Leelou Blogs

Friday, September 26, 2008

Job offer?

Well this morning Cole and I were working outside. I cleaned by the pool and then we headed to the front. The front of our house needs some major TLC!!! Since I am such an outdoor person, I was trying to pull weeds and clean up the porch and sidewalk. And guess who drives by????.......

Yep. You guessed it. Rick Westfall! Puddles, Ponds & Pavers! I have a feeling that he will be calling soon and offering me a job after seeing my yardwork skills! HA The funny thing is...if he had drove by 5 minutes earlier he would have died laughing. I was trying to get the waterhose to work and I had to go through the shrubs by the fountain and I hate that! They were touching my legs and everything! Then the waterhose was going everywhere cause there was a leak or something in it! I was soaking wet and mad! I'm sure it was a lovely sight! BUT...I pulled myself together and finished the job!

Why? Cause when I start something....I finish it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was trying to get the waterhose to work and I had to go through the shrubs by the fountain and I hate that! They were touching my legs and everything!