Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My sister, Gina

So much to say but so little time. Went Sunday to Lexington, KY to take pictures for my sister. I love Lexington! Besides moving somewhere tropical or to LA ....I would pick Lexington. Such a pretty city. O.k. I don't talk much about my sisters on here but I must comment on this latest trip. I have two older sisters and they are nothing like me! We are complete opposites, not that is a bad thing, just telling you. As I am into fashion and celebrities, Gina is more into cars and houses. She can name off any car, how much it is, etc... but she knows nothing about fashion, celebrities, etc. Lexington has the most amazing malls and so we ran into the nearest one so I could go to Sephora. She was a little up to date on some of the makeup in there. Well we laughed so hard in there cause I believe we tried on every different type of makeup that they had in there! Of course, Gina thinks that they slightest thing is funny. Either she is making me sooo mad or she is making me laugh so hard that i could pee my pants. I think she is bipolar but that is a whole different story. She has the whole store watching her and this one guy was laughing so hard at her... He said, "Honey, you have just made my day." Yes, Dana...I'm sure he was gay. Anyway, after trying everything on and looking like clowns...we make our purchases. O.k. so we leave sephora and go through Macy's on the way out to the car. I spot all of this cool stuff... Free People, BCBG, 7 for all mankind, etc. So I am going nuts and Gina is like what is the big deal! So I go over to BCBG and I find this AWESOME dress and she said, "You would wear that?" She looks at the price and said "Holy S@#! Jill! It is on sale and it is still $250.00!" I said, "Well of course! It's BCBG!" She said, "What?".... I said, "BCBG." I said it really fast cause you have to... and she said "Meshebeeshee what?" I thought I was going to die! It was so funny! Guess you had to be there and know my sister gina. As we walked out, she told me that she thought she better read up on some of this stuff. I told her to put down her Good Housekeeping magazines and to read US Weekly for a change!


Anonymous said...

Do your sisters read your website?

Anonymous said...

Good Housekeeping has THE BEST sex tips!! I learned alot of new stuff in last months issue