Leelou Blogs

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I am your voice

You know...I am your "voice" of the community. I love that! My very good friend, #####, (that is top secret information...she wants to be left unidentified...she doesn't want anyone to know that she is just as NUTS as I am, so I won't give it away who she is) told me that! I had to stand up for what I believed in. I sound so patriotic don't I??? Wow. So impressive. Well not really. Anyway...
I am not afraid to voice my thoughts and opinions...obviously since I write all this down and let everyone read it. So back to the story...

I had a few minor issues with school this year. I have 3 children who are enrolled in 3 different schools. You know I love to drive but I really didn't want to spend my WHOLE day driving to town. Yes, that is what moms do, but how was I going to get everyone there and on time? I don't think they would give me a flashing light to put on top of my car so everyone would pull over as I went by. I have major anxiety cause I would love to just concentrate on ONE big thing at a time. You know usually if you have more than one child, they aren't all going through some big change at the same time. For instance, maybe one is starting Kindergarten, isn't that enough to stress someone out? I have Karmen, who will go to the middle school this year. So that worries me. I have Cole, who will start Kindergarten this year. So that worries me. Then I have Calvin, who is used to his school being Redding and still wants to go to Redding... but his brother will be at Jackson since they switched all that last year...see where I am coming from??? Very disturbing.

SO.... I met with a certain someone yesterday...
Stay tuned if you want to hear the rest of my story...


Anonymous said...

i want to her the whole story NOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i meant HEAR the whole story now!!