Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


O.k. I don't know about the rest of you guys but our homework load here is crazy! Karmen will spend almost all evening on hers and then we have to space Calvin's out cause he would FREAK OUT if he had to do everything all at once. He has projects and stuff to do outside and just doesn't have time to mess with homework. HA I know homework is part of going to school but they are in school all day long and it just doesn't seem quite fair that they then have to spend their evenings doing all this school stuff too. Does anyone agree with me? If you are a teacher reading this...take no offense. I know this is your job but as a parent it is tough. I am kinda weird though because I always loved homework. Please no comments on that last sentence! Just joking!

Then...Karmen has homework and projects not only for REACH but then for People to People. She has her final meeting this Sunday and has lots of things due. Stressful! Her one project is kinda like a Science Fair and they were supposed to pick something either about London or Paris and research it. I think I may have already told you about this...sorry if I have. Anyway...Karmen is the only one doing "Fashion in Paris". Oh I am so excited over that topic! Fashion Capital of the World! WooHoo! O.k. I guess I am a little more excited than Karmen is but I had a great idea last night. (One of many...lol) They had a list of guidelines to go by and one of them was to have a display of your topic. For instance they used the example of if you were doing food as your topic..maybe actually get the ingredients and lay them out for everyone to see. So...Karmen is going to set up a portable DVD and I am downloading the highlights of Fashion Week in Paris!!!!!!! Is that not awesome or what? O.k. enough is enough.


Anonymous said...

If it's Karmen's project why is JJ downloading the video?

Anonymous said...

JJ is Karmen's personal assistant

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

K&J's homework is out of control! I agree! But I would much rather be helping with homework than camping or fishing!

Anonymous said...

JJ, your project, I mean Karmen's project sounds incredible. Karmen is lucky to have such a creative cool mom like you.

Summer vacation is as much for the parents as the kids don't you think?? 19 more days...

Anonymous said...

HEY!!!!! i did all the work EXCEPT for the video jj couldn't even download it!!!! she doesn't know anything about england anyways, just paris fashion
Ok i do admit she did most the work for the paris fashion but that's because i couldn't get it out of her hands she's crazy about fashion AND HOMEWORK!!!