Leelou Blogs

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pool picture!

Couldn't remember if I had shown a "almost-finished" pool picture. Still have landscaping to do and we are missing our cool slide. Guess we have to look forward to something next year...

Dana... why do you keep hanging those towels over the fence???

Look who it is...

is that Wilson from Home Improvement? Nope...I think it is Nicole Richie peeping over my fence!


Is anyone out there? Where are my commenters? Are you all exercising or something? I guess I will go out and sit by the pool...

Baggy jeans...

are the "in" thing for this fall. YEAH! I could never wear those skinny jeans anyway...

Seen and heard...

Spotted! In Walmart yesterday evening...

Lisa Barker and her two lovely girls

Honesty is the best policy

First I must say that I am impressed with myself when it comes to naming my blogs. I think about what I am going to write and then a title just pops up! So please take the time to read my titles too.

O.k. I have mentioned before about people that order salads at McDonald's. I truly discourage this and it really does bother me for some reason. I mean, honestly, nobody really wants to eat a salad. Yes, it is soooo healthy and definitely much better for your body than a Big Mac...but come on! Especially if you are thin and ordering a salad! It's one thing if you are a little overweight and on Weight Watchers or something...

Which this leads into the real reason I wrote this blog...

As I drove to the store this morning for fresh baked DOUGHNUTS I also ran and picked up a sandwich for Dana. So I drove by the health club and say all of those cars there and thought to myself, "I think I have a problem with people who go and workout first thing in the morning too!" I am buying doughnuts and they are in there sweating and getting a fabulous body and I am just adding LOVE HANDLES to mine! I bet that if I went in there with a whole bunch of doughnuts that they would just come swarming around them! They are hungry and won't admit it! It's o.k.!!! You have to eat something fattening every once in awhile! So go ahead and sweat and get fit and get toned.... but please go to McDonald's afterwards and buy yourself a Big Mac!

O.k. so honesty is the best policy. I must tell the truth. I am just jealous. ...not of the salad but the people who are working out so early. I want a FAB body too!

Gotta run... ( I don't mean run...like exercise run...I mean gotta run...like I have to go eat my doughnuts!)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


that it says Posted by Karmen... I have to fix that again.

My butt

was looking good that day! I wish!!!!!!

William Rast

Can't remember if I have talked about William Rast or not...but oh well, I will talk about it again. This is the name of Justin Timberlake's line of clothing. I have seeked these jeans out in many stores and have tried them on but they are pretty expensive and you really can't have any curves or meat on your body to wear them! They always look great on Jessica Simpson and Jessica Biel... hmmmm...maybe you have to have the name "Jessica" to wear them!

Picture This!

Good morning to my justjill fans! One of my favortie photographers from Indy, who I have only talked to on the phone has an awesome website if you are ever bored and want to check it out! http://www.avonpicturethis.com/

He gave me advice on what camera I should buy when I was looking. He has things all over the malls in Indy..so I am sure you have seen it. BUT here is some cool pictures if not...

Don't you all think that the Johnson family should jump into the pool like this???

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New blog...

I haven't been the best blogger on Justjilljunior lately and I am sooo sorry! So I am letting Karmen have a job with justjill! It will pretty much be the same stuff as justjilljunior. She will post all kinds of things on there.
Please check it out and see what you think
She has officially named the site...


The Price is Wrong!
Posted Jul 29th 2008 12:58PM by TMZ Staff
A rigged game kinda derailed "The Price is Right" last week.Our spies tell us the show's famous Plinko game had been pre-set to hit the $10,000 slot every time for a show commercial, but some bonehead forgot to reset it.During the next taping, a contestant began playing Plinko and racked up $30,000 when producers finally realized what was happening. They stopped tape, fixed the game (actually un-fixed it) and the woman went on to win $3,000.The show still gave her the $30,000 as a fabulous parting gift.But you won't see any of it on the show. It was all edited out.

I LOVE the game Plinko on The Price is Right! Haven't watched it since Bob Barker left the show though. :( (Wonder if he is any relation to the Barkers out here?...) Read the article above

More exciting news...Just in...

Mario Lopez is going to be the new host of Extra starting in September! He has been a guest host or whatever for awhile but I guess he will be the main man in Sept!


We just all love the topic of Rufen but since he has sold his house, it just isn't the same around the neighborhood. Everyone stays inside. The few crazy ones that still exercise around here... they have no "pip" in their steps. The dogs are all just laying around with maybe just a sad "woof woof" as you drive by. All of the "neighborhood watch" signs have leaned over to the side. There is no longer any fun meetings that Robin has put on..(I didn't attend anyway...but I watched from my window and took pictures..ha) I crack myself up! Thank goodness that I have not lost my sense of humor during this difficult time! Karmen doesn't have anyone to pick on since Tiller can't come over and play anymore. Everytime the boys go over they are sent back home cause they are always going to the NEW house. The New House. The New house. The New neighborhood. O.k. we get it. You are for real moving!
One family that moved out of the hood. .. You never see their faces here anymore. Just once in blue moon, a hot older man will do a drive-by in his minivan and wave! We all know who this is! Just not the same. Once you move from the hood... you just can't be in our gang.
Oh did I mention that the cats in the hood have all lost their "purrrrr" too?

NEWS!!!!! Here's the lowdown...

1. P Diddy a/k/a Sean John Combs a/k/a Puff Daddy a/k/a Puff a/k/a...o.k. you get the point. Anyway I wish I was so famous that I could change my name around all the time too. O.k. that is not why I was writing about him! I believe on Monday his new show is coming out... I WANT TO BE P. DIDDY'S ASSISTANT!!!!!!!! Wow! I should have tried out for that show!!!!!!! Aren't you all so excited?

2. Breaking news alert... Well not really. It has been out for awhile but it isn't news until Justjill reports it! Dana's love interest, Kim Kardashian, is going to be on Dancing with the Stars!!!!!!!!

3. The Hills premiere will start off with a 2hr. special and then the 4th Season will begin!!! I am so excited! I think Aug. 18th?? Need to check on that date.

4. Channel E... this Sunday.... is the return of SUNSET TAN!!!!!!! Wooo hooooo!!!!!!!! Exciting times are coming this way!!!!!!!! The Olly girls have returned!!!!!!!!!! (I knew they shouldn't have fired those girls...that is what made the show interesting!)

5. If you all watched this past Sunday, Channel E, you would have seen the finale of Denise Richards it's Complicated. I love that show too!

6. Anyone watch Chelsea Lately last night? So funny! I love it when she makes fun of all the celebrities!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday ...Dear Dana.... Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!

All your family at home
All your Justjill family on the computer!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

justjilljunior blog

Had to get on justjilljunior... so I will write more on justjill tomorrow

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fun Dip story...

Fun Dip is a candy manufactured by The Willy Wonka Candy Company, a brand owned by Nestlé. The candy has been on the market in the United States since April 1942[1], and was originally called Lik-M-Aid. It was originally manufactured by Sunline, Inc, through their Sunmark Brands division, which was purchased by Nestlé in January 1989. The candy was then rebranded as Fun Dip, and added to the Willy Wonka product line, although it retains the Lik-M-Aid subtitle in a diminished presentation.
Fun Dip is similar to fellow Wonka product Pixy Stix, but sold in small pouches, rather than paper or plastic straws. It generally consists of three packets of flavored and colored sugar, along with two edible candy sticks called "Lik-A-Stix". It is intended to be consumed by licking the sticks and using the moistened stick to collect some of the sugar. The most common flavors are cherry, grape, and a raspberry/apple combination that turns from blue when dry to green when wet with saliva. It also comes in sour flavors, including sour watermelon, sour apple, and sour lemonade. Packets with one stick and two flavors were once the standard, and packets with only one or two flavors are still available with less prominence than the now-standard three-flavor package.
The Lik-A-Stix was introduced by the 1970s. The stick resembles a rather flat stick of white chalk. Recently, fruit flavored stix have been introduced.
vdeWilly Wonka Candy Company products
Bottle Caps · Everlasting Gobstopper · Laffy Taffy ·

Serious topic now

Isn't it funny how you don't know someone but when you hear that they passed away... you constantly think about them? Well at least I do...

I had someone tell me on Monday that J. H. had passed away after fighting cancer for quite some time. Don't know him. Don't know anything except that he had cancer and that he was a few years younger than myself. (I used his initials because I feel like it isn't right for me to say his whole name... weird but respectful... would you expect anything less from JUSTJILL?) Just writing my thoughts since Dana will not listen to me. !!!! HA So I couldn't get him and his family out of my head on Monday...and on Tuesday...and on Wednesday...etc. I was so thankful that they didn't have any children. So sad. He was only 31 and it reminds me so much of what my mom had to go through. My dad was only 33 when he died of cancer and unlike J.H. , he had to leave behind a young mom with 3 girls. O.k. that's all I can write now.

Fun Dip

You know...sometimes I write stuff on the blog that I stop and think... Are my justjill fans going to think I am nuts? But then I say to myself...Nah..they are thinking the exact thing but just won't admit it!

So big topic of the day... FUN DIP! I love fun dip and love to give it to other kids to see how much they love it too! Dana always offers a Mountain Dew and some fun dip to our little guests and then sends them home! HA I think it is so funny...

Question is... Why do they put 3 flavors in a pack and only 2 lik-a-sticks? I mean... are you only supposed to use 1.5 sticks per flavor?

You heard it here first!

If you watch the "E" channel... you know that Ryan Seacrest will say, "You heard it here first!" HA So anyway... they put a Sold sign up today at Rufen's. :( I bet the new owners won't want the paparazzi snapping pictures of them.

Cleaning lady?

Where is my cleaning lady? Nanny? Babysitter? Anyone??? My house is a mess, my boys are driving me crazy....

Salad anyone?

McDonald's is made for cheeseburgers...Big Mac's....Quarter Pounders... you get the idea. Something about someone ordering a salad when they go there just isn't right. Anyone agree?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McDonald's ...

once again. It's my own fault that I don't have a fabulous body! Shame on me

S O the T P

Yes they are all in it!!!!!! I can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!

Rufen and the storm

It's not that they have to move....just please turn off your lights when it is storming! HA

Another pool...

I hear that there is going to be another new pool in the hood! Congratulations!!!!!


Isn't anyone up and reading Justjill??? Where is everyone? Why isn't anyone responding???

Sisterhood of the traveling pants!

Comes out Aug.6th!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Not so good

Don't look at anything except the sky... everything else is blurry


If Rufen would have had his outside lights off it would have been better

Check this out tribtown!


Last night I was doing some sewing, painting, watching tv in the front room and I saw all of this lightning. So I turned the light off so I could watch it. I was fascinated!!! It was a constant light show for hours! I woke Dana up so he could see it too. I don't think he was as into it as I was. So I got my paparazzi camera out to snap pictures but I couldn't figure out what setting to set it on.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

High heels...

O.k. I LOVE the look of high heels with your bathing suit. So I tried it one day because I read that alot of celebrities wear them to make their legs look long and lean and it helps tone them up. Well I made one lap around the edge of the pool and my whole family was scared to death that I may hurt myself. HA Back to tennis shoes for me

Walmart, Target, Walgreens and CVS...

stop sending me stuff in the mail with school supplies in it! I don't want to think about school right now. It is July!!!!!!!

Nicole Richie has saved the day!

Today is my baby's birthday! He turned 6!!! WOW! Anyway...Ms. Nicole Richie picked them up for VBS and then even took the bday boy out to lunch! (plus the other two!) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think she deserves some new sunglasses for that!

Monday, July 14, 2008


O.k. I have no idea why my blogs are saying that they are posted by Karmen. Weird.

Here is proof


Something fishy was going on at Rufen's last night. It was like they were having a short meeting about something. So the paparazzi had to make a stop over there to get to the bottom of it! HA
I think they were electing officers or something...


is in HOT demand and I think he even knows it!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Johnson Party

OMG! I LOVE planning parties! I wish I didn't have a "budget" for these things though! Mark your calendars ahead of time... i am thinking about August 2nd. I have so many fun games/activites to play! The theme is awesome and I can't wait to make up my poem for it!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yeah! Someone out there is already excited about the next Johnson party! I am trying to have at least 2 parties....so then next year we can name them "Our 1st Annual parties!" Cool!
Of course I have a theme already and games that we will be playing!

regarding party...

We might have to vote on our officers this meeting/party.

It's time for another Johnson party!

Been thinking about this one for quite awhile. Of course everything is top secret until you receive your invite. For those that came to our "first" black and white party.... did you have fun? I did! You know these are going to be ANNUAL parties if they all go well. Can't wait to make up this invite and I have to start an awesome poem!

Men are weird sometimes

Question. Why is it that most of the time when you and your spouse are friends with another couple that the woman will talk your head off and the man will barely look at you? Sometimes it is just the opposite. Usually I find that the men/husbands are alot nicer than the girl/wife...But I was somewhere on Thursday evening and this one nice couple...will talk to me (the wife) but the husband won't even look at me straight in the eyes. WEIRD


I thought EVERYONE loved quizzes?!!! I was going to make one great one today but that's o.k. if you don't want it then that is fine.

Poor friend

Recieved a phone call yesterday from my friend, so and so, and I felt so bad for her and her cute husband. Surgery again. Bummer. I think he just wanted me to come back over and take care of him in my nurses outfit. Hmmm....

Jessica Alba

Who does not know who Jessica Alba is?

Butt in Pool?

O.k. Dana. I LOVE my pool and would LOVE to spend most of the day in it....BUT...everytime I get out there and get comfortable....not ONE minute later, one of the boys is screaming! Either for me or either at each other! Then it is "MOM! Calvin hit me!" or "Mom! I am starving!" etc etc. Trust me...I would love to hang out by the pool all day.
Maybe if your butt would stay home long enough then I could! HA

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I am bored. I want the sun to come out. I want to go get a haircut. I want a massage. I want my love handles to go away. I want a new computer. I want a day to myself.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well I was going to do a special "Summer Quiz" for all of you justjill fans but I haven't gotten much response on my last question yet. So I don't know what to do now...


I think Dana should start treating me like a little kid when I do that stuff. Say, "Jill if you eat past 7:00 p.m. then I will have to take your computer away for the night." or .... "Jill if you eat past 7:00 p.m. then I won't let the boys go out to gma and gpas for the afternoon."

Got up and ate...

Huge bowl of ice cream and then two bowls of cereal late last night. But then I slept very well.

Jessica Alba

Someone needs to rethink the whole Jessica Alba thing.... I mean.. I LOVE her. She is beautiful and had the most amazing body. BUT...if you are to be her now for a day...you have to take care of the little cute baby girl. WHich I wouldn't care but if you are who I think you are.... then you don't like little baby newborns.... hmmm...

Also the 2nd part of my question was WHY? I told you all why I would be J.Biel

Somenone nailed it right on the head!

Yes I was going to say that I wanted to be Jessica Biel only because she lives, eats, walks, sleeps, sleeps, sleeps with Justin Timberlake!
Good job my little JJ fan! Who are you? Give us your initials for those who have no idea who you may be????

Monday, July 7, 2008


I can't remember if I said this before but Karmen took AWESOME pictures while she was gone. I was so proud of her! Even my Walgreens bff's were so impressed. Sorry...just had to say that.

As Napolean Dynamite would say, "She has some awesome photography skills."


I left this question for my Justjilljunior fans the other day... and I am curious to see what you guys will say also...

If you could be any celebrity for a day (girl or guy)... who would it be and why? Can't wait to hear your answers!!!!!

Of course I already know what I am going to say... any guesses?

No ice cream!

I didn't eat any ice cream last night!!!!!! It's a miracle

I don't pick favorites...

O.k. I am going to have to check out this "Raquel" chick. It's seems to be causing alot of tension with all my JJ fans. HA Must be some hot chick that Dana has picked up over the internet.... Don't worry...I will get to the bottom of it!

Good evening... or good morning?

Well it is after midnight and I am still up of course. I have lots of things to say but can't put it all on one blog! I am watching E's Best Top 10 Beach Bodies.... how depressing! I want some ice cream now!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Warwick Castle

Here is a picture that Karmen took of Warwick Castle.

Just another day...

in Karmen's world... What did I do? Clean toilets? Yep


I love the comments about myself and Steve. I am a front row kinda gal. Sorry! I would wear a maternity shirt and Steve could bring his handicap sticker... excellent idea!


Hello to all! I am still not back to normal from this 2-week fabulous vacation that I have been on... oops I mean my Princess Karmen! HA
Can't wait to share all the details about Karmen's trip. I still feel and look like... you know what.... and I haven't even been anywhere!
I asked Karmen if she got to see Prince William or Henry but she didn't. I also asked if she saw any paparazzi and she didn't. I asked about Princess Diana and she said that they did talk about her and they went through the tunnel that she crashed in. :( So I got all the important info out of the trip! HA Just teasing. I will post everyday a little something from her trip. My baby is home!!!!!!! Thanks to all for your support!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


You aren't busy today are you? LOL! You could be my co-pilot and just hang on to the "oh-s@#! handle" and flip everyone off as we pass them.

I am cracking myself up as I type this! I am soooo desperate for sleep and I am getting slaphappy! Anyway back to this awesome story that I am making up right now...

You could bring a Nascar tape or something to put in DVD player and sit 3rd row Seat 2 in my Suburban. ... put your feet up... and still flip people off. Wear something cute though just in case we get pulled over by a male or female policeofficer. Somebody has to look good cause I am definitely not! Tell Leisa that you won't be home for her homecooked crockpot dinner. Don't wait up for us either... it will be late when we come home.

Should I continue this amazing story or should I get off the computer before I pass out?

Karmen's update

I absolutely did not sleep any last night! Closed my eyes but that was about it. I feel sick and look terrible. Looks like I have been on a plane myself for days! 9.5 hrs from London to Atlanta. I should have just got in the car and drove to Atlanta myself last night... Hmmm... wonder if I could make it still???


DElAH??????? However you spell her name! That is it! Thanks Deliah?

Dana is up

If you read the comments ...you all can tell that Dana is on the computer this morning


Rufen... is that you out there? Justjill fans want more pics of you and Dana!!!!!!!