Leelou Blogs

Friday, February 27, 2009

hawaii vs. The Country Inn

i always knew opposites attract .... (I learned that I think in middle school when Paula Abdul sang about it!) but dana and I definitely have different tastes. He is a little more "country" and I am a little more "city"...
BUT...I am not a true "city" girl either. I think I am in-between the two. I guess maybe you would call me "subdivison"??? Does that make sense?
Anyway...I pick Hawaii for the dress and party and Dana picks the Country Inn. I will have to find another outfit to wear for that one! Will post pic later

Pray with me

OMG! It's like I have 3 girls in the house when it comes to clothes!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand it! I will write more later unless i run away

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Karmen's pick

Dress #16 is Karmen's pick

A little overboard?

Yes I tend to do that sometimes when I am working on a project! As many of you know! HA
Karmen said that Dress #3 was an old woman wearing it! HA She is probably my age! HA


Dress #14 Dress #15

Dress #16

More dresses!

Dress #10 Dress #11
Dress #12

Dress #13

dress #14

Sorry! I was showing Karmen this morning my wedding dress pics and forgot to add some!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dresses are posted!

Have fun! Pick my top 3!!! There will be a surprise for the winner that picks my number one dress!

Dresses 6-9

Dress #6
dress #7 Dress #8

Dress #9

Here are a few...

Dress #1 Dress #2

Dress #3

Dress #4

Dress #5

More than 5

O.k. so I went a little overboard with the wedding dresses! I couldn't just post 5! So here they are....

Who cares about dresses???

Dana! That is why I dedicate my time to justjill! It is my weird/unique personality that makes this blog so interesting! HA I have the freedom to post whatever I want...no matter how strange!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Post my wedding dress photo???

O.k. I am going to do some research and post 5 wedding dresses. Justjill fans will have the opportunity to guess which one is my favorite!
I know! How exciting!

You know how much I love quizzes and surveys!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Party anyone?

OMG! Look at this! It even looks like a pool liner! LOVE IT!
I want this dress from BCBG!!!!!! Don't worry Dana I am NOT buying it! But it would be great walking in around the pool

Perfect dress

Yes I am a freak! As i was waiting for my pictures at Walgreens to be developed, I flipped through the magazines by the counter. I picked up the latest bridal magazine and flipped through there. Why? Not because I am getting married but because I love looking at the latest wedding dresses, invites, cakes, flowers, etc. And guess what? I found it! It is the perfect wedding dress for me! HA But I am not getting married! Maybe Dana wants to renew our vows???? HA

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Did I mention PR stuff for Miss America??? HA

Who says you can't do it all?

Has anyone missed me???? Haven't been on justjill in forever! I am sitting here at the computer eating my Lean Cuisine and drinking a Coke! Have like 10 min. to post something! Will write more later.

Multi-tasker. This is what I have done this morning. Got up...fixed breakfast...Cereal for Karmen and cinn.rolls for the boys. Got all three kids ready for school, had time to sing a Justin Timberlake song...f inished up 52 treat bags (yes I let Dana help last night by putting the candy in them) but then I had to twist tie all of them. Made brownies for 52 kids.... and of course these aren't your average brownies....made them heart shaped. Sewing 3 shirts for a teacher at school...which she needs today.... etc etc etc.

What have you been up today?

Miss America pics

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Should stay home

O.k. maybe I shouldn't be let out of the house at night. Went to Tri Kappa last night and we had to "vote" on our new pledges. Well our VP reads all of them and gives us all the info on them. Example...Name, husbands name, address, school education, interests, personality stuff, children, hobbies, etc.

Well this whole process cracks me up. I could care less who they are married too, or where they live, whether or not they have any college education or degree, whether or not they have kids (well maybe I am interested in that one).
So last night that was our main focus was voting on these girls/women. Well as many of you know...sometimes it is hard for me to keep my comments to myself.
This is kinda TOP Secret information here! HA Should I continue on with my story????
Yes. Yes I should cause it is a good story. I just won't mention any names of the pledges!.

O.k. let me give you and example of one of the new pledges information.

I will call her Sally Stam for security privacy reasons.
Sally Stam is 28 years old and lives in Seymour on "so and so" street. She is married to "Mr. Stam" and they have two children.... Carl who is 4 and Chloe who is 2. They attend "so and so" church. Sally graduated from IU with a teaching degree....she is currently working on her masters. She teaches at "so and so" school. Her husband, graduated from "so and so" school and is the owner of "so and so" business. Sally is a fun-loving gal, who enjoys reading, walking, shopping, painting, photography, decorating, exercising, spending time with her family and friends, baking, community service, PTO president, traveling, adding stamps to her passport, etc.... O.k. so you get the picture....

So everytime they read off all of this , I said to M.Krumme, ..."yeah right" or "who doesn't!"
Poor Mae. She couldnt even concentrate (not that she was trying too!) on all of this. So as this was going on I made up my own person... wanna hear? Of course you do...

I will use my name as the pledge...

This is Jill Johnson and she is 35 years old. She is married to Mr. Johnson. Jill doesn't work and doesn't want to. She has no college education and she only really completed 8th grade. She has four children and they are all by different dads. She hates to exercise and read. She doesn't have any hobbies but she does like to go to Hobby Lobby. She really has no interests and no motivation. She is really not a people person so please don't ask her to do much in TriKappa. etc..etc...

The City

Have any of you justjill fans been watching The City lately? Miss Olivia is soooo sassy and mean! Poor Whitney! Whitney just wants to chat about her feelings and Olivia doesn't want to hear it! LC would always listen to her. She needs to move back to LA.

No school again

O.k. I have had my limit on NO SCHOOL Days! First we were all home with our children for Christmas break and then we had all of last week off for snow days and then Monday comes around and Cole doesn't have to go to school on this day either! When they have a 2hr delay they alternate morning and afternoon K classes. Well of course it was am's turn to go! So now they are all home for parent conferences today! Why doesn't the school just call us WHEN school is open instead of when it is Closed!
Had to get that off my chest.


Well it looks like that Jessica threw a surprise bday bash for Justin Timberlake and I was not invited. Bummer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Christmas card?

Will I ever get a picture of my three kids together?!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it will just in time for Christmas this year!


Boys are fighting. It is way past time to go to school!

Calvin heading for the tree


Where's Starbucks when you really need it?!!!!!!!!!!!!