Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 31, 2008

I have some explaining to do...

Good Monday Morning to all my Just Jill fans! HA (I know...there are probably only like five of you that read this...but I like saying FANS!). Just Jill is getting a little more popular these days and alot of people are getting my blog site and checking it out! So excited over that! BUT...I feel like I just need to explain some things so people don't think that I am too weird. They are sure to think that I am a lesbian, a swinger, a call girl, etc...if I don't say something about this. This is all fun and games. I am faithful to my husband, we are not swingers (as of yet), and I am not a call girl or a lesbian. I just like to say certain things and then it comes out kinda wrong. So please still let your kids come over and play and I promise that nothing too weird is happening here at the Johnson house! By the way...for the rest of you...our second Swingers meeting will be held next month...I will "CALL" you with the details...ha
O.k. back to being normal...sometimes I take too many pictures of hot girls and guys but it is all for fun. It's o.k. to admit that some other girl or guy is hot as long as your don't cross the line. Right?


Anonymous said...

I am really disappointed that I did not get invited to the first meeting! What the hell!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you R weird that is why I like you

Anonymous said...

So are you ever going to post a picture of yourself? R you going to remain a mystery BLOGGER forever? Hmmmmmmmmm.............