Leelou Blogs

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Good morning justjill fans! Haven't been on for a couple of days so I am sure I have lots of topics to talk about!

My friend, TCO, had this wonderful idea to take about 10 middle school girls to see High School Musical 3 last night. She invited me along and I believe the rest of Seymour! HA It was CRRRAAAAZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't believe the line that we waited in (inside) just to get into the movies. We went to the 6:40 show so as we were standing in line, we see the show before us get out. Tons of people but one person really stood out of the crowd. Any guesses??? Rufen Cummings! He was there watching HSM!!! I think he went by himself and he had on this tshirt that said, "High School Musical Rocks!" ....and then on the back it said, "HSM #1 Fan!" (I personally thought it was a little weird that he was there but I thought I should keep my comments to myself)...

Did I also mention that now that The Cummings family have moved across town that they don't really acknowledge us anymore?


Anonymous said...

Isn't rufen running for mayor? I think he was trying to get the younger crowd votes by going to the BIG HS Musical show last night

Anonymous said...

I want pictures-did you have your camera there??

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the lack of acknowledgement Friday. I was trying to find my kids.

BTW, HSM3 was a painful 2 hours.

Anonymous said...

Did Rueben really have a HS musical shirt on?? i didnt know they cam in that size

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ruefen gets my vote for whatever he is running for----I think he is a sweetie

Anonymous said...