Leelou Blogs

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Me? A country girl?????

I have soooo much to say regarding this topic so I may have to make it into two parts.

So last Sat. night Dana and I and some friends went out. We were going back to their house and something was mentioned about the country roads we were on. I can't really remember what else was said to get us on this topic but Dana says, "Jill is not a country girl." Well my head is spinning cause I have so much to say to this. So I may go back and forth and hopefully I will make sense. I must say that we walked across the dam at Starve Hollow. It was dark, there were bugs flying around and I could instantly tell that my hair was starting to frizz. We were only there like 5 minutes and as we were getting in the car...I said to Dana, "I feel like I have been camping all weekend!" I just had this 'camping' feel. Can't explain it though. Dana and my boys love to camp but it is so outdoors. Grass, trees, bugs, a lake, etc. That is wonderful that people love to do this but it is not one of my favorite things. I absolutely do love to be outside though! I like trees, love blue skies, and worship the sun! I do prefer concrete and a pool over grass and a lake. I love beaches with white sand and clear blue ocean water.

O.k. back to the country thing. Just because I don't know what county road we are on and don't like camping doesn't mean I am not a country girl. I told Dana that I wasn't a city girl either. I am right in between. I thought I lived in the country! We moved from 6th Street to Oxmoor. Ha! Of course that was just a joke....

So what is a country girl??? Do you have to be on a tractor and milk cows everyday?

This got me all fired up cause when he said that...it's almost like a challenge for me. I do not like bugs of any sort, can't stand grasshoppers, do not like bees, don't get real excited to see farm animals, etc. etc.

Have to go....more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not like bugs of any sort, can't stand grasshoppers, do not like bees, don't get real excited to see farm animals, etc. etc.