I love it when you all write comments! Gives me something else to talk about and then my mind goes wild with more topics! Without you, I would be nothing. HA
O.k. lets see...
Re Olivia: Yes, she really is rich and doesn't have to work. Didn't anyone think she looks like Julia Roberts??? I didn't see any resemblance with Heidi though. I will check it out more next Monday.
Re Whitney: Yes, short miniskirts, (did you see those loooonnnggggg legs of hers?) and very high heels and she walks amazing in them!
I think I posted last week during The Hills finale that I loved her hairpiece! I am soooo freakin in style! I had no idea that the big fashion show last night was where she got that idea! Amazing.
Speaking of fashion show...did you all see who was there in the front row??? J.Lo and Eva Longoria!!!!!!
Did you like Whitney's long hair and her little twist? Sometimes she will twist it and other times she braids it. Did you also notice that Olivia had her hair done the exact same way???
Well there were no comments regarding Erin! I think she is fun and cute!
Another great idea! Eat Big Macs on Monday nights!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Am I behind on the latest Seymour gossip/news?

O.k. I ran to Edinburgh to buy some really cool Coach sunglasses and when I got up there ....they didn't have them in black! Just brown...
Anyway... I saw this free magazine called SHE...have you all seen it? Well Katie Stam was on the cover so that is what got my attention. I knew she had won Miss Indiana but had no idea that she was going to be a MISS AMERICA contestant!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! If any of you know me...you would know that I love watching this pageants on tv! I am so excited! Someone from Seymour, IN is actually going to do it! How cool is that?!
To be honest, it wasn't my favorite picture of her on the cover but the one inside was great. So I of course had to do some research on this topic before I wrote to all of my justjill fans. It will air Sat. Jan 24th and she is also going to be a part of the reality show "Countdown to the Crown" starting Jan. 2nd I believe. I will give out channels and times when it gets a little closer. Sorry if this is old news to you all...I just found out!
Let's change gears for a minute...
Why is it when I think I am having a good "diet" day, right around 9:00p.m. I am starving???!!!!! I wanted a Big Mac but then I wanted Taco Bell. I should just eat a good meal at 6 or 7 and then stop this late night eating!
But I love eating something fattening and watching a good show on tv!
But I love eating something fattening and watching a good show on tv!
Thanks MH!
Yeah! MH is the first to comment on The City!!!!!!! You are awesome! I watched part of Bromance and then watched The City. Couldn't sleep....(must of been all the excitement of the new shows!)....and then watched Bromance afterwards. I like Brody! It was good.
Another sign of getting older...
You know you must be getting older when you see something on tv that you thought would be fun...but then you realize....that is crazy....how would you ever enjoy that? Did I lose you on this one?
O.k. so let me explain this better...
Last night when Whitney went to a club with some friends and her friend/boyfriend, Jay...the whole time its like you have to scream to have a conversation. Is that fun??? Then her two guy friends get in this "fight" but they have to lean over and scream in each others ears so they can hear one another. Is this fun? NO!!!!!!!
O.k. so let me explain this better...
Last night when Whitney went to a club with some friends and her friend/boyfriend, Jay...the whole time its like you have to scream to have a conversation. Is that fun??? Then her two guy friends get in this "fight" but they have to lean over and scream in each others ears so they can hear one another. Is this fun? NO!!!!!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
the city
Tonight was the premiere of THE CITY! You know, my number one show is The Hills, but I really liked it!
I am hooked!
Any justjill fans watch it? Tell me what you thought!
I'm sure my friend, TCO, will have lots to say !!!!
I am hooked!
Any justjill fans watch it? Tell me what you thought!
I'm sure my friend, TCO, will have lots to say !!!!
The Hills spin-off made us realize there’s more than one kind of City gal. (Fact: There’s actually three!)
Manhattan ladies (represented by Whitney, Olivia and Erin).
Whitney, The New GirlAct:
Nervous. Make as many worried faces as possible. When necessary, switch from doe-eyed-deer-in-the-headlights to cocky, self-assured fashionista to show everyone you’re not as naive as they think you are.
Wear: Color! Yellow kimonos, sexy red platform shoes, purple backless mini-dresses!
Don’t be afraid to … Confront your boyfriend of approximately one week about rumors that he’s been seeing other people. You’ve had, like, two coffee dates, a dinner AND a mid-afternoon hug! In Hills world, you’re practically married.
Olivia, The Seasoned SocialiteAct:
Like you’re above it all. Throw private dinner parties, roll your eyes at any/all non-”socials,” and awkwardly pry into your new coworker’s love life by asking her repeated questions like, “Where’s Jay?” and “So why didn’t Jay make it tonight?”
Wear: Refrigerator-sized purses, perfectly tailored designer dresses and blingy cocktail rings worth slightly more than the average American family’s household income.Don’t be afraid to … Play the part. Tell everyone you’re a “social,” constantly reminisce about your days as a deb (that’s “debutante,” for all you non-Upper East Siders!) and name-drop famous family friendzies, never mind that Manolo Blahnik didn’t quite seem to remember you.
Erin, The City Girl-Next-DoorAct:
Like you’re the made-to-order East Coast bestie we never knew Whitney had. Allude to a long history together without ever actually explaining how you guys met, or how your long lost BFF came to be sleeping on your sofa.
Wear: Bangs. Not all the time, but just often enough to remind us how down-to-earth you are. Occasionally, comb them back and secure with barrette for a more serious look. (Perf for when your friend tells you her new boyfriend has been spotted RIDING IN TAXI CABS with other girls!)Don’t be afraid to … Crash snooty dinner parties and cheer wildly when your BFF Whitney tells you she went back to Jay’s place after their first NYC dinner date.
Manhattan ladies (represented by Whitney, Olivia and Erin).
Whitney, The New GirlAct:
Nervous. Make as many worried faces as possible. When necessary, switch from doe-eyed-deer-in-the-headlights to cocky, self-assured fashionista to show everyone you’re not as naive as they think you are.
Wear: Color! Yellow kimonos, sexy red platform shoes, purple backless mini-dresses!
Don’t be afraid to … Confront your boyfriend of approximately one week about rumors that he’s been seeing other people. You’ve had, like, two coffee dates, a dinner AND a mid-afternoon hug! In Hills world, you’re practically married.
Olivia, The Seasoned SocialiteAct:
Like you’re above it all. Throw private dinner parties, roll your eyes at any/all non-”socials,” and awkwardly pry into your new coworker’s love life by asking her repeated questions like, “Where’s Jay?” and “So why didn’t Jay make it tonight?”
Wear: Refrigerator-sized purses, perfectly tailored designer dresses and blingy cocktail rings worth slightly more than the average American family’s household income.Don’t be afraid to … Play the part. Tell everyone you’re a “social,” constantly reminisce about your days as a deb (that’s “debutante,” for all you non-Upper East Siders!) and name-drop famous family friendzies, never mind that Manolo Blahnik didn’t quite seem to remember you.
Erin, The City Girl-Next-DoorAct:
Like you’re the made-to-order East Coast bestie we never knew Whitney had. Allude to a long history together without ever actually explaining how you guys met, or how your long lost BFF came to be sleeping on your sofa.
Wear: Bangs. Not all the time, but just often enough to remind us how down-to-earth you are. Occasionally, comb them back and secure with barrette for a more serious look. (Perf for when your friend tells you her new boyfriend has been spotted RIDING IN TAXI CABS with other girls!)Don’t be afraid to … Crash snooty dinner parties and cheer wildly when your BFF Whitney tells you she went back to Jay’s place after their first NYC dinner date.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Johnson Christmas card
Hello justjill fans! Hope you are all having a good day! I received some great Christmas cards in the mail this year! I have been trying to get all three of my kids in a picture but it hasn't been working out! So....just wanted to tell you all that I am working on a very special New Years card! So check your mailboxes soon!
Monday night!
Don't forget! Monday night on Mtv is the premiere of Bromance and The City! Can't wait to watch both of these!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
running track?
Why would I have a dream about running track? Are there any justjill fans out there that are dream experts?
Comment about the laptop
What an excellent idea about special ordering a new laptop from Paris with my name in diamonds! I wonder if they overnight things???
Dana said NO cause i have 3 laptops already.
Dana said NO cause i have 3 laptops already.
Friday, December 26, 2008
justin bobby's hat
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Hills finale
Lynn Lucas
O.k. this is a public apology to Lynn Lucas. Lynn Lucas wants everyone to know that she is not commenting on Justin Bobby. She doesn't care for Justin Bobby. Lynn Lucas is my friend and I don't want to make her mad so that is why I am saying, "Please forgive me, Lynn Lucas!" I think that Lynn Lucas also doesn't want me to use her name on justjill....I am soooo sorry Lynn Lucas! I will stop today! Lynn...will you please come up with a special code name so I know when you are writing?? Please Lynn!
O.k. Dana was the one that told me to use your name over and over again...he thought it would be funny! I would have never done that to you Lynn Lucas! :)
O.k. Dana was the one that told me to use your name over and over again...he thought it would be funny! I would have never done that to you Lynn Lucas! :)
Westfall girls
Congratulations on your new Dell laptops! Cool colors too. One pink and one lime green!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Am I getting old?

Good evening justjill fans! Growing old... Some love it and others hate it. Which one do you all love?
I love it cause that means that I am not dead! O.k. now to my point of my blog tonight...
Hollister. Yes, I am talking about the store. I HATE that store! It is soooo loud and very dark in there! It's like you need a flashlight to shop and also some ear plugs! Then they only have XS to Large sizes in there. Well of course the size Large should really be a size Small! I had the worst headache when i left there!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Hills and The Sunbury's
Well I thought we were all going to Leisa and Steve's Monday night for the finale of the Hills but they only get PBS and porn in the sunroom. So the party is cancelled.
Sorry to all of you out there that was so excited about the party. HA
Sorry to all of you out there that was so excited about the party. HA
Friday, December 19, 2008
or should i say CLUELESS???? I thought that story was funny and nobody has commented on it!
And the Oscar goes to.....
L.N.S.!!!!!!! for "THE GLANCE" Everyone loved it and she kept doing it to me and Spencer!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
keyless lock button
Just F.Y.I. No matter how long you stand in the parking lot and hit the "lock" button...you won't get into your car! You have to hit the "unlock" button!
Whoever said that they heard that I was looking HOT that night....needs glasses! My butt looked too big and my arms are to big for sleeveless...
Daph's bday
Of course she got everything she wanted on her bday! She did get a new camera so I am mad at her right now! HA just teasing!
Comment on the comment
You are sooo welcome my little jj fan! I just read the comment and it said something about being thankful for sitting next to the smartest person in the room. Well I was thinking, "Oh you are sooo welcome!"" Then I was thinking....who was sitting by me? Was this at dinner or on the couch? Hmmmm....
Then I thought...well maybe they weren't even talking about me! They could have just been thanking me for placing them by the smartest person. Hmmmm..... Wow! I am smart to figure all of that out!
Then I thought...well maybe they weren't even talking about me! They could have just been thanking me for placing them by the smartest person. Hmmmm..... Wow! I am smart to figure all of that out!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How nice of L. and S.
How nice of Leisa and Steve to offer their amazing sunroom for the Hills finale! Just joking
So Whitney is moving to THE CITY! I'm sorry but the city doesn't seem as much fun as The Hills. OH! good question for you justjill fans... Would you rather live in L.A. or New York????
My answer is L.A. of course! Although if I get Kelly Ripa's job then I will have to live in New York.
But if I get a job as a nurse for Dr.90210 then I will live in L.A. Hmmm....
Next week is the finale of The Hills. We need to all watch it together with our L.C. braid! It makes me sad when L.C. says goodbye to Whitney.
Justin Bobby is starting to freak me out with those weird looks that he gives Audrina.
My answer is L.A. of course! Although if I get Kelly Ripa's job then I will have to live in New York.
But if I get a job as a nurse for Dr.90210 then I will live in L.A. Hmmm....
Next week is the finale of The Hills. We need to all watch it together with our L.C. braid! It makes me sad when L.C. says goodbye to Whitney.
Justin Bobby is starting to freak me out with those weird looks that he gives Audrina.
I don't know if any of you know this but I love GAMES!!!!!! Get your mind out of the gutter! Board games...that kind of thing!
I get a little worked up over them and the competition is fierce! HA Another side of me just comes out...don't know if that is good or bad!
Have a few quotes that I want to mention:...
You are going down!
Get on the floor!
Show us your underwear!
Did I mention...YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!
I get a little worked up over them and the competition is fierce! HA Another side of me just comes out...don't know if that is good or bad!
Have a few quotes that I want to mention:...
You are going down!
Get on the floor!
Show us your underwear!
Did I mention...YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!
Justin Bobby's age
Lynn! You don't care how old Justin Bobby is? I know that is you out there commenting...you sneaky little thing! HA
Justin Bobby is.....25!
Justin Bobby is.....25!
Rick and Tracy
Used the color orange for Puddles, Ponds and Pavers!
Ok. what a great topic for today! These two crack me up! They have the best laugh! Rick always has a smile on his face (well at least when I see him) and Tracy always seems so reserved. But late at night...she gets the giggles and it is sooooo funny!!!!!Then when the two of them together start laughing.... so funny! Very fun couple and I hope we get to do more things in the future!
Ok. what a great topic for today! These two crack me up! They have the best laugh! Rick always has a smile on his face (well at least when I see him) and Tracy always seems so reserved. But late at night...she gets the giggles and it is sooooo funny!!!!!Then when the two of them together start laughing.... so funny! Very fun couple and I hope we get to do more things in the future!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Mom jeans...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Well I am very disappointed that starbucks will be closing tomorrow. Sometimes that is my only way that I make it through the day! I should hang around there all day and take paparazzi pictures! Lots of people will be there I am sure. OH! I could have a little segment on it. I want to be there with a camera crew and a microphone and interview people who come in. How cool would that be???
Don't freak!
Am I missed?
Well hello justjill fans! I love it when you guys get all feisty and demand more justjill! Awesome.
I have been busy and Dana said that there wasn't much activity going on... I know you are all out there reading my blog but just wasn't commenting.
Let's see... I want to talk about Lo. She has the weirdest facial expressions and says "sweetie" too much. She is strange...but she has been doing alot of modeling in the magazines lately! Have you all seen her? Let me do some background checks on her.
I really should have been a private I. What do you think? Oh! That reminds me of something else I want to chat about! I have sooo many things that I would like to do (when I grow up!) HA
Here are my TOP 10!
10. Cashier at any store that I can scan at...probably one of the grocery stores...people seem nicer there than they do at Walmart. Speaking of...why is everyone so darn grouchy at Walmart? Rude!
9. Reality tv star
8. A reporter for E
7. Back up singer for Justin Timberlake
6. Dancer for Justin Timberlake
5. The "hot" girl in Justin Timberlakes videos (don't you dare say that I would be the MOM of the "hot" girl in the video!)
4. Morning talk show host...preferably with Regis...not because I like Regis but just because I want to sit on the stool. (Yes! I am weird! But that is why you all keep coming back...right?)
3. Celebrity stylist
2. Violinist for Justin Timberlake
1. Nurse (I know! ;Seems so boring...)
Oh wait! I also want to be part of the round table on Chelsea Lately.
Oh! Also one of the Deal or No Deal girls!
The list goes on and on...
I have been busy and Dana said that there wasn't much activity going on... I know you are all out there reading my blog but just wasn't commenting.
Let's see... I want to talk about Lo. She has the weirdest facial expressions and says "sweetie" too much. She is strange...but she has been doing alot of modeling in the magazines lately! Have you all seen her? Let me do some background checks on her.
I really should have been a private I. What do you think? Oh! That reminds me of something else I want to chat about! I have sooo many things that I would like to do (when I grow up!) HA
Here are my TOP 10!
10. Cashier at any store that I can scan at...probably one of the grocery stores...people seem nicer there than they do at Walmart. Speaking of...why is everyone so darn grouchy at Walmart? Rude!
9. Reality tv star
8. A reporter for E
7. Back up singer for Justin Timberlake
6. Dancer for Justin Timberlake
5. The "hot" girl in Justin Timberlakes videos (don't you dare say that I would be the MOM of the "hot" girl in the video!)
4. Morning talk show host...preferably with Regis...not because I like Regis but just because I want to sit on the stool. (Yes! I am weird! But that is why you all keep coming back...right?)
3. Celebrity stylist
2. Violinist for Justin Timberlake
1. Nurse (I know! ;Seems so boring...)
Oh wait! I also want to be part of the round table on Chelsea Lately.
Oh! Also one of the Deal or No Deal girls!
The list goes on and on...
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