Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Hills are alive..

with the sound of music...

Hi! That song always plays in my head when I think of the Hills! yes! I am weird! that is why you all love me!

THE HILLS was great last night!!!!! BIG NEWS!!!! Heidi and Spencer got married! Not on the show but in Mexico I believe!
Audrina heard a "nasty" rumor... that is how they said it last night, so I am copying their words...
That LC and Justin Bobby "hooked" up... that was another term that they used!
So much DRAMA!! Love it!

OH! Heidi got her job back! hope she doesn't mess it up this time! the truth is...that company really needs her for publicity! That is my thought on it.

LO is still sooo weird.


Anonymous said...

i can not stand Heidi-she tries so hard to act and is the worst one on the show

Anonymous said...

So-did they hook up?? JJ -Do you know????