Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What in the world???!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure this will be a hot topic for days to come... Let's see...where do I even begin???
Just jill fans are wanting to see more than just LC and senior photos of people we don't even know.... so I hired an asst.paparazzi to see what she could find in Seymour. We needed some "locals" pictures. Well I believe she did AWESOME! Looks like it is in the middle of the day and they are at BusyBee! Now why in the world are these 3 hot guys all sitting together in the backseat???!!!!! Who is driving them around? Why didn't someone sit in the two seats in front of them? OMG! That is my car they are fooling around in! LOL!

O.k. of course I know the real story behind this photo but it wasn't as exciting as the one I just told!

Too busy...

Too busy this week to spend all day talking about last nights Hills. So I have just a few things to say about last nights show.

First of all....I am missing Whitney and her good listening skills. She always listens to LC's drama.

Then I want to say, "Lo... " Oh nevermind...she just drives me nuts!

Now about LC./Stephanie/Doug. Why does Lauren care if Stephanie goes out with Doug??? She is the one that broke up with him! I guess if she doesn't want him, then nobody else can have him either.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Senior Pictures

This is a Senior Model of class 2010. Very pretty girl and a awesome picture...but I think she looks older. Like maybe 20

Mug Shot


Makenna? Did I spell it right now? Sorry!

Friday, September 26, 2008


I am a COUNTRY GIRL if I have lots of concrete around me!

Job offer?

Well this morning Cole and I were working outside. I cleaned by the pool and then we headed to the front. The front of our house needs some major TLC!!! Since I am such an outdoor person, I was trying to pull weeds and clean up the porch and sidewalk. And guess who drives by????.......

Yep. You guessed it. Rick Westfall! Puddles, Ponds & Pavers! I have a feeling that he will be calling soon and offering me a job after seeing my yardwork skills! HA The funny thing is...if he had drove by 5 minutes earlier he would have died laughing. I was trying to get the waterhose to work and I had to go through the shrubs by the fountain and I hate that! They were touching my legs and everything! Then the waterhose was going everywhere cause there was a leak or something in it! I was soaking wet and mad! I'm sure it was a lovely sight! BUT...I pulled myself together and finished the job!

Why? Cause when I start something....I finish it!

Love this!

Run Spencer run!!!

More Sunbury children

mckenna sunbury

How cute she is!!!!


are you there to survive or to kill someone with that knife???? Should I be scared?


Good Friday morning to all my justjill fans!

Perfection. Sometimes in life we all get caught up in things and don't just sit back and RELAX! I am the worst at this myself. We should be more positive and just take a nice deep breath. Let's all do it together.... K. Take a deep breath in...good....now exhale....good.

My advice for the day...


This pertains to most things in life....
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen...
What goes around comes back around....

O.k. I am finished! That is all I have to say!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Me? A country girl?????

I have soooo much to say regarding this topic so I may have to make it into two parts.

So last Sat. night Dana and I and some friends went out. We were going back to their house and something was mentioned about the country roads we were on. I can't really remember what else was said to get us on this topic but Dana says, "Jill is not a country girl." Well my head is spinning cause I have so much to say to this. So I may go back and forth and hopefully I will make sense. I must say that we walked across the dam at Starve Hollow. It was dark, there were bugs flying around and I could instantly tell that my hair was starting to frizz. We were only there like 5 minutes and as we were getting in the car...I said to Dana, "I feel like I have been camping all weekend!" I just had this 'camping' feel. Can't explain it though. Dana and my boys love to camp but it is so outdoors. Grass, trees, bugs, a lake, etc. That is wonderful that people love to do this but it is not one of my favorite things. I absolutely do love to be outside though! I like trees, love blue skies, and worship the sun! I do prefer concrete and a pool over grass and a lake. I love beaches with white sand and clear blue ocean water.

O.k. back to the country thing. Just because I don't know what county road we are on and don't like camping doesn't mean I am not a country girl. I told Dana that I wasn't a city girl either. I am right in between. I thought I lived in the country! We moved from 6th Street to Oxmoor. Ha! Of course that was just a joke....

So what is a country girl??? Do you have to be on a tractor and milk cows everyday?

This got me all fired up cause when he said that...it's almost like a challenge for me. I do not like bugs of any sort, can't stand grasshoppers, do not like bees, don't get real excited to see farm animals, etc. etc.

Have to go....more later


Fun question for all of you! Please comment and let us all know what you are thinking!

I used to watch Survivor when it first came on and I loved it! Then other shows came on and as you all know I got pretty attached! BUT...one day I was watching tv and I saw something about the show. So that got me thinking... hmmm.... if I was to be on Survivor and you are only allowed one personal item to bring with you....what would it be?

So I will tell you a couple of things that I thought of and then please let us know what you are thinking!

The first thing that pops in my head is a razor. I couldn't imagine having hairy legs and armpits for that long! Then I thought of a toothbrush. What about tweezers?

More LC

Lauren is at the pet store... cute braids!

LC out and about

LC at The Emmy's

Sunday night Emmy's

I saw this moment and I loved Jennifer Love Hewitt's dress! I only saw the top of it on tv but I thought it was very pretty. But.... the next day on the E Channel.... they had the best and worse dressed celebs. They said that they did not like her dress! Usually I agree with the fashion experts but not this time...

Picture below

I can't remember if I got that picture off of The Studio website or the Picture This website

Love this!

I LOVE this picture!!!!! I love the complete white background and her face, skin and hair are very light. What stands out is her cute little outfit!

Pass the word Part II

One more thing... I had this friend, (can't mention any names) and she THINKS she has to act a certain way cause of her husband's profession but what made us such good friends was that she liked all the same things that I did....especially her love for celebrity gossip in US Weekly, People, In Touch, etc. Funny thing is that she would never buy these magazines at the grocery store or Walmart cause she didn't want anyone see her buying them. Too funny! So she would come to my house to pick mine up after I was finished with them. Who cares what people think?!!! Honestly! They can all kiss my @ss! I don't care what your spouse does for a living. I think we are all equal. No one is better than you and no one is beneath you. That is my advice for the day. Take it or leave it

Pass the word!

I get so excited when I hear that a "new" person has been on justjill! I hope you enjoy it and continue to check it as often as you can!

Which reminds me of a short story...
There is nothing better than being with someone and I may say, "Oh I wrote about whatever today on justjill...blahblah, etc." and then the person I am chatting with will say, "Oh I haven't been on justjill in forever!" Here is the good part.... So then they will say "Oh I read about ...whatever...blahblahblah." So then I am like....SO YOU HAVE BEEN ON JUSTJILL! HA It's o.k. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Don't be ashamed that you get on justjill to read about the latest town gossip, celebrity gossip, etc. Stand up tall and be proud! I personally love all of my justjill fans and actually I think they are the coolest people out there! Be cool. Be hip. Be sick. Be awesome. Be nice. Be crazy. Be fiesty. Be sweet. Be sassy. Be a justjill fan!

Info regarding picture below...

That is The Sunbury girls and The Waskom boys


Spending time in the pumpkin patch

Last night...

Good morning! I really really wanted to post my Country Girl story last night but by the time I got home....it was too late. So I will be posting my story as soon as I get home from taking Kids to school!

I was very tired cause I had just spent a couple of hours in the COUNTRY!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Me? A country girl? Hmmm....

Have lots to say about this. But I can't at the moment. Cole needs me. Stay tuned though! You won't want to miss this one!


Funerals are so not fun. I can say that the only good out of it .. is that I sat there (with no kids!) and I actually got to listen to several people talk about their grandfather/father/uncle/brother/friend. It was so sad and funny and inspiring to me. It did make me think about life in a new prospective. Every once in awhile I believe that every one needs that.

I am sure when my justjill fans get online and read what I have to say.... it is both funny and inspiring! O.k. maybe just funny....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Check this out!

Look at how Lo is standing!!!

More of Audrina's moving day...

Wonder who will move into the pool house now?

Ok...I lied!

O.k. this is too funny! Do you sometimes think..."Where does justjill get all of this top secret information about The Hills? O.k. so maybe you don't...but I have to say...There are soooo many people out there that think the way I do and are obsessed with The Hills.... Below here is a quote from BEST TRESSED...

We hope we aren’t boring you with all the Lauren and her braids posts, but we have to admit we can’t get enough of this look. We were skeptical when she added braid number two but the look is definitely growing on us. Especially, when she wears the rest of her hair in her signature waves. We’ll go so far as to say this is probably one of our top three favorite celebrity looks this season. Lauren definitely has a place on our Best Tressed list.

Last comment about the braid...

You know I keep reading about the famous braid that LC always has her hair in.... but when I really thought about it...I don't think she was the first one to do this. I remember two summer agos sporting that same look. No, I don't think justjill started it but I remember seeing Jessica Simpson having that same braid. Does anyone else remember that???

LC's braid!

I want all of my justjill fans to know that I do NOT put my hair in the LC braid while I watch The Hills!

Now as everyone knows, I am very open and honest about the way I feel and what I am thinking.... so I will admit that last night I told Dana and Karmen that I was going to have A HILLS PARTY here (for the finale of The Hills) and I was going to say that you have to wear your hair in a LC braid that night. I was very excited about that! Dana said, "I can't put my hair in a braid." So then I said..."Well you can't come to the party then!" He was pretty upset over it and so I told him that the only way he could get a braid was to wear a wig and do the LC braid on the wig. No braid? No invite!!!!!!!

Wouldn't that be fun??!!!!!!!! GOODNESS!!!!! I am sooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fashion Police comment

DANA!!!!! You bad boy! You just want me to arrest you in the police uniform...don't cha?!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cow dung!

O.k. so EXILED is on right after The Hills and this poor girl is in India. They just said COW DUNG again! I love that word! I just want to say it over and over...

Cow dung. Cow dung. Cow dung.

I wonder if Dr.Steve Sunbury calls it that??? Steve... I know you are out there reading justjill... all the justjill fans want to know! I bet if you don't use that term now...you will tomorrow!

As you read this... aren't you all saying in your head "Cow dung. Cow dung. Cow dung." You are now!!!!!!!!!!

Fashion Police!

I crack myself up! As I posted Audrina's picture and commented on LC's dress that she wore on moving day.... I am thinking..."who made me fashion police?!!!"


Audrina looks good in white I think... but... what has she been smoking???? Look at her eyes! What is she looking at??? LOL!

LC's blue dress

O.k. I just looked at that picture again of what LC is wearing and it absolutely does NOTHING for her figure... BAD...BAD...BAD choice Lauren!


O.k. here I am once again! Like anyone has missed me!

Has anyone notinced how Lo really has nothing good to say and when she does speak... she doesn't say anything worth listening too. AND she always sings or says La la la la la! Am I the only one that has noticed that? Almost makes me a little uncomfortable...

More about The Hills...

I'm sorry but I can't stop talking about The Hills on Monday night/Tuesday morning! (I do love you my little secret Justjill fan!).... we always totally agree on these topics! Did you guys check out Lo carrying a box and also a vaccum cleaner??? She probably had to go get her nails done afterwards!

I really don't like LC's dress, braids and those black sandals! That is totally not what I have worn the day Audrina was moving out.

I have to say that I don't like Audrina's black skinny jeans either...

more in a minute...

Audrina is moving out!

Monday night!

It's Monday! I say that like some people might say, "It's Monday night football!". Well I personally do not enjoy watching football so I say.."It's Monday night The Hills!" I live for that show. How pathetic is that? For some odd reason ..I love that show!


Dancing with the Stars is on tonight!!!!!!!!! I don't think that Kim has lost any weight in the behind...but I did see her this weekend...(not at Walmart but a magazine) and she looked smaller. Can't wait to see her! Neither can Dana!

Dancing with the Stars!

Dana the Editor

You know I could have a whole bunch of Justjill fans or maybe there are only two of you out there....but THANK YOU for always supporting me!!!

Dana is not my editor and so you are right... I can write whatever I want whenever I want. He told me that I should write one thing a day. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! I can't do that! My mind doesn't work that way!

Thanks for all of your love and support!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Breaking News!

I just heard on tv that there was a plane crash involving DJ AM and Travis Barker. They are in critical but stable condition. DJ AM has burns all over his face and upper body...and Travis has burns from the waist down. How terrible

LC braid

Just wanted to post this picture cause I love her "LC" braid!

Commenting on the comments!

Well I am sorry that I haven't posted anything in awhile! This gives all of you time to catch up if you haven't had time to get online. Dana said that when I post things .... he thinks I post too much. Does anyone agree? Should I limit my thoughts to only like 4 ???

Regarding the store: I can't remember what I had on! Just shorts and a tshirt... I'm sure. I had no makeup on and was definitey not looking HOT!

Who asked what a Coon was??? I will let Dana answer that one.

I am excited too about The Hills this Monday! I hear that Dancing with The Stars comes on Monday also. Dana is excited about Kim Kardashian being on there.

I don't think that Heidi, Lauren and Audrina are all in bed together on Monday and Justin Bobby doesn't have a job. There was NO excuse for him not being at the Epic party!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My thoughts regarding The Hills

Well I thought last nights show was a good one. Lauren and Audrina are friends again! Yeah! I blame it all on LO though! She needs her butt kicked out of the main house and stick her in the pool house! Seemed like Heidi and Lauren are kinda missing each other now too.... hmmm....


Monday, September 15, 2008

Just a reminder

Don't forget to watch The Hills tonight! Lauren goes to lunch with Heidi's sister!

Just a reminder

Don't forget to watch The Hills tonight!

Date night

Justin took Jessica out for dinner this weekend at his own restaurant Southern Hospitality

Single gals out there?!!!

If you want to find a man...go to the grocery store. I had one that wanted to pick me up on Sat. And let me tell you....I was NOT looking so HOT! HA


I love to wake up and smell fresh coffee coming from the kitchen... breakfast cooking... my kids all dressed and ready for school....getting along....talking quietly to each other.... some fun music being played in the background... a new outfit laying on the bed for me to wear today...


O.k. here is the real morning routine. Having Karmen wake me up and saying, "Mom where is my white tank top? I can't find it!".... Then hearing my boys yelling and fighting...."Mom!!!!!!!! Cole hit me!" "MOM!!! Calvin started it!" "We're hungry mom!" "Can I take a quick bath?" "Mom I am thirsty! Will you get me something to drink?" "Mom! Did you find that white tank top yet?" "Mom! I don't want Cole to take a bath with me this morning!" "Is breakfast ready?" "Where's my backpack?" "I need more lunch money!" "My stomach is hurting!" "Where's my one shirt that has the number 8 on it?" "Is it cold enough to wear jeans?" "Will I get too hot this afternoon?" "Mom I can't find any socks! Will you get my shoes?" The list goes on and on and on...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Look very close...

at the picture below and you will see Steve in there too...talking on his phone! I think I overheard him talking to his agent.

Jan and Walt

I think this may be their first run-in with the paparazzi

L.T. is back!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I have totally lost it!

Paparazzi is even at the volleyball games!


Congratulations once again to Karmen's volleyball team! They won again tonight! So exciting!
Well remember how I mentioned that I doubt the Sunbury's would sit by me again... well I was right. He found someone a little quieter to sit by...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This guy was happy to see me take his picture!

Bullhorn thingy

I want to have a pink one with glitter and my name on it!


Does anyone feel dizzy after reading my blog???

volleyball rocks!

O.k. I have to admit that I get a little excited when I watch Karmen play volleyball... I can't control myself and the whole gym could be quiet and I will still be yelling. I am actually a quiet person who likes to keep to herself but something just comes over me and there is no controlling it! I apologize to the Sunbury's at last nights game. I don't think they will ever sit by me and Cole again. Cole really gets into it too!
Which reminds me of something else...
The Ironman! Yep we definitely cheered Spencer on and there again...I have to watch what I say! Certain things just come flying out of my mouth that maybe I should keep to myself. Those who were around me know exactly what I am talking about...
Speaking of.... there was this lady with a big speaker horn megaphone type of thing...and I was sooo jealous! I want one!!! I did get a picture of her...

BigMac vs. Whopper

O.k. I have mentioned this before but I have to say it again cause it is what I am thinking at the momment. I will get to the BigMac vs. Whopper in a second...
Do my justjill fans get online and read my blogs and think..."Where in the world did this topic come from??" Well it is o.k. to say yes... cause I wonder about it myself. Am I normal or is this something that I should seek professional help for?

Anyway... I am constantly worried about my weight but never really do much to help it. For instance, today I ate a BigMac. Now...why in the world did I do that?!!! I know how many calories it is and thought about it the whole time I was stuffing it in my mouth....so what is my problem? At Burger King they have Whoppers and Whopper jrs. so why doesn't McDonald's have BigMac jrs.?? Or would they call it a SmallMac? LittleMac? JuniorMac?


Nike Team!

Congratulations girls for winning your first game tonight!


Please don't look at me that way. You look so mad at me. I am sorry for not cooking dinner. But, you are looking hot!
This picture above is Justin when he is reading justjill.

Dana get back to work!

Dana! Don't try and figure out The Hills! You will get people confused.

L.C.'s mascara

Lauren actually looked good with black mascara running down her face. She is a spokesperson for Avon...Mark. That is what she was wearing.
