Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lynn Lucas

O.k. this is a public apology to Lynn Lucas. Lynn Lucas wants everyone to know that she is not commenting on Justin Bobby. She doesn't care for Justin Bobby. Lynn Lucas is my friend and I don't want to make her mad so that is why I am saying, "Please forgive me, Lynn Lucas!" I think that Lynn Lucas also doesn't want me to use her name on justjill....I am soooo sorry Lynn Lucas! I will stop today! Lynn...will you please come up with a special code name so I know when you are writing?? Please Lynn!

O.k. Dana was the one that told me to use your name over and over again...he thought it would be funny! I would have never done that to you Lynn Lucas! :)


Anonymous said...

Who is Justin Bobby? Is he any relation to Ricky Bobby?

Anonymous said...

LL is a black belt--watch out Dana Johnson!!!