You know sometimes I wonder why celebrities are always on the latest cover of People, US Weekly, In Touch, etc. showing off their babies... like they are the only people that has ever given birth! We are supposed to be jumping up and down and thinking "Wow, that is amazing that they pushed those babies out!" People do it everyday but why aren't we on the cover of People? Why did they name their magazine People anyway? We are all people. Maybe they need a separate magazine that is called "Celebrities and their Babies". What do you think? Anyway this Friday Jennifer Lopez is on the cover with her cute little twins, Max and Emme. I must say..they are pretty babies. I think J. Lo is gorgeous...but not Marc Anthony is not too hot. Anyway...here is a sneak preview...
What was all that crap in the babies beds?? Don't they know that you are not supposed to put anything in the babies beds these days!!! J Lo looked FAB -her hubby looked like he had too much makeup on!! I wonder how many Millions they got paid for those pics??????//
they need pics of real moms-with DARK circles under their eyes-SPIT UP all over their shirt-the house a mess-dirty laundry in piles. NOW THAT WOULD BE REAL!! I wonder which famous mom would pose for pics like that???
I do like those names she picked out
J lo's nose got HUGE when she was pregnant- it was bigger than Marc's whole head
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