Leelou Blogs

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Hills spin-off made us realize there’s more than one kind of City gal. (Fact: There’s actually three!)
Manhattan ladies (represented by Whitney, Olivia and Erin).

Whitney, The New GirlAct:
Nervous. Make as many worried faces as possible. When necessary, switch from doe-eyed-deer-in-the-headlights to cocky, self-assured fashionista to show everyone you’re not as naive as they think you are.
Wear: Color! Yellow kimonos, sexy red platform shoes, purple backless mini-dresses!
Don’t be afraid to … Confront your boyfriend of approximately one week about rumors that he’s been seeing other people. You’ve had, like, two coffee dates, a dinner AND a mid-afternoon hug! In Hills world, you’re practically married.

Olivia, The Seasoned SocialiteAct:
Like you’re above it all. Throw private dinner parties, roll your eyes at any/all non-”socials,” and awkwardly pry into your new coworker’s love life by asking her repeated questions like, “Where’s Jay?” and “So why didn’t Jay make it tonight?”
Wear: Refrigerator-sized purses, perfectly tailored designer dresses and blingy cocktail rings worth slightly more than the average American family’s household income.Don’t be afraid to … Play the part. Tell everyone you’re a “social,” constantly reminisce about your days as a deb (that’s “debutante,” for all you non-Upper East Siders!) and name-drop famous family friendzies, never mind that Manolo Blahnik didn’t quite seem to remember you.

Erin, The City Girl-Next-DoorAct:
Like you’re the made-to-order East Coast bestie we never knew Whitney had. Allude to a long history together without ever actually explaining how you guys met, or how your long lost BFF came to be sleeping on your sofa.
Wear: Bangs. Not all the time, but just often enough to remind us how down-to-earth you are. Occasionally, comb them back and secure with barrette for a more serious look. (Perf for when your friend tells you her new boyfriend has been spotted RIDING IN TAXI CABS with other girls!)Don’t be afraid to … Crash snooty dinner parties and cheer wildly when your BFF Whitney tells you she went back to Jay’s place after their first NYC dinner date.


Anonymous said...

OMG-did you relly write ALL THat or copy it from somewhere--because you were so right on with the descriptions!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

loved how O asked Whit a bunch of times--where's Jay- why isnt he coming?? O digs JAY!!! I think that there is a secret past there!!! Hmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Whitney is HUGE--I luv how she wears the biggest heels and walks with such confidence!!!!