Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Watched Exiled after The Hills onMonday and loved it! For those of you who aren't "with it"... here is the lowdown on it. I know you all have seen a million times "Sweet Sixteen" on Mtv. Well they take these spoiled brats and send them to other countries where they can see how the other half lives. So .... the destination was Africa! I loved it cause she stayed in a hut made out of cow dung. Poop of the cow. For some odd reason... I love saying "cow dung".
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Not so impressed...
with the Hills last night. It was kinda boring and I was a little disappointed.
A friend of mine ...(no secret code name yet)... said that there is alot of "pausing" during the Hills. So true! You know..when they say something and then they look at each other for 10 seconds...and then it is commercial break.
Lo needs her @ss kicked!
A friend of mine ...(no secret code name yet)... said that there is alot of "pausing" during the Hills. So true! You know..when they say something and then they look at each other for 10 seconds...and then it is commercial break.
Lo needs her @ss kicked!
My TCO friend is back!!!! Love the comments!
Yep. Dana loves dirty girls! He wants them classy when out but dirty when in!
Yep. Dana loves dirty girls! He wants them classy when out but dirty when in!
Monday, August 25, 2008
I am sure that Dana's favorite will be the girl with the mud on her face! He likes that kind of stuff...
It's MONDAY!!!!!
and you know what that means??? It's The Hills night! Yes, I am obsessed!
Whitney needs more 'air' time on the show. I want to see her get mad!
I am not a lesbian. I have told you that over and over...but I am confident enough to let someone know that I think they are pretty. I think Lauren has beautiful eyes...don't you?

Lo...Lo...Lo... Please get out of the picture! You just will never be one of The Hills girls. So get your hand off your hip and go back to Laguna Beach. (Boy, I am mean!)
What's so funny Lo???
Love the dress!

Lo...Lo...Lo... Please get out of the picture! You just will never be one of The Hills girls. So get your hand off your hip and go back to Laguna Beach. (Boy, I am mean!)

Saturday, August 23, 2008
I know...I know!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
My TCO friend
My TCO friend has left me for a long weekend. I will miss her comments about The Hills. She has great insight when it comes to this show
More of The Hills!
I'm sure you all are sick of seeing pictures of the Hills...but I had to post what they were wearing the night of the premiere!
I LOVE Lauren's dress but I felt like it was a little big on her. It is kinda saggy around the boobs... don't ya think? She still looks very pretty though. Kinda reminds me of Nicole Richie's look...
I really like the color of Audrina's dress and of course, Whitney also looks amazing. She is so tall! I wish I were taller... something about a tall lady that is so sophisticated.
Audrina's hair looks longer than usual...maybe she put a few extensions in???
I really like this picture of LC. I love the hair!
Look how LONG her dress is! She is going to trip and fall

Thursday, August 21, 2008
More of the "Trash my Dress" photo shoot!
I have had lots of interest in this topic today! Everyone loves it and I am so happy to make my justjill fans happy! One good thing about getting on my blog is that you never know what I will have on it! :) Anyway...wanted to show you a few more shots so you all can be home practicing how you want YOUR photo taken! I have at least 4 yes's on this! will be so fun! I will have "photo shoot top model" music...maybe a fan blowing your hair and I will even throw in free airbrushing for those of you who want it! I am even going to do it! I will have my camera all set up and let Dana take the pictures of me. FUN FUN FUN 

Trash the Dress
I love these pictures! They are from my favorite Indy photographer. He calls these his "Trash the Dress" sessions. Well, I have only heard from 2 families about the photo shoot where the family jumps in the pool with their nice clothes on... so now I am offering this special...
Ladies...bring over your old prom dresses (I know you still have them!) and I will do my own version of TRASH THE DRESS! HA
Wouldn't that be so funny?!!! Seeing my justjill fans doing some of these poses?!!! Cracks me up thinkin about it!

Ladies...bring over your old prom dresses (I know you still have them!) and I will do my own version of TRASH THE DRESS! HA
Wouldn't that be so funny?!!! Seeing my justjill fans doing some of these poses?!!! Cracks me up thinkin about it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Let's see if they have changed...
Well la-ti-da
Just how famous have Lauren Conrad and her Hills pals gotten?
Tour buses stop in front of their $2.3 million, three-bedroom Hollywood Hills home "between 15 and 20 times a day — with speakers!" she said on Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show Tuesday.
"Now they've started letting them out of the bus in front of our house!" Conrad, 22, went on. "If we're about to leave and someone yells 'Star Tours,' you hit the ground. If you go down, they can't see you."
O.k. so what did they expect? I was on that bus and I demanded that we stop in front of LC's house! I went all the way out there just so I could hang out with Audrina and her cool friends
Tour buses stop in front of their $2.3 million, three-bedroom Hollywood Hills home "between 15 and 20 times a day — with speakers!" she said on Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show Tuesday.
"Now they've started letting them out of the bus in front of our house!" Conrad, 22, went on. "If we're about to leave and someone yells 'Star Tours,' you hit the ground. If you go down, they can't see you."
O.k. so what did they expect? I was on that bus and I demanded that we stop in front of LC's house! I went all the way out there just so I could hang out with Audrina and her cool friends
Sat. night!
Went to Buckheads Sat. night with some friends... had so much fun! Made a stop at this "classy" joint... it was a first for me. Not my cup of tea but I have never laughed so hard! Thought I was going to pee my pants! Very interesting...
YEAH M.H. is back!!!!!! We love to read your comments...
Let's go kick Lo's butt! I don't care how long her and LC have been friends... I like Audrina much better! Did you see her face when she was looking at all of Audrina's friends at her bday party? She was so disgusted
Let's go kick Lo's butt! I don't care how long her and LC have been friends... I like Audrina much better! Did you see her face when she was looking at all of Audrina's friends at her bday party? She was so disgusted
Last night...Hills
I'm sorry but I can't stand LO!!!! She drives me nuts and what does LC see in her? She's rude and she is just mad cause everyone else on that show is much prettier than she is! Go back to LAGUNA BEACH LO!!!
The Hills comments
It's so nice to read comments about LC's hair and someoner out there is just as excited as I am to watch the show. Then there is Dana... nice comment about The Hills. You love it and you know it! You couldn't stop watching it on Sunday. HA And...since when do you watch the channel BET???
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Hills are alive...
with the sound of music...
Just had to sing that song for all my justjill fans! HA
Anyway...BIG NEWS...!!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight is the night! The Hills Premiere of Season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited! That I just can't hide it! No no no.. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it..
Just had to sing that song for all my justjill fans! HA
Anyway...BIG NEWS...!!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight is the night! The Hills Premiere of Season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited! That I just can't hide it! No no no.. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it..
Friday, August 15, 2008
I don't know about you guys but I have been missing Ryan like crazy! Is he not on Mtv anymore???
He's hot!
He's hot!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Andy? OMG!!! Is that really you on justjill? AWESOME!!!
Well I know they kick butt cause I was there taking pictures and they did fabulous!
I am not an expert on TKD....yet.... :)
Well I know they kick butt cause I was there taking pictures and they did fabulous!
I am not an expert on TKD....yet.... :)
Happy Birthday to me!
Just wanted to thank all of you for my lovely and awesome bday gifts! I loved all of them!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Congratulations to M. and J.!!!
Went Sat. to take some pictures of M. and J. while they KICKED BUTT in their TKD class! They did AWESOME! I will post some pictures later
First day of school
I hate this day. I know that some parents LIVE for the first day of school! :) BUT I don't. I mean, my children can definitely get on my last nerves but school starts WAY TOO EARLY! Why do they even give them a summer break? Might as well go all year if all they get is a tiny summer break!
Friday, August 8, 2008
This cracks me up!
I am sure you have all heard this story before but when I read it made me laugh. I know it's not really funny but actually very scary...but I guess I can laugh since nobody got hurt.
When a 6-year-old boy in Broomfield, Colorado got into his grandmother's car, he actually had the keys and a destination in mind: he was hungry and heading to Applebees. He got his booster seat from the back seat, placed it in the driver's seat and started her up. His trip down the driveway went pretty well, but then he crossed the street, jumped the curb and ran into a transformer and communication box, knocking out power and phone service to dozens of homes. Nobody was hurt and no charges have been filed.This kid is lucky. Not only did he escape without injuring himself or someone else, his neighbors were a lot more understanding than mine. "I have five children of my own, so I know you cannot watch them every minute they're awake," said Nancy Hollis, whose lost power after the accident.
When a 6-year-old boy in Broomfield, Colorado got into his grandmother's car, he actually had the keys and a destination in mind: he was hungry and heading to Applebees. He got his booster seat from the back seat, placed it in the driver's seat and started her up. His trip down the driveway went pretty well, but then he crossed the street, jumped the curb and ran into a transformer and communication box, knocking out power and phone service to dozens of homes. Nobody was hurt and no charges have been filed.This kid is lucky. Not only did he escape without injuring himself or someone else, his neighbors were a lot more understanding than mine. "I have five children of my own, so I know you cannot watch them every minute they're awake," said Nancy Hollis, whose lost power after the accident.
The story below...
I read off of AOL News. Could you imagine having one of your kids leaving in the middle of night like that??? How scary!
Check this story out...
Here's a boy after my very own heart. Three-year-old Max McGrath woke up at 3 A.M. and decided he wanted a chocolate egg. So he put on his brother's shoes, grabbed some money, and even remembered his house key. Then he walked a mile and a half to the supermarket. What he hadn't counted on, of course, was the store being closed. As he stood outside, no doubt disappointed, he was spotted by a delivery driver who picked him up. The boy was safely delivered home to his shocked parents.I understand, Max. Sometimes you just have to have a little chocolate, even if it's 3 A.M.In all seriousness, this situation could have ended badly. Max's parents call him an "adventurous" boy, but say they never thought he'd try something like this. I woke up early one Sunday about a year ago and spotted my neighbor's two-year-old standing on the curb across the street, munching on an apple. When I returned him home, his parents had a similar reaction -- shock and awe. My own kids won't even venture downstairs in the morning without one of us in tow, so it's hard to imagine them making a cross-town trek in the middle of the night. What about you? Are you raising an escape artist?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sisterhood of the traveling pants
I just read all the comments about this great movie night. No, I won't be paying for everyone. I MIGHT give you 50cents to play a video game...but ONLY if you are being good!
Did find out that it starts showing this Wednesday!!!!!!!!!
Now about the whole dessert thing. I TOTALLY know what you mena about that! Somebody who asks me if I want to just share a dessert...that answer is NO! I want my very own! It's those kinds of people who go to McDonald's and eat salad!!!!!!!!
Did find out that it starts showing this Wednesday!!!!!!!!!
Now about the whole dessert thing. I TOTALLY know what you mena about that! Somebody who asks me if I want to just share a dessert...that answer is NO! I want my very own! It's those kinds of people who go to McDonald's and eat salad!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Family pictures anyone?
Seriously! Did you all see the picture that i posted from AVONPICTURETHIS photography? I know L.Thias a/k/a Nicole Richie did. We are going to take theirs and then they are going to take ours! Ooops! Hope that wasn't top secret information! Anyway... if your family wants to get dressed up/hair/makeup done...come on over and I would LOVE to take your family portrait jumping into the pool! I am totally SERIOUS! You know how I love to take pictures and I have become quite good with this action shots. Didn't mean to 'toot my own horn'... Did I say that right?
Sisterhood of the traveling pants info
It comes out this week!!!!! YEAH! If you have not seen the first one I suggest you go rent it. Then come with us to see the second one! I will keep you all posted on what day and times it will be showing. I am taking Karmen and you are all invited to go with us. We could all go and then go somewhere for dessert.
Mean girls
How many of you justjill fans have seen the movie, Mean Girls, with Lindsay Lohan???
I will have lots to write about this fall dealing with this certain topic...
I will have lots to write about this fall dealing with this certain topic...
I am your voice
You know...I am your "voice" of the community. I love that! My very good friend, #####, (that is top secret information...she wants to be left unidentified...she doesn't want anyone to know that she is just as NUTS as I am, so I won't give it away who she is) told me that! I had to stand up for what I believed in. I sound so patriotic don't I??? Wow. So impressive. Well not really. Anyway...
I am not afraid to voice my thoughts and opinions...obviously since I write all this down and let everyone read it. So back to the story...
I had a few minor issues with school this year. I have 3 children who are enrolled in 3 different schools. You know I love to drive but I really didn't want to spend my WHOLE day driving to town. Yes, that is what moms do, but how was I going to get everyone there and on time? I don't think they would give me a flashing light to put on top of my car so everyone would pull over as I went by. I have major anxiety cause I would love to just concentrate on ONE big thing at a time. You know usually if you have more than one child, they aren't all going through some big change at the same time. For instance, maybe one is starting Kindergarten, isn't that enough to stress someone out? I have Karmen, who will go to the middle school this year. So that worries me. I have Cole, who will start Kindergarten this year. So that worries me. Then I have Calvin, who is used to his school being Redding and still wants to go to Redding... but his brother will be at Jackson since they switched all that last year...see where I am coming from??? Very disturbing.
SO.... I met with a certain someone yesterday...
Stay tuned if you want to hear the rest of my story...
I am not afraid to voice my thoughts and opinions...obviously since I write all this down and let everyone read it. So back to the story...
I had a few minor issues with school this year. I have 3 children who are enrolled in 3 different schools. You know I love to drive but I really didn't want to spend my WHOLE day driving to town. Yes, that is what moms do, but how was I going to get everyone there and on time? I don't think they would give me a flashing light to put on top of my car so everyone would pull over as I went by. I have major anxiety cause I would love to just concentrate on ONE big thing at a time. You know usually if you have more than one child, they aren't all going through some big change at the same time. For instance, maybe one is starting Kindergarten, isn't that enough to stress someone out? I have Karmen, who will go to the middle school this year. So that worries me. I have Cole, who will start Kindergarten this year. So that worries me. Then I have Calvin, who is used to his school being Redding and still wants to go to Redding... but his brother will be at Jackson since they switched all that last year...see where I am coming from??? Very disturbing.
SO.... I met with a certain someone yesterday...
Stay tuned if you want to hear the rest of my story...
Don't leave me in suspense!
To our "friend of the family"... yes, I would LOVE some advice on the landscaping! will I get it? I don't know your real identity! :) Is it top secret???
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