Leelou Blogs

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Adopt A Spot!

Totally forgot about Tri Kappa and my duties to take care of our area by the high school! I was reminded by a friend yesterday (she needs to come up with a new code name!)...and then I asked Dana what he was doing today. Hint hint....

With everything going on here ...it slipped my mind. I feel bad. BUT...how in the world did I get on that committee??? Pulling weeds? Gardening? Whatever you want to call it... that is not my area of expertise. So I was being lazy last night (after I ate my Big Mac) and I should have went right then but I was in the middle of a big Spongebob tournament and I couldn't leave! (That is what Dana called it!) I'm sure Tri Kappa would not agree that Spongebob was more important. I guess I will be going there today. I would pay someone 20 dollars to go and pull the weeks for me

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