Leelou Blogs

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mixed names...

Last night I was watching E and got to thinking about something....

You know how they mix the names up.... like for instance, when Ben and Jennifer were together they were called Bennifer.... and Brad and Angelina.... Brangelina.... and Zac and Vanessa...o.k. so you get the picture....

So why do celebrites names sound so good when they are like that but ours doesn't? Check this out...
Let's say Dana and I were celebrities... (OMG! Wouldn 't that be awesome??!!!).... o.k. so would we be Dill or Jana????

Are you always supposed to use that mans name first or do you mix it to whatever sounds the best? I better get to the bottom of this topic! this is major important news!

So Dill and/or Jana does not sound good! Let's try out some others...
You guys are already thinking about your name with your husbands names/wives name! I know you are!!!!!!!!!!

O.k. before we get to my list of names.... I was thinking about what if I was with JUSTIN??? Would we just take the J off and add it to my "ill"... which would still make our mixed name ....JILL!!!! That wouldn't work... so lets say we start with Jill and add Justin... well wouldn't that still be JUSTIN???? It would be sooo confusing!

O.k. here we go...
Andy and Daphne... Aphne? Dandy? This is way too much fun!!!!!!!! Let's vote on it!
( I like Dandy!)
Kevin and Lisa.... Kisa? Levin???
(I like Kisa!)
Steve and Leisa.... Steisa? Leve??
(I like Steisa!)
Rick and Tracy... Racy!!!!!!!! or Trick!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! Those are awesome!!!!!!
(it's a tie...)
Spencer and Kathy.... Spathy? or Kencer?
(I like Kencer!)
Walt and Jan... Wan? or Jalt?
(I like Jalt!....sounds like a coffee...)
Brad and Meredith... Breredith? or Mad!
(I like MAD!)


Anonymous said...

I like RACY!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MAD is a good one!!