Leelou Blogs

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm back!

Please. Please. Please forgive me my JustJill fans. I feel so bad that I haven't been on here since Tuesday (I think). Anyway...I wasn't just laying around in bed doing nothing ...although I wish I were...but this month of May is a killer! Plus last week of school...so much to do. Just know that you are all on my mind and that I would never forget any of you! Cole had preschool graduation, Karmen had a play, Karmen had a talent show, Calvin and Karmen had a field trip, I had to finish those dance pictures, I was doing cute little Sophie's pictures, etc. etc. etc. Boy after Tuesday and there is no school...watch out cause JustJill will be back in force!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! She's back!