Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spank me big boy!

O.k. not really but she is HOT! It is Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls! I think she is so pretty. You remember that song that they sang? Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don'tcha? Don'tcha...
It was one of my favorite songs!


I really really need to get out more often if I am letting the flower pictures from The Studio bother me! Professional help? Nah

Enough already!!!

O.k. these photos are from The Studio. I think they do an amazing job and have won lots of awards as we all know. BUT...ENOUGH WITH THE FLOWERS!!! The first time it was awesome...the 2nd time...still awesom...the third time...it was lovely...the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. etc. etc....I was like "Come on!" Try something new! These are just a handful of the many that are on his website

Big Butts

Just wanted to get this off of my chest...
Big Booties are in! So if you have one...stand tall and proud!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kim and her big booty

Lauren "Lo" Bosworth from The Hills

This is the same look that she has on her face for every episode! She does want Lauren all to herself TCO. You are right.

The Hills Rolling Stone cover

Well I wish I looked that good in a pair of underwear!

Keeping up with the Kardashians

Like I have said before...I LOVE this show! They are all so beautiful and funny. I just watched a rerun and it was when the girls were doing a self-defense class and Kourtney and Khloe were making fun of Kim's butt. They said that she could use that as her weapon! Too funny! Then afterwards a new episode came on! YEAH! Very dramatic tonight though. The sisters are all fighting over Kim buying a Bentley. Too long to explain...you will just have to watch it yourself or ask me questions if you are interested. HA

What in the World is in his truck?

I am having a difficult time getting my paparazzi picture of the owner of this truck...so that is why I had to take these pictures instead. Kinda boring but there is a "Hot Topic" story behind all of this... See the above picture (now remember this is just my take on things) ha....looks like he had been to Foods Plus or Jay-C to get his dinner...hmmm.....
Now this picture above shows a box of some sort...maybe like he had to pack some clothes or something...hmmm...

Nothing exciting about this picture. Wonder if he is living out of his truck? What do you JustJill fans think???

I have left you guys hanging long enough about this topic!

JustJill Fans

There are so many nice things said on the comments and I just want to thank all of you!

Family Website?

I just read one of the comments that said, "Is this a family website?" Then another person said, "No for adults only". I love it!
I was a little concerned with small children (and some adults) reading my blog so that is why I am in the process of doing JustJillJunior!

ACD comments

Wow! Someone is really thinking hard out there! Still haven't guessed it yet...

Pretty red hair gal

All I said was that she had the most beautiful red hair that I have seen and then someone is out there wondering if she has a thong on! Dana is that you?


You will have to keep guessing what "ACD" stands for. The guesses on the comment page were wrong...good try though!

Seen and Heard

I hear that L.T. got some new awesome sunglasses!


I had to post some stuff on JustJillJunior. Check it out if you have time

Red Hair

Doesn't this lady have the prettiest red/strawberry blonde hair that you have ever seen?

Look who it is at the Art Show!!!

Is that HHHKT and ACD? I think Dana is checking out Kathy in that picture. What do you think?

Too funny

I loved the comment that said "I have a life and have things to do but can't sit around waiting for new things to post!" I LOVE It! Who are you? Can you give JustJill a hint?

Just so you know...

I answer all of my JustJill fan mail/comments myself. I think I address almost every comment made too. I haven't had to hire anyone yet but I might have to if JustJill keeps getting so popular! HA


Who is my little Private I. ??? WOW! Thanks for the info on Bus 15 driver! That was so nice of you!

Break time

I have got to get off this computer for a bit. I need to clean or do something. But..I have been feeling guilty about not having too many things posted on JustJill lately. I will do more later!

Bus 15

I bet all of you have been looking for Bus 15 haven't you?!!! Just please don't get in her way


O.k. I don't know about the rest of you guys but our homework load here is crazy! Karmen will spend almost all evening on hers and then we have to space Calvin's out cause he would FREAK OUT if he had to do everything all at once. He has projects and stuff to do outside and just doesn't have time to mess with homework. HA I know homework is part of going to school but they are in school all day long and it just doesn't seem quite fair that they then have to spend their evenings doing all this school stuff too. Does anyone agree with me? If you are a teacher reading this...take no offense. I know this is your job but as a parent it is tough. I am kinda weird though because I always loved homework. Please no comments on that last sentence! Just joking!

Then...Karmen has homework and projects not only for REACH but then for People to People. She has her final meeting this Sunday and has lots of things due. Stressful! Her one project is kinda like a Science Fair and they were supposed to pick something either about London or Paris and research it. I think I may have already told you about this...sorry if I have. Anyway...Karmen is the only one doing "Fashion in Paris". Oh I am so excited over that topic! Fashion Capital of the World! WooHoo! O.k. I guess I am a little more excited than Karmen is but I had a great idea last night. (One of many...lol) They had a list of guidelines to go by and one of them was to have a display of your topic. For instance they used the example of if you were doing food as your topic..maybe actually get the ingredients and lay them out for everyone to see. So...Karmen is going to set up a portable DVD and I am downloading the highlights of Fashion Week in Paris!!!!!!! Is that not awesome or what? O.k. enough is enough.


For real? Is that you TCO? I haven't used the bathroom in Walgreens yet. I will have to do a sneak peak and check it out. CVS always let me use their employee bathroom. I guess I was a VIP there too!


The blog below should have been titled Nightly News....excuse me for the misprint

Hot Topics

Theft of fishing poles and Coleman lantern, 419 W. Tanner St., 7:16 p.m.
(I think his son just took some of his buddies fishing and took his dad's fishing poles...he will bring them back!)

Juvenile problem involving juveniles on the roof of a garage playing music "very loud", 100 block West Spring Street, 6:29 p.m.
(Oh come on grandpa! The kids were just watching reruns of Mtv's Spring Break and just wanted to have a little fun)

Suspicious activity involving subjects "messing" around in a cemetery, 700 block North High Street, 8:19 p.m.
(I like how the paper quoted "messing" around...they just wanted to say that they have had sex in the cemetery)

Suspicious activity involving a complainant who said she heard someone in a hallway and then believed they might be in a closet, 600 block South Poplar Street, 1:14 a.m.
(that's what happens when you smoke pot too much)

Report of a male subject knocking on doors and yelling for a female, 400 block S. O'Brien St., 11:36 p.m.
(was he yelling for just any female?)

Report of a male passed out in the booth of a restaurant, 2600 block East Tipton St., 1:02 a.m.
( I wondered where Dana was at this time)

Criminal recklessness involving a subject who tried to run over another subject with a vehicle, 700 block West Eighth St., 3:42 p.m.
(Happens in our hood all the time too)

Report of a male grabbing a female and attempting to kiss her at a business, 1600 block East Tipton Street, 8:33 a.m.
(well she shouldn't have been dressed so sexy first thing in the morning)

Disorderly conduct involving people trying to fight, American Legion Post 89, 402 W. Second Street, 12:12 a.m.
(I need to become a member there)

CVS vs. Walgreens

Walgreens is having a special on Kashi Cereal...2 for $5.00! CVS camera's are on sale for $2.99!!!

Funny people

I just read my comments from this morning and someone out there is quite funny this morning! Thanks to whoever said that they didn't like The View but they would watch if I was on there!


Karmen just read what I posted this morning and laughed and said I was retarded!

Almost forgot..

Another HOT TOPIC for today will be:
CVS vs Walgreens
and maybe...Look who is at the Dairy Queen in the Rain!

Oh my goodness! That last one cracks me up!
It sounds so awesome...like it really is major news or something! LOL
I think I am so funny sometimes...

One last thing...

Don't read this one first! Remember you are supposed to read from the bottom up you JustJill fans!
Anyway...speaking of HOT TOPICS...do any of you watch the View in the morning's? I know...some of you work and can't do that. So Dana don't put "Some of us have jobs!" HA
Anyway...don't you think THE VIEW should have me cohost one day?
Vote Yes or No and let me know!

One more thing..

I just read my last blog that I posted about what I was going to talk about today and those are some HOT topics aren't they? HA I am just as bad as AOL news with the PoshKat breakup!


Today I have many things to talk about but I have to take my kids to school first. So be ready when I come back!
Today's JustJill topics are going to be:
The Hills
The Art Show
Nightly News
and "What in the world is in his truck?"


O.k. not really but this is what I read first thing this morning:

Posh and Kate Breakup!
As their waistlines shrank so did their friendship!

Come on! Do you really think this is why their friendship is not as tight as it used to be?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Last post for the night

Was having a very emotional night. I don't cry that often but when I do it is realy hard on me. Tucked Karmen in and gave her a hug and kiss and then it just hit me! It used to be only like once a month that I would really think about Karmen's trip but lately it is going on a lot more often. I can't explain it but it just makes me so sad. I know it is a chance of a lifetime and I know she will have fun but her mom is sure going to miss her

Deal with it!

I was really sad when I ran into a certain "celebrity" at the Art Show today. Then my feelings were hurt. Then I was a little aggitated. Then I was MAD! Hey if you can't deal with the paparazzi, then get out of the kitchen! Ha That's all I could think of right now. I know that I was supposed to say "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen!" So I need to think for a minute.... o.k. I am back. Went to eat some fun dip real quick. So I need to say, "If you can't deal with the paparazzi, then don't be a celebrity!" I mean my JustJill fans want to see you! They want more of you! This is my job and you weren't making it easy for me! I guess I will have to come up a new gameplan or "hire" a certain friend of mine to help me out. She knows who she is but she doesn't want to be identified on JustJill. I talked to her for a long time on Sat. and I think she is perfect for the job! She is very sweet and we just love her! We just need to get windows tinted beforehand. :)

Art Show

I want to talk about the Art Show and the things that I saw and the people that were there...but I want to add pictures with it and I can't do that this evening. So I will save this topic for tomorrow.

More about Sunday

Didn't go to bed until around 2:00 a.m....so I was very tired this morning. Then we had to be at Calvin and Karmen's Art Show and then off to Dana's parents for dinner. Let's talk about Sat. night first and then I will tell you more about the Art Show. You guys are all so excited aren't you? HA

Well it was some good friends bdays. Yep two of them! So we (A.D.R.T.K.L.D.J.) we went to dinner. We were going to go to Buckheads but decided against that cause of Derby stuff. So we drive up to Greenwood instead. Too funny! All 8 of us went in our Suburban and of course I drove (at least part of the time!) and we went to Bone Fish Grill. It was really good! (The waiter wasn't bad either.) I think we started our "official" meeting around 8:45 p.m. or so. Guess just A.D.R.T.K. and L. will only know what that means! We had plans to go back to K. and L. to play strip volleyball but I guess everyone was too good and didn't think that it would work. Just joking.
A great time was had by all!

Sunday evening

I haven't been on the computer all weekend! I am so sorry my JustJill fans! Sat. morning I ran errands and had to deal with my boys all day cause they knew that mom and dad were going out! They love going out to their grandpa's or they like hanging out with my mom too. BUT..this was different! It was because they knew that dad and mom wanted to do something. OMG!!! It was such a dramatic scene. (All I have to say is THANK GOD for Karmen!) She would have probably have liked us to be home too but she got to go out Friday night so she didn't mind as much. She had alot of fun with J.L.J.M. and K. :)
Anyway the night was worth it! We had so much fun!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dana and JustJill

For all of you concerned JustJill fans....there will be NO divorce over the pool house. I repeat. NO divorce over the pool house.

I think a few of you were kinda worried...but then I figured you were just curious to see if Dana was going to be single any time soon. Hmmm


Last chance to say "Ok I'm here!". I guess the paparazzi will have to come find you.

Where's Cole?

You know Cole is "overseeing" this whole pool project but he decided to take the day off yesterday. Then he comes rolling in around 7:30 p.m. last night in his grandma's BMW. I guess he thinks that since he is in charge he can ride in a cute little fancy car.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

More Hot Chicks at Redding

Look at these hot chicks at pickup today!

Don't mean to brag...

Don't mean to brag...but check these pictures out that I took this evening! I was so excited over them

Seen and Heard

I love this title cause all the good magazines has this! HA
Is that Andy Waskom I have spotted? Paparazzi knows where to be and when to be there. Looks like he was eating at Arby's.
Saw Brian and Dody Bowman shopping at Hobby Lobby.
Saw Michelle Carter hanging out at Starbucks the other day.


Mariah Carey is supposed to be on Regis and Kelly tomorrow!

Pool construction

K.P. is back! Well briefly...backyard is a disaster but the boys love all the dirt and equipment in their yard!

Dana VIP at The Lions Den?

Has someone seen Dana there? It was supposed to be top secret information

Top 17 Hottest Females!!!

This is the list from FHM magazine. I can't believe Carrie Underwood wasn't on there! I also know that L.C. is going to be MAD that Heidi beat her on this! Poor Audrina didn't make the list at all. And you will notice that J.T.'s girlfriend is #2!!! This is going from 17 to 1...with Britney being number 17. Oh! and no Eva Longoria? Jessica Simpson?


You will never guess what happened to JustJill yesterday at Walgreens! No it isn't about the lady that didn't wave or say thank you...
I went into Walgreens last night to pick up a few things and of course some pictures. Jeanie, the photo gal, said, "Hi Jill! How are you? I have been off for 4 days and wondered if you had been in?" I said, "Of course! I think I have been in here almost everyday." Then one of the managers walks by and overheard us talking and said, "Yes. She is in here everyday." So then Jeanie says to the manager, "I wonder if Jill is a VIP?" They then explained that only a handful of people come up in their computer as VIP. I guess they have just done this since Walgreens hasn't been open too long. So they look me up in the system and it says Jill Johnson VIP!!!


Steve I know you are out there reading this! How come nobody has commented on this blog?

Pool house aka Dog house

Thank you to the commenter who suggested this! I never thought of it that way! HA

Here is how Dana and I think completely different:
I want a pool. Dana doesn't really care.
I wanted something different! Dana didn't.
I didn't want the same pool as we had on 6th St. Dana did.
I didn't want the same size pool as what we had. Dana did.
I wanted something unique. Dana wanted a plain rectangle.
I wanted a liner that nobody else had. Dana wanted a plain blue one.
I wanted an AWESOME pool house. Dana just wants an outhouse.

Kindergarten sucks!

I can't believe i am 34 years old and Kindergarten registration has my stomach all in knots!

Yes I have completely lost my...


Bus 15

I do not like Bus 15
and I am trying not to be mean.

She almost ran into us
with her big yellow bus!

So be on the lookout
with her face all in a pout

She just might end up in the paper
under dispute
Or you may find her without a bus waiver
I think I might just puke

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bus 15

Whoever drives Bus 15....I don't like you.

Snooties in Seymour?

If you have kept up with JustJill and read every blog..then remember when I was talking about the Indy people? They always think they are sooo much better than us "smalltown" folks. Sat. when I got my hair done...it looked great, I had on nice jeans and shirt, a little makeup...and they still know! Anyway...let's talk about Seymour. I know that every town..no matter how big or small...will have all kinds of walk of life. BUT..where are people's manners? I always say Hello... or smile or say excuse me...etc. No body else hardly does this anymore. Like for instance today, as I was leaving Walgreens, there was another lady that was trying to get out...so I waved her on to go ahead...and NOTHING. No mouthing thank you or a small wave...nothing. Then in stores, I will say Excuse me and people just look at me. Is it me?

Brett Michaels?

Does he spell his name Brett or Bret?
Anyway...on the reunion show last night...when the one girls dad died of cancer...he cried too. I love that! He was so caring. Makes me want to cry

Rock of Love III

TCO...I totally agree. I am sure it won't work out and then there will be a Rock of Love III. BUT...I was so happy that he picked Amber. She is nice, cute, and closer to his age. Daisy is such a ditz!!! She was always crying and moving her hands all around and saying "I just don't understand!" Besides having a great body...that was about it.

Mallory Thias and Mariah Carey

I have to post this one on both JustJill and JustJillJunior. I took Miss Mallory to school this morning and of course, being the embarrassing mom that I am, I talked to Mallory. You know that is NOT cool to do. Mom's are supposed to wear moo-moo's, have their hands on 10 and 2, listen to some quiet relaxing music and just drive! Well I am not your average mom. So we don't even make it out of the subdivision and I ask Mallory, "Hey do you like Mariah Carey?" (Karmen just rolls her eyes) She said, "Who?" I said, "Mariah Carey?" Then Mallory says, "I don't know who that is." OMG!!! WHAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I said, "well let me give you a quick music lesson on the way to school". (Karmen is totally disgusted by now) So I play Mariah and I don't think she paid that much attention to it. So I turned it down and asked her what kind of music she listens to. I asked her if she listened to gospel or country. She just smiled and laughed. So then I said, "What does your mom play in her car?" She didn't know. So I left her alone for most of the remaining ride. So I had a couple of other stories to tell her and then when we pull up to the school I said, "Mallory was I more fun to ride with than your mom?" She said, "YES! I am going to tell my mom that I want to ride with you every morning!" Sorry Lisa. Sorry Karmen. Awesome Jill.

I want to take a poll

Do you think anyone has ever gotten a divorce over a pool house? Just curious! Ha

Steve Sunbury where are you?

Steve...are you avoiding me? I will find you when you are least expecting it and get your picture. I would love to do some Senior Picture shots of you. You can bring a couple of different clothing changes and your speedo's. Oh ...and bring your bike, your tight biking shorts and your Iron Man number and we will make a finish line out here and you can run through it! How many of you Just Jill fans wants to see this?

Brett for Mayor

Brett? Are you out there posting all these things about yourself? Mayor? Hot is speedo's? Come visit us again so I can get some new pictures of you. Everyone is wanting more!!!!!!!!

Midway's dress code

I guess Midway's dress code is if you make it to work then who cares what you have on. Right Dana???

Spencer (HHHKT) and his jeans

When you look like that in a pair of jeans...you can wear them everyday.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Spencer! Wait! Why won't you look at the camera?