Leelou Blogs

Monday, October 6, 2008


Went to Bloomington this weekend cause Karmen had a People to People meeting. She was honored as an alumni and was supposed to get up on stage and get a pin and also tell about her experiences to Europe. This meeting was for the next trip....Australia! I have already told her that she was not going to Australia! Too far away... too long of a trip....to expensive....etc. So there were two of them (Karmen and another girl) that got up on stage. Karmen kept saying to me..."Mom I am NOT going up there and talking in front of all those people!" I said , "Karmen, you will be just fine. Just say your name and where you went and what your favorite part was." She continued to tell me that she was not going up there and talking. So when it was time, the guy said that the parents could come up on stage too. Well I was all for that! Being up on stage and holding a microphone!!!! So I did all the talking...(imagine that!) The first thing I said was, "Wow. I love microphones!" Probably not the best thing to say but I had to get it out of my system! HA Then when we left...there were so many parents/kids that wanted to talk to Karmen and I. I felt like a celebrity!

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