Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Snooties in Seymour?

If you have kept up with JustJill and read every blog..then remember when I was talking about the Indy people? They always think they are sooo much better than us "smalltown" folks. Sat. when I got my hair done...it looked great, I had on nice jeans and shirt, a little makeup...and they still know! Anyway...let's talk about Seymour. I know that every town..no matter how big or small...will have all kinds of walk of life. BUT..where are people's manners? I always say Hello... or smile or say excuse me...etc. No body else hardly does this anymore. Like for instance today, as I was leaving Walgreens, there was another lady that was trying to get out...so I waved her on to go ahead...and NOTHING. No mouthing thank you or a small wave...nothing. Then in stores, I will say Excuse me and people just look at me. Is it me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No they are not snooty just ignorant to how you are supposed to behave. Sometimes it is like kindness has gone out of style. It is so sad. I guess if we are in the minority of being kind and polite then good for us!!!