Thursday, May 29, 2008
One of those days...
Well the kids went to grandma's/grandpa's today and I should be doing laundry, running errands, taking a walk, etc... but I can't get motivated.
Adopt A Spot!
Totally forgot about Tri Kappa and my duties to take care of our area by the high school! I was reminded by a friend yesterday (she needs to come up with a new code name!)...and then I asked Dana what he was doing today. Hint hint....
With everything going on here slipped my mind. I feel bad. in the world did I get on that committee??? Pulling weeds? Gardening? Whatever you want to call it... that is not my area of expertise. So I was being lazy last night (after I ate my Big Mac) and I should have went right then but I was in the middle of a big Spongebob tournament and I couldn't leave! (That is what Dana called it!) I'm sure Tri Kappa would not agree that Spongebob was more important. I guess I will be going there today. I would pay someone 20 dollars to go and pull the weeks for me
With everything going on here slipped my mind. I feel bad. in the world did I get on that committee??? Pulling weeds? Gardening? Whatever you want to call it... that is not my area of expertise. So I was being lazy last night (after I ate my Big Mac) and I should have went right then but I was in the middle of a big Spongebob tournament and I couldn't leave! (That is what Dana called it!) I'm sure Tri Kappa would not agree that Spongebob was more important. I guess I will be going there today. I would pay someone 20 dollars to go and pull the weeks for me
Pool update
Well the pool is already for concrete! It will be poured on Monday (around the pool) and then he will put the liner in. Then he said that the concrete has to set about a week before he puts in the slide.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tell your little ones that I have updated a little on Justjilljunior! I will do more later!
Calvin came in with a tick on his head! What was I supposed to do? How come his father wasn't here to take care of it??? I thought I was going to have to call 911!!!
Dana is back
Very funny Dana. I don't know how in the world I am going to put my 8 hrs in at Walgreens. Maybe I should find a nanny since the pool guy/girl didn't work out???
Denise Richards is an actress. She was married to Charlie Sheen and then dated Richie Sambora. She is single now.
Denise Richards is an actress. She was married to Charlie Sheen and then dated Richie Sambora. She is single now.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Last Day of School!
Well the day has finally arrived. I still remember the first day of school. I am happy that school is out but also sad that this school year has come to an end. All three of my kids had wonderful teachers! Karmen has really been sad about leaving 5th grade behind. What about your Justjill fans? Did your kids have a good last day???
Comments on the Comments
I am commenting on the Denise Richards comment first. Her personality is totally not what I had expected and she does have this really deep laugh. What's the deal with the 20 animals running around too?
Kourtney's boyfriend is not the cutest. Not that looks is everything though! She is too pretty though....she needs someone nice and HOT!
Kourtney's boyfriend is not the cutest. Not that looks is everything though! She is too pretty though....she needs someone nice and HOT!
Monday, May 26, 2008
I am sure you are tired of seeing my pictures that I have I will stop for now. I have some favorites but don't want to post them until their parents see them first!
Last picture....(I think)
A Big Mac sounds sooooo good right now. I have eaten really well today but now I am starving and want some food!!!!!!!!!
Prince somebody...
O.k. so I ask K. and D. what they want to do on Sat. and they decided a movie would be fun. So I go get the paper and read them off. I wanted to see Baby Mama or the Vegas one with Cameron Diaz and Ashton but they decide on some Prince something... poor D. she kept telling me the whole name of the movie but I had never heard of it and could not remember the name! Of course Karmen thinks I am retarded or something. It was the longest movie ever and I guess I should have watched the first movie first...
Miss Photographer
Well I have been busy taking all kinds of pictures the last few days. It has been fun but very time consuming. I do alot of "extras" that I don't have to do but if you want to be good then you have to do that. Took some pictures of Delaney for fun on Sat. (I wanted to take more but I promised Karmen that I would only take like 8!) Then I went to Waskom's and took pictures of her boys and her niece. Can't wait to develop those too! Of course I will post a few...
Keeping up with the Kardashians Marathon!
Well on Channel 62 is a huge marathon of our favorite girls! They crack me up! I am watching the episode of when Kourtney and Khloe go with Bruce to see exactly what he does. They think he has no job. So they get drunk at one of his "meetings". Too funny
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Well I can't remember if I had said...but the pictures that I took of little Sophie were excellent! Her mom said, "Now just print the ones that turned out or your favorites." I said, "O.k.". Well I took almost 200 of her and they ALL turned out good! So she definitely has alot of pictures to choose from. I will post a few in a bit
Rise and Shine
I love waking up to the smell of fresh doughnuts and the sound of my kids fighting. That puts me in the best mood!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Pool update!
OMG! For two straight days the pool guys have been here working! I am so impressed! That little "talk" I gave him must have worked
School is almost out!
Yeah! Almost finished with school this year! I can't wait! I am so over it! I am ready for all 3 of my kids to be home with me. That way they all 3 can get on my last nerve...there will be new topics to fight about...more yelling....more "Mom. I'm bored."....more "Mom! I'm hungry!"....more "When is dad going to be home?"...more or everything...
Karmen told me yesterday on the way home from school that she was sad that school was coming to an end. I can't believe she said that cause for two years in Reach...she has done nothing but homework and projects. She said she is ready to go to 6th grade but kinda wished she was in the same class with her friends. I guess when you are in a class 2 years in a row with the same kinda get used to it. I guess all you St.Ambrose kids understand that.
I'm free!
I'm free! I'm free! I'm free at last!
Thank you to Dana aka/ACD! He let me sleep in and he took COLE! YEAH! I am actually home alone! Well kinda....there are like 8 men in my backyard right now. Neighbors will be talking...
Thank you to Dana aka/ACD! He let me sleep in and he took COLE! YEAH! I am actually home alone! Well kinda....there are like 8 men in my backyard right now. Neighbors will be talking...
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Jack. Happy Birthday to you! (I was singing that as I wrote it.) You little cutie
SPW and Cole
Well Cole and SPW definitely made a connection yesterday at Redding School! I don't know what kind of connection it was but I told her that if he likes her he will probably smack her on the butt. Well he did. She had him so wound up (like he needs any help with that!) that I thought about dropping him off at her house so she could deal with him the rest of the day. HA
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cole told me today that he wished Starbucks would burn down so I couldn't go there anymore.
Let's be honest
O.k. my JustJill fans. You know that I am always honest and tell the whole truth and nothing but the I would like for you all to do the same. Here is a little quiz for you:
Who truly enjoys eating a salad over a cheeseburger? (Remember honest!)
Who really colors their hair but just won't admit to it?
Who likes to jump in bed on a Sunday afternoon and eat a Big Mac and watch reruns of Rock of Love?
For now I am only going to give you those 3 questions. Because I don't want you to rush through this quiz. Sit back. Relax and really think about your answers before you post them.
Who truly enjoys eating a salad over a cheeseburger? (Remember honest!)
Who really colors their hair but just won't admit to it?
Who likes to jump in bed on a Sunday afternoon and eat a Big Mac and watch reruns of Rock of Love?
For now I am only going to give you those 3 questions. Because I don't want you to rush through this quiz. Sit back. Relax and really think about your answers before you post them.
You know what?
I am sick and tired of CONSTANTLY thinking and talking about my weight! If I want a big bowl of ice cream at night, then why shouldn't I go eat it? I mean...we only live once.
Eating out
Seems like that is all we do lately is eat out! Kids are so busy and I usually don't feel like it by the end of the day. My goal is to do much better though after school is out. And I know that is why my pants are too tight and I have this belly roll. It is KILLING me! I was planning on having this HOT body before our pool opens but it doesn't look like that is going to be happening any time soon. So I guess I will have to swim in my shorts and tshirt for awhile.
The Today Show with Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera...
Live from Studio A in the Studio Plaza....
I can't get that saying out of my head! What is wrong with me?
O.k. some of you have already heard this story and some haven't. So I apologize.
You know when they send Matt around the world in so many days? It is always titled "Where in the World is Matt Lauer? " Well first of all, that whole thing is getting really old to me. Can they not think of something else to do with Matt?
Anyway my point is.... I was telling Dana that we should have used that same title on Kenny P. "Where in the World is Kenny Perry?"
I can't get that saying out of my head! What is wrong with me?
O.k. some of you have already heard this story and some haven't. So I apologize.
You know when they send Matt around the world in so many days? It is always titled "Where in the World is Matt Lauer? " Well first of all, that whole thing is getting really old to me. Can they not think of something else to do with Matt?
Anyway my point is.... I was telling Dana that we should have used that same title on Kenny P. "Where in the World is Kenny Perry?"
I'm back!
Please. Please. Please forgive me my JustJill fans. I feel so bad that I haven't been on here since Tuesday (I think). Anyway...I wasn't just laying around in bed doing nothing ...although I wish I were...but this month of May is a killer! Plus last week of much to do. Just know that you are all on my mind and that I would never forget any of you! Cole had preschool graduation, Karmen had a play, Karmen had a talent show, Calvin and Karmen had a field trip, I had to finish those dance pictures, I was doing cute little Sophie's pictures, etc. etc. etc. Boy after Tuesday and there is no out cause JustJill will be back in force!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
O.k. seriously. This is for SERIOUS people who really do want to go to LA with JustJill! I am going to look into the airfare and a hotel and get some prices. I will post them and then I really need to know who wants to go. I want to get reservations for lunch or something at The Ivy (where ALL the celebrities eat!) to see Ellen... there is a neat tour that I found of all the celebrities homes, neighborhoods, etc... I feel like SCREAMING just thinking about it!
Dance moves...
YES! M.H. is an awesome dancer! I don't know if I have ever seen any of those moves that she was doing at the Tri Kappa dance but who cares!...she did them well!!!!!! ROCK ON M.H.!!!!!!!!!!
I could really see you and Ellen dancing together...too funny
I could really see you and Ellen dancing together...too funny
Just FYI...
D.W. ALWAYS has something new on! ALL THE TIME! Seriously. We like to make fun of her about this. I asked her if she goes and buys a new outfit just to wear when she is shopping for another new outfit. I think she does...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hey you JustJill fans! Let's go to LA and also to the Ellen show! I can get tickets...
We could be the worst dancers and then they would show us on tv!
We could be the worst dancers and then they would show us on tv!
Cutie Sophie!
Professional organizer...
I would love for you to come organize my kitchen...but first I have to clean it. HA
I know
Yes I put the same picture on there twice. If you looked like that in a bikini you would want me to do the same for you!
Makes me want to exercise!
Then I am back to reality...where is the ice cream?
Makes me want to exercise!
Then I am back to reality...where is the ice cream?
Jessica Biel's amazing butt
Dana before you start talking about Jessica's butt, let me point out a few things...
First of all, she is totally airbrushed. So that means she really isn't this tan and they firmed her up a bit. Don't get me wrong, she has an amazing body but nobody looks like that...
Plus she has had NO kids and she is young. Did I mention her boyfriend is JT??? That would put my big booty on the treadmill!

Plus she has had NO kids and she is young. Did I mention her boyfriend is JT??? That would put my big booty on the treadmill!

Jessica Biel
As you all know...JT's girlfriend is Jessica Biel... and I think she has an amazing body! I am not a freak. I am not a lesbian. I am JUST a stay-at-home mom who can say that another girl has an amazing body!
You all are thinking the same thing!
I will post the butt that I want...
You all are thinking the same thing!
I will post the butt that I want...
Last blog about Justin...(for the day)...
When I came up with "justjill" ...I really wasn't thinking about Justin...but I do use the word JUST alot!
William Rast
My "hairdresser" Amy told me that there is a store in Indy that sells William Rast now! So..... I stopped in there the last time I was there and my butt does not look like Jessica Simpson's !!! Ticked me off...
I am still a little mad...
at Justin when he was on the MTV music awards last year, when he totally blew off The Hills girls...not nice Justin!
Got caught!
OMG! I saw L.B. at the outlet mall today! I told Dana that I was going to Columbus to Sams Club but my suburban always does just zooms right passed there and goes straight to the Coach store! I need to have it looked at...too weird...
Bet you all couldn't use the word "zoom" like I Just did! ???
Last time I was up there, I saw LB up there too!
So LB, if you are reading time, we should just ride together...
Bet you all couldn't use the word "zoom" like I Just did! ???
Last time I was up there, I saw LB up there too!
So LB, if you are reading time, we should just ride together...
May is so stressful! Mother's Day, field trips, pool construction, last day of school, 5th grade dance, Paris n London, shopping in LA, etc.
Ellen is getting...
MARRIED! She just announced it! I wonder how many times I use the word "just"...
got your tongue? Have you noticed that everyone is speechless regarding the xylophone? No comments about it???
Oh by the way...
Justin is HOT!
Oh by the way...
Justin is HOT!
No not Justin Bobby...but Justin TIMBERLAKE!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE him!!!!!!!!!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!! We only got 4 minutes to save the world! Grab a guy...grab a girl!
Sorry...that is what he was singing!
I want to dance with him...
No fair Ellen!...
Ellen doesn't even like boys!
Hot Hot Hot!!!!!!!!!
I had to change the color font to red...cause Justin is on fire!!!!!!!!!
Sorry...that is what he was singing!
I want to dance with him...
No fair Ellen!...
Ellen doesn't even like boys!
Hot Hot Hot!!!!!!!!!
I had to change the color font to red...cause Justin is on fire!!!!!!!!!
I'm back. Xylophone. I thought the spelling was more complicated than that.
I LOVE the xylophone! I would probably pay Karmen to play that!
I LOVE the xylophone! I would probably pay Karmen to play that!
My favorite instrument...
Do you ever think...if only I was young and in SMS and could turn back time...would you make the same choices? I think I would have skipped out on choir and done band. Cool kids are in band. I would play the Have NO idea how to spell I think I need to look it up real back
Will it ever stop raining long enough to finish the pool? i know this seems minor to alot of people but it is MAJOR here!
Speaking of minor and major...let's talk about band again...
Speaking of minor and major...let's talk about band again...
Band continued...
How many of you JustJill fans were in band?? Choir??
I can't sing...I think I can sing...I tried out for Swing Choir and made it! I don't know how...they probably just needed an extra...I think I just wanted to do it so I could wear a special outfit... But now that i think of wasn't even that great...
Can any of my JustJill fans sing???
I can't sing...I think I can sing...I tried out for Swing Choir and made it! I don't know how...they probably just needed an extra...I think I just wanted to do it so I could wear a special outfit... But now that i think of wasn't even that great...
Can any of my JustJill fans sing???
Good question! I don't know if Midway is hiring and does seem like ACD is taking alot of breaks...
Hot girls...Kim
I get tired of having to post hot picture of Kim Kardashian for my husband to look at... doesn't that seem a little weird?
Love it...
Who needs coffee when you have JustJill? I love it when I get my fans fired up! I had no idea that SMS was going to cause such a stir! I LOVE it!
Very happy that someone out there is standing up for me and my Coach umbrella! It is pretty cool! I just wish I could close it with one hand ...instead of having to ask strangers to help me hold it while I pinch my finger off...Hey! which reminds all know exactly what I am talking about! I am scared to death that I will pinch my finger when I close an umbrella. You guys do too...
SPW is the one out there always calling me a freak. I am not a FREAK! Just a little unique! Love that word!
Very happy that someone out there is standing up for me and my Coach umbrella! It is pretty cool! I just wish I could close it with one hand ...instead of having to ask strangers to help me hold it while I pinch my finger off...Hey! which reminds all know exactly what I am talking about! I am scared to death that I will pinch my finger when I close an umbrella. You guys do too...
SPW is the one out there always calling me a freak. I am not a FREAK! Just a little unique! Love that word!
As I sit in SMS listening to guy talk about band instruments...I am checking out all of the other parents in the room...
I have to be one of the coolest moms there! So why is Karmen embarrassed of me? I mean...just because I was so excited to get my Coach umbrella out cause it was raining and I yelled when it popped up ....but that was all outside of the building...I didn't do anything to embarrass her when we walked in...except that I couldn't get that darn cute umbrella to close up the way I wanted it too...and then when we sat down I was freaking out over the price of the instrument! I was only asking the other parents how in the world they were going to pay for this darn saxophone... I mean what is the best way? Do you rent one? Make payments for the rest of your life on one? Borrow the neighbors? Can't they just share an instrument? O.k. I am only teasing! I want the best, shiniest, coolest bling bling instrument there! And how come they don't come in shiny pink with crystals? But when I mentioned this in front of the whole school I know that the other mom's were thinking the same thing...
O.k. that just made for a good story...really I didn't do any of that!
The umbrella part of the story is true and then just one more thing...
as we were standing in line to pay and signup I asked Karmen, "Do you want me to show you where my locker was? " She said, "No mom that's have showed me before." I guess that would have embarrassed her...but I was standing so close to it! I just wanted to go over there and try out my old locker combination and swing that locker open and then slam it shut! O.k. so maybe I am a little embarrassing...
I have to be one of the coolest moms there! So why is Karmen embarrassed of me? I mean...just because I was so excited to get my Coach umbrella out cause it was raining and I yelled when it popped up ....but that was all outside of the building...I didn't do anything to embarrass her when we walked in...except that I couldn't get that darn cute umbrella to close up the way I wanted it too...and then when we sat down I was freaking out over the price of the instrument! I was only asking the other parents how in the world they were going to pay for this darn saxophone... I mean what is the best way? Do you rent one? Make payments for the rest of your life on one? Borrow the neighbors? Can't they just share an instrument? O.k. I am only teasing! I want the best, shiniest, coolest bling bling instrument there! And how come they don't come in shiny pink with crystals? But when I mentioned this in front of the whole school I know that the other mom's were thinking the same thing...
O.k. that just made for a good story...really I didn't do any of that!
The umbrella part of the story is true and then just one more thing...
as we were standing in line to pay and signup I asked Karmen, "Do you want me to show you where my locker was? " She said, "No mom that's have showed me before." I guess that would have embarrassed her...but I was standing so close to it! I just wanted to go over there and try out my old locker combination and swing that locker open and then slam it shut! O.k. so maybe I am a little embarrassing...
A little dizzy...
I am actually feeling a little dizzy right now. I think I am so sleep deprived and my head is spinning thinking of Spongebob...
Bathroom break...
OMG! Who took their computer in the bathroom??? That is awesome! I wish I had a picture of that...
Spongebob Squarepants
I used to absolutely hate Spongebob years ago...but I have learned to put up with him since Cole LOVES him! If you really sit down and watch is quite funny. Well at least I think so...
and Patrick! I LOVE Patrick! He is so stupid and he makes me laugh. I wish I had a friend like Patrick...
You know what would be perfect? Is a gay friend like Patrick! That would be sooo sick!
Do I have to explain that the word "sick" means awesome or do all of you JustJill fans know that by now?
Anyway, my blog was supposed to be about a game that I played last night. Cole has one of those plug in controllers that you just stick in the tv....well I stayed up forever playing that Spongebob game! I am now the high scorer on it!
and Patrick! I LOVE Patrick! He is so stupid and he makes me laugh. I wish I had a friend like Patrick...
You know what would be perfect? Is a gay friend like Patrick! That would be sooo sick!
Do I have to explain that the word "sick" means awesome or do all of you JustJill fans know that by now?
Anyway, my blog was supposed to be about a game that I played last night. Cole has one of those plug in controllers that you just stick in the tv....well I stayed up forever playing that Spongebob game! I am now the high scorer on it!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
O.k. so I lied...

I wore an AWESOME dress to the finale party! I will try and post a picture later.
The Hills
That's all I have regarding The Hills.... unless someone comments then I will try not to post any more about the hills crew..
Brody is looking H O T !!!
I LOVE Whitney! She is my favorite cause she is always nice. You can't get her to say one mean thing about anyone! She is definitely not a "MEAN GIRL"!!!!!!!
Didn't you all like the conversation between her and Lauren at work? She was like "So how is Audrina? How are things at the new house?" Lauren does one of her "sly looks"....I guess there is no need for me to write the whole show on here...

Old picture
Justin Bobby
Justin Bobby was looking kinda hot that night! Does anyone else think so? Looks like Audrina has lost a little weight too. Did you see her on the "Aftershow?"
The Hills
So how many of you JustJill fans watched the Hills on Monday night? I watched it Monday night and also Tuesday day/night...etc. I was so mad at LO and LC !!!! Lo definitely wants Lauren to herself. I can't believe that Lauren can't see that! Lo was so rude when they went to the recording studio for like 5 seconds and then Lo says, "I'm hungry. Let's go shopping." AND Lauren was trying to act like she liked the band when she totally didn't. So obvious. Then when they were having the "roommates" dinner and you could definitely tell that Lo didn't want Audrina to come anyway. I wish Audrina would just knock her out! She needs the s@#% kicked out of her anyway.
I know!
I know! I got so excited about my present that I let it slip with her official code name! I am not used to getting presents....I am usually the giver and not the receiver...threw me offguard!
I'm back...slowly
So sorry...Yes, Mother's Day I was just being lazy and then Monday and Tuesday not feeling well. I am slowly coming back into this dull dreary rainy day world. I wanted to talk about THE HILLS soooo bad yesterday but never got around to it. Have to take the kids to school and then I have alot to report.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
America's Next Top Model is on right now on Mtv. I tried to walk like a model last night but it was not working out with my tennis shoes on.
I also found out that SPW watches this show too!
I have only one photo in my hand. For one, you will go on and for the other one, you will go pack your bags and go home. So who stays, "The pretty one or the ugly one." You are on your way to being the next top model. Congratulations
I also found out that SPW watches this show too!
I have only one photo in my hand. For one, you will go on and for the other one, you will go pack your bags and go home. So who stays, "The pretty one or the ugly one." You are on your way to being the next top model. Congratulations
Nice P.Diddy, J.Lo, Ellen, Sean P Diddy, Sean John Combs, Puff Daddy, Puff D. Diddy, etc.... watch! BLING BLING
Put on your thinking caps...
This will be fun...let's try to come up with a new code name for TCO. She doesn't have to use it of course but let's give her a few choices...
Here are my suggestions:
THO (that is what Dana calls her)
Here are my suggestions:
THO (that is what Dana calls her)
Oh I am soooo sorry! I just reread my last blog and I totally gave away who TCO is!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea! So sorry! (Although I think everyone already knew!)...
Guess she will have to come up with a new code name.
Guess she will have to come up with a new code name.
To my friend, TCO,...
OMG! Thank you soooo much for my surprise! Cole comes home from school yesterday and was so excited! (His gpa picked him up in one of his "old" cars...) so I thought he was happy about that. He was...but he opened up his backpack and said, "Leisa put something in here just for you!" So I opened it up and I was so happy! She knows me too well...
I will leave you in suspense and blog about it later
OMG! Thank you soooo much for my surprise! Cole comes home from school yesterday and was so excited! (His gpa picked him up in one of his "old" cars...) so I thought he was happy about that. He was...but he opened up his backpack and said, "Leisa put something in here just for you!" So I opened it up and I was so happy! She knows me too well...
I will leave you in suspense and blog about it later
Speaking of bathroom security...
Bathroom security did awesome. I don't think ANYONE got passed those men. Even when I went to the of the Security guys says, "You have 5 minutes". HA
Where was Dana?
Well I think L.T. was disappointed that her date didn't show up at the dance. I felt really bad for her cause she was looking HOT! Her husband and two other guys had bathroom security jobs so L.T. was hanging out with the other gals. She took some "sick" pictures though. (Does everyone remember that "sick" is a good thing....Ryan uses that word all the sick means GOOD!) SPW didn't have to pose her...we think she has done this before. LOL
5th grade dance continued...
Took over 250 pictures last night and everyone really liked the backdrop that I worked on for 2 weeks. I have to say, "THANK YOU to SPW and D.W.!!!" for helping me last night. They were awesome and I couldn't have done it without them. So thank you my little elves! SPW was on it! She posed everyone and did a fantastic job and D.W. did alot of posing in front of the camera and let me practice with the lighting. She also brought me a piece of cake but someone ate it before I could get to it! I will post who it was later.
The 5th Grade Dance
Well I think the dance was a success! I had a good time and I think Karmen did too! I stayed off the dance floor and didn't wear a sparkly tube top. I did realize after I had gotten there that I still had a sticker on my shirt. Don't laugh cause you know you have all done that too! I asked D.W. when I first got there to make sure I didn't have a size sticker on my new shirt. Yes Dana it was new! I did not buy it for the dance...I just bought it last week for no particular reason. Well we all know that D.W. had on a new outfit...but she always does! We caught her with a size sticker on her new jeans Friday morning. Thank goodness it was before school started though! So when I walk in to school ...D.W. says, "I like your shirt. Did you buy that at Ann Taylor?" I said, "Yes." Then I specifically said, "I don't have a size sticker or anything on I?" She said, "No." Then I see it! Right there on my belly ...under my boob!!!!! I am like, "OMG! There is a sticker on my shirt!" I think she really knew and wanted me to look stupid. So I stuck it on her! She then said she was going to keep it on her so everyone would think she wore a small. She is as crazy as I am. Well almost...
The Hills
Just FYI... The Hills has been "approved" for another season! Yeah! is my thing...I feel like it just started this season and already the finale is on Monday! That went by too quick... is my thing...I feel like it just started this season and already the finale is on Monday! That went by too quick...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Karmen will be on here later so I went ahead and told her about my emotional state of mind. She understands. I told her I will try and do better.
So excited!
I heard from a friend that another friend is A JustJill Fan! I was very excited! Because I LOVE her! She is funny, cute, very stylish, etc. etc.
I bet she is even the former cheerleader!!!
Could it be... M.H.???
I bet she is even the former cheerleader!!!
Could it be... M.H.???
Comment on comment
Thank you to whoever said that husbands can wait for dinner! JustJill can't wait! You ROCK!
One more thing...
The Studio has a new website! I think they read JustJill and decided instead of changing the girls (holding the same flower)...they changed their website. At least something is different
Need to go paint
I am making the backdrop for the 5th grade dance tomorrow...I better go finish it. I will send a picture later
I should have hired TCO to do it. She is an excellent artist
I should have hired TCO to do it. She is an excellent artist
JustJill Fans
Have any of you gotten in trouble by your husbands cause they come home and you are on JustJill instead of cooking dinner? It's o.k. to say yes. I am honest. You can be too. But then we secretly know that our husbands are at work or (late at night)...they are on here too.
Wife Swap
It is not what you are thinking! On occasion I have watched Wife Swap on tv. I don't even know if it is still on...??????? We have laughed and wondered who we would get to swap with us? You know how it is always the total opposite? Well what if they liked the "new" mom? What if she cooked and cleaned all the time? What if she wore a moo-moo and picked the kids up from school? What if she yelled at and said "No Coke!" I would probably be stuck on a farm, with bugs, and an outhouse, with dirty smelly kids, and then I would have to go milk a cow or something!
Do you ever think, "What makes JustJill think of this stuff?"
Do you ever think, "What makes JustJill think of this stuff?"
Hair bows
Thank you to whoever commented on the hairbows! I feel complete now. were not a cheerleader were not a cheerleader
Pricest Cribs
Thank you to Dana for taking Cole to TacoBell! It was like I had a lunch break!
Just turned the tv on and it is on Mtv...Cribs..Priciest Cribs Countdown. They just had #4 35 million...Rod Stewarts home. Just the pool was estimated at $240,000.00!!! It was pretty awesome. I'm sure you all have seen this cause it is a rerun but have you noticed how they always open the fridge and show what is in where? Bottled waters, maybe a Red Bull or two, some celery sticks, etc. That is how they all stay so skinny! I was thinking if Mtv came to my house and I opened my fridge....Scary!!!!!
Just turned the tv on and it is on Mtv...Cribs..Priciest Cribs Countdown. They just had #4 35 million...Rod Stewarts home. Just the pool was estimated at $240,000.00!!! It was pretty awesome. I'm sure you all have seen this cause it is a rerun but have you noticed how they always open the fridge and show what is in where? Bottled waters, maybe a Red Bull or two, some celery sticks, etc. That is how they all stay so skinny! I was thinking if Mtv came to my house and I opened my fridge....Scary!!!!!
Ridiculous hairbows
Has nobody commented on the hairbow blog? I spent a half hour looking for a good picture of that!
She makes me proud...
when you read the blog below...I am so proud of Karmen for already thinking about her 16th bday. HA JustJoking!
She better get a job...
I know Dana! I need one too...
She better get a job...
I know Dana! I need one too...
Sweet 16
I know TCO knows all about this...but I want to talk about the show "Sweet 16 " that they had on Mtv ALL the time. I haven't seen it in months though. Did they finally run out of kids who have rich parents?
Crazy, ridiculous show. But...I was hooked on it. point sister lives in Lexington, KY and we pass by this "home" on the way. Karmen said that she wanted us to rent it so she could have her Sweet 16 party there.
I think I have talked about this before....but I have a story about Calvin and Cole.
They have this hate/love relationship. They want to be together most of the time but they get on each other's last nerve. I bet you never thought you could fight over the color green??? Well you can. My stomach churns when it is about 3:00 p.m. I go pick the kids up from school and everyone wants to talk at the same time. Before we even get to Redding...Cole is yelling "I want to talk first!".
Calvin wants to go to Sonic everyday and Cole doesn't. So I had to make every other day a "Sonic Day".
Back to the color green...
Green is Cole's favorite color. And if you ask him...he will tell you about the color green.He likes to say that he knows everything about the color green. Well then Calvin likes to put his two cents worth in and then it is WWIII over the color GREEN!!!!!!!! Drives me nuts!
They have this hate/love relationship. They want to be together most of the time but they get on each other's last nerve. I bet you never thought you could fight over the color green??? Well you can. My stomach churns when it is about 3:00 p.m. I go pick the kids up from school and everyone wants to talk at the same time. Before we even get to Redding...Cole is yelling "I want to talk first!".
Calvin wants to go to Sonic everyday and Cole doesn't. So I had to make every other day a "Sonic Day".
Back to the color green...
Green is Cole's favorite color. And if you ask him...he will tell you about the color green.He likes to say that he knows everything about the color green. Well then Calvin likes to put his two cents worth in and then it is WWIII over the color GREEN!!!!!!!! Drives me nuts!
Warwick Castle
Let them go...
Isn't it funny how people say, "You have to let them grow up and let go sometimes." Don't you just want to slap the $&*@ out of them?" Maybe I am not ready for that. I want to post some awesome pictures of Warwick Castle that she will be staying at....
Sad again...
OMG! What is wrong with me? I have not been this upset in a long time. It's a "good" upset though. Karmen knows that I am so excited for her...just sad as a Mom. I know I need to keep it inside and be brave. Thank you soooo much for all of the nice comments and supporting me. It did make me laugh...when Dana put "Put her @#% on the plane and then get a six pack on the way home!" will be sad too. I think I am going to go to Hawaii and backpack for two weeks. O.k. maybe not backpack...I will take a walk though. :)
One more thing...
You asked how Karmen was feeling about all of this...She seems excited but doesn't say a whole lot about it. She keeps alot to herself.
Thank you to whoever is up this morning and asking questions about Karmen. First, I am sorry about being so emotional last night. Did not sleep at all either! I didn't have FunDip here to "console" me so I had a little ice cream about 2:00 a.m.
Karmen's trip ...some of you may already know all the details so I apologize if you are reading this twice.
It's with People to People Student Ambassadors....The Tale of Two Cities. They are gone for 2 weeks and they stay busy the whole time. It will be fun but it is alot of learning. They are not tourists...they are students. It really is pretty neat and they get to go "behind the scenes" on everything! Find out the history on everything and meet all the "important" officials of each country. They get to stay overnight at a castle ...which nobody gets to do unless you are with People to People. They also get to spend the day at Disney World Paris. They meet with the Parliament (spelling?) and Karmen will even have to wear a dress! She is dying over that!
they won't keep in touch too much. They stress that when they do call to make it short and sweet. Just ask how their day was and don't talk a lot about home. So I shouldn't say, "Oh Karmen! We are having the time of our life here!" HA They also say that usually the kids do get homesick. That they keep them so busy they don't have time. 2 or 3 they might. Cause usually that is the day that it "sinks in" that they are really away from home. They don't want the kids to take cell phones. Just a phone card and then at night or sometimes during the day if they have some free time...and there is a pay phone near by...then they can call home. No real contact though. The leader calls when they land and then we have a phone tree and we call the other parents. The group of kids from her delegation are very nice. She will meet the other 30-40 kids at the airport. They stay at hotels (she said probably not 5 star!) and they don't know the bathroom situations until they get there. Could be in their room or could be one bathroom down the hall! Remember how our college dorms were??? That will go over well with my princess!
Gotta go...I will post more later...
Karmen's trip ...some of you may already know all the details so I apologize if you are reading this twice.
It's with People to People Student Ambassadors....The Tale of Two Cities. They are gone for 2 weeks and they stay busy the whole time. It will be fun but it is alot of learning. They are not tourists...they are students. It really is pretty neat and they get to go "behind the scenes" on everything! Find out the history on everything and meet all the "important" officials of each country. They get to stay overnight at a castle ...which nobody gets to do unless you are with People to People. They also get to spend the day at Disney World Paris. They meet with the Parliament (spelling?) and Karmen will even have to wear a dress! She is dying over that!
they won't keep in touch too much. They stress that when they do call to make it short and sweet. Just ask how their day was and don't talk a lot about home. So I shouldn't say, "Oh Karmen! We are having the time of our life here!" HA They also say that usually the kids do get homesick. That they keep them so busy they don't have time. 2 or 3 they might. Cause usually that is the day that it "sinks in" that they are really away from home. They don't want the kids to take cell phones. Just a phone card and then at night or sometimes during the day if they have some free time...and there is a pay phone near by...then they can call home. No real contact though. The leader calls when they land and then we have a phone tree and we call the other parents. The group of kids from her delegation are very nice. She will meet the other 30-40 kids at the airport. They stay at hotels (she said probably not 5 star!) and they don't know the bathroom situations until they get there. Could be in their room or could be one bathroom down the hall! Remember how our college dorms were??? That will go over well with my princess!
Gotta go...I will post more later...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I am not feeling the best today. I am sooo emotional about Karmen leaving. It honestly is making me sick. I am so proud of her and think this will be an amazing experience...but it does not make it any easier on me. When all of this started it was like I had 9 months to think about it. Then the months have flown by and as I look at the is only 6 weeks away. It will be here so soon and how in the world am I going to be able to put her on that plane and go halfway around the world? She is 11 going on 20 but she is still only eleven! Can't stand it....gotta go to bed...
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