Leelou Blogs

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Deal with it!

I was really sad when I ran into a certain "celebrity" at the Art Show today. Then my feelings were hurt. Then I was a little aggitated. Then I was MAD! Hey if you can't deal with the paparazzi, then get out of the kitchen! Ha That's all I could think of right now. I know that I was supposed to say "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen!" So I need to think for a minute.... o.k. I am back. Went to eat some fun dip real quick. So I need to say, "If you can't deal with the paparazzi, then don't be a celebrity!" I mean my JustJill fans want to see you! They want more of you! This is my job and you weren't making it easy for me! I guess I will have to come up a new gameplan or "hire" a certain friend of mine to help me out. She knows who she is but she doesn't want to be identified on JustJill. I talked to her for a long time on Sat. and I think she is perfect for the job! She is very sweet and we just love her! We just need to get windows tinted beforehand. :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too funny!