Leelou Blogs

Thursday, March 20, 2008

XXS, XS and S

I love this title! I couldn't wait to get home and write about this one. Went to the mall today to do a little bit of shopping while the kids were gone. This is not breaking news to anyone but I thought about it alot today. Every store I went in the clothes are getting smaller and smaller and smaller. (or maybe I am getting bigger, bigger and bigger?) . A size XL is looking more and more like what a size small should look like. Don't even get me started on pant sizes! They even make size 00! I mean...if you don't already feel bad enough going in these stores, you can't even buy anything unless you are like around 8years old. In Hollywood, they say that anything over a size 2 is almost unheard of. They would call you "heavy" if you were a size 4 or above. So is a size 6 and above considered "plus" size? Come on! No wonder everyone is considering some form of an eating disorder! Or maybe they can start with size 6 Husky! OH! Then they put the word "slim" after some of the sizes. So if you are already a size 2 why would they put slim after that? Don't we already know that if you are a size 2 to begin with that you are slim? You don't ever see Size 2 Husky. Just giving you something to think about. O.k. now I have an example that happened to me today...
Ran in Calvin Klein today and they had some tshirts on sale. So I thought...well I better be safe than sorry and try it on. So I grabbed a large because it looked like a medium maybe. Try it on and it fits but it was all cotton so I asked the salesperson if they had an XL in it. They said, "An XL in womens?" I said, "Yes". She then said, "Oh we don't carry XL things in womens. We only go up to a Large." I am surprised that they didn't just send me over to the Motherhood store.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wish I was with you when the saleslady said that! I would have loved to see your face!! Let's go back to the store and make fun of her!!!!!!!!!!!! What size was she??? XXS?????