Leelou Blogs

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Honesty is the best policy

First I must say that I am impressed with myself when it comes to naming my blogs. I think about what I am going to write and then a title just pops up! So please take the time to read my titles too.

O.k. I have mentioned before about people that order salads at McDonald's. I truly discourage this and it really does bother me for some reason. I mean, honestly, nobody really wants to eat a salad. Yes, it is soooo healthy and definitely much better for your body than a Big Mac...but come on! Especially if you are thin and ordering a salad! It's one thing if you are a little overweight and on Weight Watchers or something...

Which this leads into the real reason I wrote this blog...

As I drove to the store this morning for fresh baked DOUGHNUTS I also ran and picked up a sandwich for Dana. So I drove by the health club and say all of those cars there and thought to myself, "I think I have a problem with people who go and workout first thing in the morning too!" I am buying doughnuts and they are in there sweating and getting a fabulous body and I am just adding LOVE HANDLES to mine! I bet that if I went in there with a whole bunch of doughnuts that they would just come swarming around them! They are hungry and won't admit it! It's o.k.!!! You have to eat something fattening every once in awhile! So go ahead and sweat and get fit and get toned.... but please go to McDonald's afterwards and buy yourself a Big Mac!

O.k. so honesty is the best policy. I must tell the truth. I am just jealous. ...not of the salad but the people who are working out so early. I want a FAB body too!

Gotta run... ( I don't mean run...like exercise run...I mean gotta run...like I have to go eat my doughnuts!)

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