

Anonymous said...

That majorly ticks me off too - - or when they bag 25 cans in a bag and make it entirely too heavy or the complete opposite, give you a new bag for every two items. I think if I ever lose my job I would be a great grocery bagger.