Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BigMac vs. Whopper

O.k. I have mentioned this before but I have to say it again cause it is what I am thinking at the momment. I will get to the BigMac vs. Whopper in a second...
Do my justjill fans get online and read my blogs and think..."Where in the world did this topic come from??" Well it is o.k. to say yes... cause I wonder about it myself. Am I normal or is this something that I should seek professional help for?

Anyway... I am constantly worried about my weight but never really do much to help it. For instance, today I ate a BigMac. Now...why in the world did I do that?!!! I know how many calories it is and thought about it the whole time I was stuffing it in my mouth....so what is my problem? At Burger King they have Whoppers and Whopper jrs. so why doesn't McDonald's have BigMac jrs.?? Or would they call it a SmallMac? LittleMac? JuniorMac?



Anonymous said...

Totally AGREE with you!!!! They could just put that Yummy big mac sauce on a cheeseburger and I would be happy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoppers R the best
McDonalds fries and coke R the best
Crunch wrap supremes rule