Leelou Blogs

Monday, March 10, 2008

The first day of my blog!!! Just Jill has arrived!

Oh my goodness! I am so excited! I have wanted to do this for a long time but didn't really know how to go about it. My first idea was to write my own article in the newspaper...complete with paparazzi pictures (yes, taken by me) of our own "celebrities" here in Seymour...and also lots of good topics. Not anything serious of course! Just things like reality shows, Hot Topics on the View, and I MUST always comment on who is on the cover of People and US Weekly! Which by the way ...are two of my favorite magazines! So I am trying this FREE blog out to see what happens. Maybe nobody will ever read anything that I say, but I love to write it down. ..Or just maybe it will turn into something spectacular and I might be one of the "celebrities" in town! Well, o.k...maybe I am getting way ahead of myself here. I tend to do that with everything that I start. Dana, my husband, says I start lots of projects and sometimes don't always finish them. Oh well...maybe this is my calling...at least for this month. I hate it when he is right!

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