Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We just all love the topic of Rufen but since he has sold his house, it just isn't the same around the neighborhood. Everyone stays inside. The few crazy ones that still exercise around here... they have no "pip" in their steps. The dogs are all just laying around with maybe just a sad "woof woof" as you drive by. All of the "neighborhood watch" signs have leaned over to the side. There is no longer any fun meetings that Robin has put on..(I didn't attend anyway...but I watched from my window and took pictures..ha) I crack myself up! Thank goodness that I have not lost my sense of humor during this difficult time! Karmen doesn't have anyone to pick on since Tiller can't come over and play anymore. Everytime the boys go over they are sent back home cause they are always going to the NEW house. The New House. The New house. The New neighborhood. O.k. we get it. You are for real moving!
One family that moved out of the hood. .. You never see their faces here anymore. Just once in blue moon, a hot older man will do a drive-by in his minivan and wave! We all know who this is! Just not the same. Once you move from the hood... you just can't be in our gang.
Oh did I mention that the cats in the hood have all lost their "purrrrr" too?

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