Leelou Blogs

Saturday, May 10, 2008

5th grade dance continued...

Took over 250 pictures last night and everyone really liked the backdrop that I worked on for 2 weeks. I have to say, "THANK YOU to SPW and D.W.!!!" for helping me last night. They were awesome and I couldn't have done it without them. So thank you my little elves! SPW was on it! She posed everyone and did a fantastic job and D.W. did alot of posing in front of the camera and let me practice with the lighting. She also brought me a piece of cake but someone ate it before I could get to it! I will post who it was later.


Anonymous said...

What was the theme of your backdrop?

Anonymous said...

We were an awesome team! With puff in hair - Go Team Go!!!

Anonymous said...

that cake was good... i mean idk anything about ur cake. nope not at all