Leelou Blogs

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grandpa and McDonald's

Well I have been wanting to tell my justjill fans this story since last week but haven't had a chance. One evening I went through McDonald's for one of our homecooked meals and there was this grandpa in front of me with his grandkids in the back. Well it must have been his first trip out with them cause I felt like he was a little on the nervous side. Don't ask me how I know this....I just do. Well it was dark, I'm sure the kids were yelling in the backseat, and he had to get all of their food ready too. This is just an average day in my life. Ha So he puts his car in park when he gets to window 1. ...takes him a bit to get his money ready... Then he slowly moves up to Window 2 for his food. OMG! He puts his car in park again and as he is getting his food...I guess he just decides that he will get it all ready while he is still at Window 2! Seriously...I thought I was going to die! He didn't realize that he had a big line behind him and I don't think he even cared! So my point is...leave grandpa at home with the kids and let grandma go to McDonald's!

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