Leelou Blogs

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Commenting on the comments!

Well I am sorry that I haven't posted anything in awhile! This gives all of you time to catch up if you haven't had time to get online. Dana said that when I post things .... he thinks I post too much. Does anyone agree? Should I limit my thoughts to only like 4 ???

Regarding the store: I can't remember what I had on! Just shorts and a tshirt... I'm sure. I had no makeup on and was definitey not looking HOT!

Who asked what a Coon was??? I will let Dana answer that one.

I am excited too about The Hills this Monday! I hear that Dancing with The Stars comes on Monday also. Dana is excited about Kim Kardashian being on there.

I don't think that Heidi, Lauren and Audrina are all in bed together on Monday and Justin Bobby doesn't have a job. There was NO excuse for him not being at the Epic party!


Anonymous said...

write WHATEVER you want WHENEVER you want-we love it all JJ!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Kim K has lost weight in her butt after all her dancin

Anonymous said...

What is Dana? Like your editor or something? The first amendment says FREEDOM of SPEECH!