Leelou Blogs

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday evening

I haven't been on the computer all weekend! I am so sorry my JustJill fans! Sat. morning I ran errands and had to deal with my boys all day cause they knew that mom and dad were going out! They love going out to their grandpa's or they like hanging out with my mom too. BUT..this was different! It was because they knew that dad and mom wanted to do something. OMG!!! It was such a dramatic scene. (All I have to say is THANK GOD for Karmen!) She would have probably have liked us to be home too but she got to go out Friday night so she didn't mind as much. She had alot of fun with J.L.J.M. and K. :)
Anyway the night was worth it! We had so much fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MissMad says JLJ&M are awesome!