Leelou Blogs

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Congratulations girls!

New blog

New blog is still going to be a couple of weeks. I am 4th now on the waiting list. ....if anyone cares....

The Hills

Why do I love this show so much? It is about nothing. BUT...it is so entertaining to me! I am not alone cause there are millions of other people that love it also. Spencer is such a jerk but makes me laugh with his sarcastic remarks. For instance....his sister, Stephanie, comes in to his apartment and has this cute hat on and the first thing that he says is "Did you park your train outside that goes with that hat?".... I loved it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"I feel fat today. Do I look it?"

O.k. I say this ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe even once or twice a day to be honest. Anyway, most women in their lifetime has said this or something similiar to this. I don't think I can ever remember saying "I feel so skinny today!" HA
So what I want to say is... why is it always women who talk about this issue. You never hear a man say, "Honey, I feel so fat and bloated today. Do I look fat in these jeans?" "should I change?" HA Why is this?

Miss America

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam
Keeps America Beautiful and Celebrates
Earth Day with Green Starts Here!

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam joined Keep America Beautiful yesterday at the NYC kickoff of the Great American Cleanup.

The kickoff was an Earth Day rally to celebrate the second anniversary of the “Keep New York City Beautiful Coalition,” an affiliate of the national organization. City residents came out to support the “Green Starts Here” platform, as part of the national Great American Cleanup campaign. Katie spoke a few words encouraging everyone to "think green" and sang "America the Beautiful."

While in NYC, Katie stopped by Fox & Friends to promote the Keep America Beautiful event and and to announce that Puerto Rico has joined the Miss America Organization! She also had the fantastic opportunity to ring the closing bell of NASDAQ!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The phone

Anyone watch the new game show...The phone.....on Mtv last night? Justin is the executive producer!!!!!!!!!! Everything he touches turns to gold...

Stalking Kirby Adama anyone?

to my commenter regarding stalking Kirby... answer is NO! I am sure that Kirby Adams has not had any stalkers in her tv career! HA You just know how I love celebrities though! It was a REAL paparazzi moment for me!
Plus...I am sure it made her feel special and noticed.... and by the shorts that she was wearing...she wanted to be noticed! LOL

News Alert!

Katie Stam aka/Miss America was on Fox News this morning to announce some "big news". Well, I don't know what I expected but the "big news" was that Puerto Rico will be in the 2010 Miss America pageant.
Below is some info regarding this hot topic
How do my justjill fans feel about this?

The Miss America Organization
Is Proud to Announce
for the First Time in Almost 50 Years,
Puerto Rico Will Be Represented at the
2010 Miss America Pageant

Live From Planet Hollywood on TLC

Linwood, N.J. – April 22, 2009 – For the first time since 1961, Miss Puerto Rico will be competing in the Miss America Pageant in January! The 2010 Miss America Pageant will now showcase 53 incredibly talented, intelligent and beautiful young women live on TLC from Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. (The pageant date will be announced soon.)

“We are truly excited to welcome Puerto Rico back to the Miss America Organization and are thrilled to have Miss Puerto Rico competing this year,” said Art McMaster, President and CEO of the Miss America Organization. “The Miss Puerto Rico Organization has a tremendous amount of pageant expertise and business savvy, and will surely thrive as part of the Miss America program.”

The Miss Puerto Rico Scholarship Program will be headed by Executive Director, Joselo Sostre. Sostre is a logistics officer by trade and has extensive business experience in the areas of strategy, creative development, design, production and staging of event programs. Joselo is joined by Vice President, Arlette Velez; Secretary, Darwin Cabrera; Fashion Designer, Steven Rosengard, and veteran Choreographer, Brett DeBeaulieu.

Similar to the states, District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Miss Puerto Rico Scholarship Program will provide scholarship awards to program participants and will hold an annual competition, the winner of which will proceed to the national competition as Miss Puerto Rico. The Miss Puerto Rico Competition will be held in Caguas, Puerto Rico with the winner being crowned on Saturday night, July 18 by Miss America 2009 Katie Stam.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Puerto Rico back into the Miss America Pageant after almost 50 years of absence, said Joselo Sostre. “ With our current economic crisis, this is a great scholarship opportunity that will provide hope and empowerment to young women who are pursuing their dreams.”

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Katching up the Kardashians

Have not felt well at all this weekend so have spent most of my weekend in bed and trying to keep up with all the news. News.... not the same news that Dana and the rest of the world watch/read/whatever. This is Mtv/VH1/E news!!!!! I am talking about justjill news! So much more fun and exciting than the rest of the world news.

This is what you all need to look forward to this week:'

Kim has lasik eye surgery
Justin vs. Ryan!!!!!!
Sibling fights
Skateboarding vs. clothing designer/singer/producer

First swimmers

Nuts! Three crazy kids were "hot" enough to jump in our freezing swimming pool this weekend!

Miss Cheeks

Miss Cheeks I love you! You are truly my biggest fan and you deserve something special for that! Look for something "Special" at your door this week!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Here we go again...
Telling things that I shouldn't...

Sitting next to my friends at the vball game this weekend ( I can't mention any names ...except one is known as TCO and the other one is a Dr.) .... I look over at this crazy coach and think..."Wonder what her name is?" Don't ask me why I think this stuff!!!! Just thought it would be fun. So I leaned over and asked TCO and Dr. what they thought.... TCO thought she looked like a Barb. I had to agree. Dr. just smiled. He was coming up with some good ones in his head but wouldn't say them out loud. I think he thought that if he said it that he would be right! So...you know me....I had to get to the bottom of this and so I pulled out my "PI" card....and began my detective work. (Actually I leaned over to the guy next to me and asked him) but found out that her name was Mitsy.

O.k. so now that I have told this story... when you were little...did you ever wish your name was something different? I always liked the name Jennifer. Just because when you wrote it in cursive...I loved the two "n's" together. For some reason it was better than my two "l's"...hmmm....

So please tell me what you would want your name to be....

DS card vs. Photo card

Honestly, I have NO idea why I tell the things that I tell....but we all do stupid things every once in awhile. I do...you do....your neighbors do....etc. I just may be one of the few that actually admit it!
Anyway... haven't developed any pictures in awhile so as I was walking out the door yesterday afternoon to take Cole to school, I grabbed my compact flash photo card and stuck it in my pocket to go to Walgreens afterwards. When I get there and pull out my card...I realize that I picked up a DS Animal Crossing card. Well, it will not let you develop pictures from it! That is the story of my life

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Blog

I am soooo ready for my new blog! It is going to be exciting! Lots of pizazz!!! I have totally designed it myself and now waiting on the "blog lady" to get it ready!

Should we have a party for it?

Miss America

Please do not forget to vote for Katie on Time's website! She is losing her 49th position!

Also...do you really think those jeans are a size 2? I used to be able to wear a size 2. :( Those were the days....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Miss America

Look how darn cute she is in those size 1 jeans and crown! Makes me mad and I think I will eat another PEEP! HA!

Don't forget to vote

for Katie stam on Time's most influential! She is slowly losing her 49th place to Zac Efron!

Coach Mitzy

She was alot of fun to watch! TCO said the perfect thing here: LIMBO!!!!!!

Makeup anyone?

Amazing what a little makeup will do for someone

Here is Kirby's professional shot

Celebrity spotting!

Karmen had a vball tournament in Louisville on Sat. and guess who was there flirting with Dr. Steven Sunbury???? KIRBY ADAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She was not looking too hot that day but she thought she was.... here is her paparazzi photo.

Friday, April 10, 2009

New blog

I am very excited to have my new and improved blog up and running....still going to be a week or two...

Like anyone cares! ha

Picture hanger?

Hobby Lobby has some really cute things.... here is one of my favorites....going to hang it up in the kitchen....(well Dana is)

By the way Dana...I have lots of things for you to hang before Sunday

Nice day

such a nice bright sunny day.... the kids are home and getting along....my house is spotless....laundry done.....dinner in the crockpot....
OH WAIT! I typed in the wrong message!!!

such a cloudy, rainy day....the kids are home and fighting....my house is a mess.....laundry piled up....and nothing in the crockpot. Do I even have a crockpot?

Andrew Waskom???

Busy night

Seymour was rockin last night with celebrities! Karmen had a band concert at the high school and afterwards I made dinner.... (Sonic and McDonald's!)...
Everyone was out!

Will post who I saw

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Who in the world...

keeps getting up on the wrong side of the bed?

Calvin's pillow

The London Eye

I love this picture that Karmen took while she was in London. She is taking after her mother! HA

Monday, April 6, 2009

Karmen's pillow


I SOOOOO love those shirts with the plastic glitter designs on them! So awesome!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I got all three of my kids an airbrushed pillow case for Christmas this year. They turned out sooo cute and the kids loved them! I was afraid that they wouldn't wear tshirts if i got them....didn't know if that was "cool" or not???? I LOVE airbrushed things. Well except I don't like the airbrush license plates that people put on front of their cars. I think that is tacky. Sorry LL.... I know you have one on your fancy vehicle! HA Just teasing!
For the record I must state that "LL" does NOT own any sort of airbrushing things. This is a public announcement and apology. Just a joke. LOL
Anyway.... I personally like the airbrush look. Especially airbrushing makeup and magazine covers....totally different topic though. I have a tshirt that I had airbrushed with Karmen's volleyball name on it... I will take a pic and post it later. Then I thought I should get a tshirt that says "I'm bringing airbrushing back!"...get it? Like Justin Timberlake I'm bringing sexyback? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Oh one more thing...Karmen had taken her pillowcase to one of the games and she had lots of compliments on it! So come on! Together we can all bring airbrushing back!

Grandma's and grandpa's

Do any of you call another driver by different names? let me explain.... For instance, I don't cuss so to get my frustrations out when someone pulls out in front of me or whatever.... I say "Move it grandpa!" I only use this term when it is an older man or older woman. I mean I wouldn't call a teenager a grandpa or grandma.... so what do you justjill fans do or say when someone makes you mad on the road? This should be good!!!!!! Dana be nice! HA

Miss America tshirt

I bet all of seymour will want one when they see it

Stalking Katie?

I'm not! I am just one of her biggest fans! I designed the most AWESOME tshirt about us and Miss America! If we buy 5 of them we will get it cheaper! Anyone interested? Otherwise they are 20.00 Plus it is a justjill original! I can't post it cause someone might steal my design. You just have to trust me on this one

Bathing suit ready?

How many of you are bathing suit ready? I know most of you went somewhere on Spring break and have already gotten your suit out but for those of you who haven't.... are you ready? I am NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's lose 20lbs together! We will support each other through Justjill!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tune in alert


Miss America 2009 Katie Stam
Celebrates Baseball's Opening Day
with the World Series Champions

Sunday, April 5 on ESPN at 8 p.m. EST*

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam will be singing the National Anthem at Citizens Bank Park this Sunday, April 5. She will be performing before the World Series Champions, the Philadelphia Phillies at their home opener, which is also the opening day of the 2009 Major League Baseball season!
The game will be broadcast live nationally on ESPN at 8 p.m. EST.
Be sure to tune in and watch and she dazzles the packed house with her amazing voice!
*Please check your local listings
# # #

This whole PR for Miss America doesn't pay much

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Exciting news

I am working day and night on my new and improved blog! Same blog but am making it more pretty! Can't wait till it's finished!

Who said ...

"Get a life?"!!!!!!!!!!! Were you speaking of me or Katie????

Katie as you have never seen her before...

This is what I had in mind