Leelou Blogs

Friday, October 10, 2008

Junk mail

I have been wanting to talk about this certain subject for quite awhile but kept putting it off. Isn't it crazy how much junk mail you can get in one day on your computer?!!!!!! Here is what kills me though.... it's not as much as "how many" but more of "what they send".... make sense? For instance... most of mine will be about Want to lose 10lbs in a week? Well HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I do!
Or Let's whiten those teeth! I'm thinking....Are mine yellow or something?
Here is a good one.... Need a job? We will pay you from working at home! So I am thinking...AWESOME! The list goes on and on and on...

So...my computer says That I can stay home and work, whiten my teeth and lose 10lbs in a week! Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about making your partners member larger?