This is ALWAYS the first guest appearance that Miss America makes on Monday (after winning the crown!). I have seen this for soooo many years that I know exactly what will happen tomorrow on the show. Seriously! Kelly, is alot like me, (just personality wise!) HA She is short, fit, tan, blonde, rich, etc. Total opposite of myself... but what I am talking about is....this is what will be "going down" tomorrow. They will show the winning moment and then they, Regis and Kelly, will stand up and announce the new Miss America Katie Stam. Kelly just eats this up! She will lean over Regis a little bit and say, "So Katie, what went through your head when they announced your name?" She will then talk abit about that and then she will take the crown off of Katie's head and put it on her own. She will then stand up and do some model catwalk and wave to the audience! Can't wait to see it!