Leelou Blogs

Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is Pamela..who was married to Tommy Lee
Dana! This is Pamela Anderson... She was married to Tommy Lee

So jealous...

Can you even imagine what Katie's life is like now???? Instantly her life changed overnight! Unreal... How exciting!
Don't they have some kind of MRS. AMERICA that we can try out for? ha

Thursday, January 29, 2009


O.k. if you have been watching the news in the last two days...you will have seen that there is alot of talk about Jessica and her weight. I think she looks great and that is not the reason for this picture! I just wanted to point out her MOM jeans!

Real estate Home books

Yes, every once in awhile I like to look through the homes book to see what houses are for sale. I don't want a new house and don't want to sell mine...just like to look. So Monday, after I dropped Karmen off at school...I had it in the front seat and was at the stop sign...so I grabbed it and started looking through it. Don't worry Dana...I was not driving and reading it! Cole reaches up and takes it out of hands. He says, "Let me see that." So he starts flipping through it and says "Where are the mansions? I want the page with the mansions on it" So then Calvin of course has to put his 2cents worth in and that always starts a big argument. (what's new though!) So then Cole says, "Stop it Calvin! I am looking for Barack Obama's house!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

What's up with you today?

Oh nothing. Just flew to New York and getting ready to hang out with Regis and Kelly! Same old stuff.... What are you doing? Oh...laundry, picking up the house, balancing checkbook, ...you know....same old stuff.
Fringe star Joshua Jackson drops by to talk about the show. The newly crowned Miss America, Katie Stam visits LIVE! Regis and Kelly begin the countdown to the Super Bowl with Aaron McCargo Jr. for Ultimate Game Day Grub Week. Add a recap »


This is what I feel like....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dana told me that he could make me famous in one night if I wanted to be....ha

All he needs is a videocamera

Oh I forgot to mention...

Did anyone notice that the music playing for Miss America was JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOT HOT Hot...tick tock tick tock tick tock
Going save the world!

Instant celebrity!

This is what just amazes me. I'm sure you all remember me saying that I would love to have a reality show of my own. Like The Hills! But of course, I am a dumpy overweight mom of three who loves to read US Weekly and People and I don't have any fun clubs to go to during the week to meet up with my friends and Brody Jenner. O.k. so we get the picture. It would be nothing like The Hills or The City. What would we call it....Hmmmm...... THE TOWN??? Justjill fans come up with some clever names!
Anyway.... Like overnight you become a celebrity! Doing all these fun talk shows, radio shows, appearances everywhere, riding in a limo, etc. etc. This is what kills me.... Are you ready for this one? The celebrities that we all know and love...will know who Katie Stam is!!!!!!!! People magazine has already done a piece on her and I will keep you all filled in. Just think...maybe one day, she might be with some hunk movie star!

Monday on Regis and Kelly....

This is ALWAYS the first guest appearance that Miss America makes on Monday (after winning the crown!). I have seen this for soooo many years that I know exactly what will happen tomorrow on the show. Seriously! Kelly, is alot like me, (just personality wise!) HA She is short, fit, tan, blonde, rich, etc. Total opposite of myself... but what I am talking about is....this is what will be "going down" tomorrow. They will show the winning moment and then they, Regis and Kelly, will stand up and announce the new Miss America Katie Stam. Kelly just eats this up! She will lean over Regis a little bit and say, "So Katie, what went through your head when they announced your name?" She will then talk abit about that and then she will take the crown off of Katie's head and put it on her own. She will then stand up and do some model catwalk and wave to the audience! Can't wait to see it!

So much to say....

I have lots of things going on in my head right now. Just don't know what to start off with.

I think she needs a manager or something...

What do you think?

Question Five...

How many of you thought about justjill when they announced her name? Be honest!

I did! ha

Question Four...

How many of you thought "Wow! Keith Stam looks hot in his tux!"

I didn't...

Question Three...

how many of you will watch her on Regis and Kelly Monday morning?

I will...

Question two...

How many of you thought about her "instant" celebrity status last night?

i did..

Question One...

How many of you screamed when they said Miss Indiana last night?

You know I did.


To be 22, young, not fat, no wrinkles and to have just won the Miss America title! OMG! I am so excited for her! You know...actually...I was more excited because I knew it! Psychic

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Was I right?!!! or was I right???? I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!!!!!!! Miss America Katie Stam!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dillon Rogers bracelets and accessories

Please understand. It is difficult sometimes being a celebrity stylist. It seems like I got alot of them to buy these cool bracelets! As you read on, you will see just a few of the people that have them. This is my hand here with my Dillon Roger bracelet. I have two. I will post the other one later.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hottest Bracelets with celebrities

Audrina wearing her bracelet...

Ashley Tisdale wears her bracelet everyday...

OMG! Brad Pitt even wears his Dillon Rogers bracelet!

Carmen and Dave...

More celebrities wearing the cool Dillon Rogers bracelets!


Jen has one on... Jessica Alba...shopping for hers...

Kelly Clarkson... (Dana! This is Kelly Clarkson!)

Kim Kardashian...

More bracelet pictures

Lindsey Lohan


Paris again

More bracelets

Here is Paul Mitchell and wife...

Two of the angels!


Karmen and all her friends are little angels. They sat around and played Scrabble and had a little tea party. They were all safe and sound in their beds (sleeping bags) at 9:00 p.m. sharp.


I have no idea what my justjill commenters are talking about?!!!! What does TP mean?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where is everyone?

Why isn't anyone commenting??? That makes justjill sad.

Misunderstood comment

Yes I believe Kelly Clarkson sings a song called that!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Just wanted all of you to know that I was not "aiming" at anyone regarding the friend blog. I just think sometimes we take advantage of our friends and wanted to give you all something to think about. I want to try to be a better friend to everyone and I hope people will do the same.

Two pics from Columbus

This is the dangerous spot in Columbus! I guess I shouldn't be driving and taking pictures but I do it all for you!...my justjill fans!

Who are your true friends?

Hot topic of the day! Have you ever thought....Who are my true friends? There are all kinds of different friends. Parents of your kids friends...neighbor friends...people you work with friends...friends that you see in the grocery store....friends that you only receive Christmas cards from...old college friends....high school friends....but who are your TRUE friends? Someone that doesn't take advantage of you....you know the ones....that just call when they need something.... or the ones that just text you...or there are the friends that just forward emails to you.... what about the ones that you would bend over backwards for but they almost "expect" it and take advantage of you? I believe in life, if you have a handful of true good friends then you are a lucky person.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love these

I love these two pictures of karmen playing volleyball. I have NO idea how I only got her in focus but I am happy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How does she do that?!

O.k. The only thing "real" on these Miss America pictures are the face...just eyes and mouth and nose basically. HAd to clear this up.... the hair, body and EARS are not real!

Another Miss America

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jill...a coach???

I guess I would not be the best coach in some peoples eyes..... I want my kids to have fun, do their very best and also learn from mistakes. I think they need to hear about the things that they did right just as much as the things that maybe they need to work on.

girls, Inc.

Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold...

Miss America?

Not quite.... I love the way they matched my skin color of my face to my fake body! So classy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh my goodness...

I have been HOME for 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about that. Been home...for twelve years....
I need a vacation!

It's my birthday!

Got your attention! No, it isn't my birthday but it is Karmen's! My baby is 12!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Someone is watching me!

No, not a peeping Tom! but I believe I am being followed and spied on by ..... The Tribune! O.k. so I made that a little dramatic...

Listen to this. Dana also pointed this out to me last night. After justjill reports something...the tribune does a story on it like two days later!
Just remember...you heard it here first! HA

Katie Stam!

Watched the reality show "countdown to the crown" last night and Miss Indiana won the first gold sash!!!!!!!! How cool!!!

Jett Travolta

Just read this morning that John Travolta's 16 year old son, Jett, died yesterday! How sad! In the Bahamas...and had a seizure.

Friday, January 2, 2009

tickets to Miss America are still available

Of course I checked! They run about $150.00 for soso seats. You all know me...if I go I only want the best seats in the house! I want to sit with the judges of course! HA I think they need a "special" non-celebrity judge. Just a good girl from a small town that knows her stuff! (That would be me..if you are thinking who is she talking about!)...
OH!!!! wait a minute! Actually I would want to be back stage interviewing the girls as they came off stage! You know I have lots of good questions to ask!
How nice of the Sunbury's to have a miss america party in their sunroom! I heard that they got cable hooked up in there over the past weekend just so they can have this special party! Sunbury's are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Steve said to make sure everyone took their shoes off at the front door and you have to have your special invite code word to get in. He will text everyone their code word the night before. Also, you must wear a pageant gown to get in. This means guys and girls! Leisa said if you can't find one...go to your local goodwill store and they have lots. That is where she buys hers at. Practice your communication skills also. The top 5 that they choose will be give 15 sec. and only one try to answer a very special question. Yes! Of course there are games! We won't just be sitting there looking pretty! No swimsuit competition though. You do have to do talent. So be prepared for that. If playing piano...don't bring your own. They have one in the basement. If you are singing...please bring your own music and microphone. Also they said they were not feeding us. We must bring our own food and snacks. More info will follow soon...

Miss America news!

You think I am weird?

You know alot of people after reading justjill for the first time...they say "Jill! You are nuts!" ...but really I am just a brave girl. I say what all of you are out there thinking.... just too chicken to put it down for all to see!
Am I right?