Leelou Blogs

Friday, August 8, 2008

This cracks me up!

I am sure you have all heard this story before but when I read it again...it made me laugh. I know it's not really funny but actually very scary...but I guess I can laugh since nobody got hurt.

When a 6-year-old boy in Broomfield, Colorado got into his grandmother's car, he actually had the keys and a destination in mind: he was hungry and heading to Applebees. He got his booster seat from the back seat, placed it in the driver's seat and started her up. His trip down the driveway went pretty well, but then he crossed the street, jumped the curb and ran into a transformer and communication box, knocking out power and phone service to dozens of homes. Nobody was hurt and no charges have been filed.This kid is lucky. Not only did he escape without injuring himself or someone else, his neighbors were a lot more understanding than mine. "I have five children of my own, so I know you cannot watch them every minute they're awake," said Nancy Hollis, whose lost power after the accident.

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