Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mallory Thias and Mariah Carey

I have to post this one on both JustJill and JustJillJunior. I took Miss Mallory to school this morning and of course, being the embarrassing mom that I am, I talked to Mallory. You know that is NOT cool to do. Mom's are supposed to wear moo-moo's, have their hands on 10 and 2, listen to some quiet relaxing music and just drive! Well I am not your average mom. So we don't even make it out of the subdivision and I ask Mallory, "Hey do you like Mariah Carey?" (Karmen just rolls her eyes) She said, "Who?" I said, "Mariah Carey?" Then Mallory says, "I don't know who that is." OMG!!! WHAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I said, "well let me give you a quick music lesson on the way to school". (Karmen is totally disgusted by now) So I play Mariah and I don't think she paid that much attention to it. So I turned it down and asked her what kind of music she listens to. I asked her if she listened to gospel or country. She just smiled and laughed. So then I said, "What does your mom play in her car?" She didn't know. So I left her alone for most of the remaining ride. So I had a couple of other stories to tell her and then when we pull up to the school I said, "Mallory was I more fun to ride with than your mom?" She said, "YES! I am going to tell my mom that I want to ride with you every morning!" Sorry Lisa. Sorry Karmen. Awesome Jill.


Anonymous said...

wouldn't you love to hear what she told her mom about JJ after the fun morning ride to school!

Anonymous said...

Miss Mallory didn't tell you that she drives her mom crazy with her HSM and Hannah Montana cd's. Her mom would much rather being listening to Nickleback, Bon JOvi,or a little Jimmy B. but NOOOOO we are rocking out to Hannah flippen Montana. I am all for her riding with JJ and crew every day!!!