Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

volleyball rocks!

O.k. I have to admit that I get a little excited when I watch Karmen play volleyball... I can't control myself and the whole gym could be quiet and I will still be yelling. I am actually a quiet person who likes to keep to herself but something just comes over me and there is no controlling it! I apologize to the Sunbury's at last nights game. I don't think they will ever sit by me and Cole again. Cole really gets into it too!
Which reminds me of something else...
The Ironman! Yep we definitely cheered Spencer on and there again...I have to watch what I say! Certain things just come flying out of my mouth that maybe I should keep to myself. Those who were around me know exactly what I am talking about...
Speaking of.... there was this lady with a big speaker horn megaphone type of thing...and I was sooo jealous! I want one!!! I did get a picture of her...

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