Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I can't believe how everyone wants to comment when it is regarding Rufen!!!!!!!

Rufen never calls, never waves, never pays any attention to me ANYMORE! So sad....

He commented and said that he was trying to find his kids at HSM and that is why he didn't pay much attention to me.... but that is BULLS@#! .... since when is he trying to find his kids? They lived across the street from us for years and never once tried to find them....


Anonymous said...

LOL JJ-You r so darn funny

Anonymous said...

Rufen is too busy at work to call these days

Anonymous said...

Between work and answering calls about how much my toilets cost...

Anonymous said...

Everyone will ALWAYS need a toliet-they will never go out of STYLE

Does JJ sit on a designer toliet? I bet her toliet is fancy and has diamonds on that--only the CEO 's wife gets that

Anonymous said...

does PRADA make potties???

Anonymous said...

does PRADA make potties???