Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Quiz!

What do you all think of those quizzes that come over email and you have to highlight, copy and paste your answers and then forward it to the person that sent it to you and then also to all of your email buddies??? Well I personally like them for some weird reason. Although it is the same questions over and over again. Like what is your favorite ice cream? Crouton or bacon bits? Red or pink? How many places have you lived? Favorite vacation spot? Hugs or kisses? O.k. so you get the picture. I think I should come up with a brand new fun and Crazzzyyyyy quiz! Answer questions that we all really want to be asked and we all really want to know the answers too! What do you think???? Like just to give you an idea of what I mean...My first question could be: Underwear? None, grannies or thongs?


Anonymous said...

i am so over those QUIZ emails

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A new quiz would be fun I am sick of the other ones