Leelou Blogs

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pass the word!

I get so excited when I hear that a "new" person has been on justjill! I hope you enjoy it and continue to check it as often as you can!

Which reminds me of a short story...
There is nothing better than being with someone and I may say, "Oh I wrote about whatever today on justjill...blahblah, etc." and then the person I am chatting with will say, "Oh I haven't been on justjill in forever!" Here is the good part.... So then they will say "Oh I read about ...whatever...blahblahblah." So then I am like....SO YOU HAVE BEEN ON JUSTJILL! HA It's o.k. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Don't be ashamed that you get on justjill to read about the latest town gossip, celebrity gossip, etc. Stand up tall and be proud! I personally love all of my justjill fans and actually I think they are the coolest people out there! Be cool. Be hip. Be sick. Be awesome. Be nice. Be crazy. Be fiesty. Be sweet. Be sassy. Be a justjill fan!

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