Leelou Blogs

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Field Trip

This topic is very interesting. Well at least I think so. I went with Calvin's 2nd grade class to the Children's Museum on Thursday. Calvin was so excited and I was happy to be able to go and spend some "quality" one on one time with him. So when we get to school he was talking about being on the bus and said to me..."Mom I am going to sit with a friend if that is o.k.".... Now any other time I would have been a little sad but not this year! I said "Sure Calvin!". I was excited cause I got to sit by myself on the bus! Now I believe that is a sign of old age but not 100% sure. So he ends up sitting with a friend like 5 seats behind me! Too funny! As we are going on 65 the bus kept getting louder and louder cause the kids were so excited. Which is no problem...cause I am used to lots of noise here. I look at my window and it says "Emergency Exit Lift handle push out to open"... so I am thinking YES! It is my only way out of here! AND>... we were passing Greenwood! I really wanted to go to the mall too! So anyway... when we arrive there I have 5 kids that I am responsible for. Three BOYS and two girls. Well let me tell ya... I thought Calvin didn't listen! He was an ANGEL compared to these 2 other boys! You know...I want to be the fun Mom and have a good time but these two boys were making me lose my mind! Calvin got to pick who he wanted in his group and I believe he did this on purpose! Either he wanted me to be miserable or he wanted me to see that he really isn't that bad at all! HA By the end of the day, I was worn out and I could have cared less if I couldn't find those two boys... Ha I am just joking...well kinda....

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